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Checks Fulcro client state is in the Om Next 'Default DB Format'


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No need to use this anymore - Fulcro Inspect is all you need.


Checks that your Fulcro client state is formatted as per the normalized storage format - AKA Default DB Format

Current release:

Clojars Project

default-db-format is a development tool that checks client state stays normalized in the face of your code's mutations. It does this with an understanding of the conventions that the keys of the state map use. So for instance if (get-in [my-table-name/by-id 14] :my/join) becomes something other than:

  • an Ident or
  • vector of Idents or
  • a simple scalar value,

then this will be recognised and a heads-up display (HUD) will pop up. Note that simple scalar value is defined to include objects such as dates and uuids.

This library is a Fulcro tool. As such the setup will be similar to that for Fulcro Inspect, which you have likely already installed. In your Leiningen project file make sure that [default-db-format "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"] is an entry in your :dev profile's :dependencies vector. Then look for :preloads and :external-config in the "dev" :cljsbuild:

:preloads         [devtools.preload
:external-config  {:fulcro.inspect/config {:launch-keystroke "ctrl-f"}
                   :default-db-format/config {:collapse-keystroke "ctrl-q"
                                              :debounce-timeout   2000}}

If you don't find a :preloads in project.clj then also check shadow-cljs.edn. Note that default-db-format.preload should come before fulcro.inspect.preload (*). The collapse keystroke is a toggle to get this tool out of the way of the UI of the host application you are working on. The debounce timeout ensures that when your application's state is being hammered with changes Default DB Format will only be checking it every so often.

The default configuration for default-db-format.core/check is:

{:table-ending #{"/by-id" "/BY-ID"}}

However you may need to set your own configuration, perhaps choosing a different set of strings for :table-ending, or choosing some regexes for :table-pattern. Configuration is done in the default-db-format.edn file, kept at /resources/config/. See the Reference for configuration key meanings. In short Default DB Format will do its job if it can recognise all the tables in your application's state.

Fulcro Websocket Demo

You should see this message pop up in the browser:

There is a problem with the root join :root/login-form and with the field join :active-user-panel. The issue is similar in both cases - the tool is not recognising that [:LOGIN-FORM-UI :UI]and [:UI-ACTIVE-USERS :UI] are Idents. If you inspect the state then this map-entry may catch your eye:

:LOGIN-FORM-UI {:UI {:db/id :UI, :ui/username ""}}

Here :LOGIN-FORM-UI is obviously a table/component/class with only one instance possible, signified by the second (or id) part of the Ident being :UI rather than some number. Thus we have probably discovered the convention for 'one of' components in this project. Armed with this insight we can now create our default-db-format.edn file:

{:one-of-id :UI}

Changes to this file will only be picked up when you (reload-config) in Figwheel and Shift-F5 in the browser to directly reload the page.

On browser reload a message from the console shows the new configuration has indeed been picked up. This time the HUD may briefly flash up, but when all state changes are complete there will be nothing for Default DB Format to complain about.

Fulcro ToDoMVC

You should see this message pop up in the browser:

The state has a map-entry: :root/application [:application :root], and one of the components has an Ident: [:application :root]. The tool is (correctly) telling us it thinks that :root/application is a join, and as such its value should either be an Ident or a vector of Idents. So the tool is not picking up that [:application :root] is an Ident. If :application had instead been :application/by-id the tool would have been happy. So we need to tell the tool that :application is a table, even though it doesn't satisfy :table-ending:

{:table-name :application}

Note that for all config keys where it is sensible you can provide their values however you like. For instance here the value :application will be translated internally into #{:application}. Both [:application] and #{:application} would have been acceptable alternatives to :application for :table-name.

Fulcro Template

Starting with the second complaint, there's a special key for routing table names: :routing-table. It doesn't take too much investigation of the state or code to find the possible values apart from :login.

The first complaint is about :root/modals. It cannot be a root level join/edge/FK because its value is a map (rather than an Ident or a vector of Idents). It cannot be a table because the value associated with :welcome-modal key is not a map. So :root/modals must be a link. It is interesting to compare it with the map-entry in the state for :current-user, which is a root level join:

:current-user [:user/by-id 2]

If you compare :root/modals and :current-user in the code you can see that they both look like joins in the Root component, but :root/modals points to a component (Modals) that does not have an Ident. An alternative implementation would give Modals an Ident and it would become a 'one of' table/component. Anyway :root/modals is a link and this is our edn:

{:routing-table [:login :main :new-user :preferences]
 :skip-link          [:root/modals]}

Baby Sharks (Default DB Format devcard)

From the second complaint we can see that the table :adult/by-id has a join :adult/babies that the tool thinks ought to be a vector of Idents. Of course we can tell that they are Idents, just without the usual /by-id. In the first complaint the tool has incorrectly assumed that a root/top level join called :baby/id has the problem that its value is not a vector of Idents. Of course its premise is incorrect - :baby/id is not a join but a table. Here's a clearer view of what the table looks like in state:

 {1 {:db/id 1
     :baby/first-name "Baby Shark 1"}
  2 {:db/id 2
     :baby/first-name "Baby Shark 2"}}

If we can get the tool to understand that :baby/id is the name of a table both complaints ought to resolve:

{:table-ending #{"/by-id" "/BY-ID" "/id"}}

Notice that we have chosen to keep the default convention: if we had made the value merely #{"/id"} then :table-ending would become a misnomer!

