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This is a toy application intended to stress the capabilities of Phoenix and Elixir to handle the load of a modern chat application. It was originally created for a Codemash 2015 talk.

This server is intended to be used with seejee/node-chat-client and serves as a foil to seejee/node-chat-server



  1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  2. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


  1. MIX_ENV=prod mix do clean, compile, compile.protocols
  2. MIX_ENV=prod PORT=4000 elixir -pa _build/prod/consolidated -S mix phoenix.server

Architecure Overview

This system simulates a student/teacher chat system where students wait in a queue until a teacher is available to chat with them. Teachers are able to chat with up to five students at a time. Teachers periodically try to pick up new students, and if one is available, the student and teacher will enter a private chat room.i

Once the student and teacher chat for a while, the teacher ends the chat and the student disconnects. The teacher then picks up the next student from the queue.

The components for this system are as follows:

Teacher Roster / Teacher Roster Server

Responsible for keeping track of which teachers are online.

Student Roster / Student Roster Server

Responsible for keeping track of which students are online.

Chat Log / Chat Log Server

Responsible for keeping track of which chats are in progress. Each chat also keeps track of whether the student and teacher have entered the private channel.

Chat Lifetime Server

Interacts with the Teacher Roster Server, Student Roster Server, and Chat Log Server to initate a new chat. It is implemented as its own GenServer to provide synchronization around pulling a student out the queue, assigning them to a teacher, and then creating the new chat.

Presence Channel

  1. Handles students and teachers connecting and disconnecting.
  2. Handles teachers trying to initiate a new chat.
  3. Publishes how many teachers and students are online to all connected teachers.

Chat Channel

  1. Handles students and teachers joining a private topic.
  2. Handles the chat being terminated by a student.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • JavaScript 60.7%
  • Elixir 39.3%