The Baby Sharks devcard consists of a series of buttons that intentionally affect the state in order to bring up Default DB Format messages. The first button is "Give a field-join a map". This is almost always a real problem that needs to be fixed. So this time there won't be a configuration change. We've seen this one before, but not where the value is a map:

If for some reason you did want to have maps as scalar value objects then :acceptable-map-value can be used to specify them. So for example setting it to [:r :g :b] would allow {:g 255 :r 255 :b 255}. Vectors are also supported as value objects with :acceptable-vector-value.

If your objects are not simple enough to describe using :acceptable-map-value or :acceptable-vector-value, or the situation is more that a particular join is designated as a denormalized object holder, then :skip-field-join (or :skip-link if the join is at the root level) can come to the rescue.

There's a button that will restore the state, after which you should press "Give a root-join a map":

It is quite common to keep maps (or any other denormalized data) in links, which in a normal application we would do by setting the key :skip-link to :here-is/some-link in the config file and then doing (reload-config) in Figwheel and Shift-F5 in the browser. Here we can just make use of the "Restore order..." button. In reality this where Default DB Format is earning its keep - it is telling you about a problem your mutations have inadvertently caused.

Fulcro Inspect

{:one-of-id       ["main" :singleton]
 :table-ending    ["id"]
 :table-name      [:fulcro.inspect.ui.dom-history-viewer/dom-viewer
 :skip-link       [:ui/root]
 :skip-field-join [

Fulcro Inspect is normally ignored by Default DB Format. However it, or any other client application can be targeted using the lein :default-db-format/config key :host-root-path. Here it was set to "fulcro.inspect.core/GlobalRoot". Messages in the browser console inform you of the names of (non-tool) applications that are discarded, in case Default DB Format has targeted the wrong one when you are developing a multiple application client.


Fulcro causes some de-normalization to your application's state, which is internalized by Default DB Format. If it were not, this is what the edn configuration delta would need to be:

{:skip-field-join :fulcro.ui.forms/form
 :skip-link [:fulcro/server-error :fulcro.client.routing/routing-tree]}


There is only one cljs build in project.clj and one HTML file in resources/public: cards.html. As this project is 'client side only' create what IntelliJ calls a "Run/Debug Configuration" that has "Parameters" set to script/figwheel.clj. Once Figwheel is going use the browser to navigate to http://localhost:3449/cards.html.

There are some tests that can be run using lein run from the command line. Or create a Server REPL to call them directly. At the REPL (refresh) (from dev/user.clj) will get you started. clojure.test can be used because the underlying logic (default-db-format.core/check) is in .cljc files.

The workflow I used to manually test this tool against other applications was to lein clean lein install from Default DB Format, then lein clean lein deps from the target application where Default DB Format has already been set up as a tool. Testing against devcards is great in comparison because all can be handled by Figwheel. Often all you need to do is make a change and press F5 to reload. Of course you will still have to (reload-config) upon changing the edn file, but you will never have to execute the lein commands.

Internal version

The current internal version is 32. Having an internal version makes sense for when dealing with snapshots. 32 (and all prior numbers) go with "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT". 32 is displayed by the HUD.

Edn Configuration Reference

Key Explanation
:table-ending What comes at the end of an Ident's class (first position). Must be a string. By default is #{"/by-id" "/BY-ID"}. Note that the slash is often provided in the string you supply, but doesn't have to be, so that for example "id" will promiscuously match on both :my-table-ends-with-id and :my-table/id.
:table-pattern Regex pattern to find a match for a table, matching against a string version of the keyword, without the colon. See the top of default-db-format/core for example patterns. Use when :table-ending won't suffice.
:one-of-id Something standard in the Ident's second position, for components that the application only needs one of. For example :UI.
:table-name Some table names do not follow any convention that can be described using :table-ending or :table-pattern.
:routing-table-name Any table used as the class (first position) of a routing Ident. Treated internally the same as :table-name.
:skip-link A root level key that you don't want to be inspected. Often you might have a map at the top level that is not going to pass as a join. It is a link and you specify it as such here. Note that join keys that just contain simple scalar values are ignored anyway.
:skip-field-join A field level join key that you don't want to be part of normalization. Same concept as :skip-link, but in the field of an entity rather than at the root level.
:acceptable-map-value Description using a vector where it is a real leaf thing (simple scalar value), e.g. [:r :g :b] for colour will mean that {:g 255 :r 255 :b 255} is accepted.
:acceptable-vector-value Allowed objects in a vector, e.g. [:report-1 :report-2] for a list of reports will mean that [:report-1] is accepted but [:report-1 :report-3] is not. Note that the order of the objects is not important.


Copyright © 2018 Chris Murphy

Distributed under the MIT license.

(*) The reason it is better Default DB Format come before Fulcro Inspect is explained by comments in the source code above the def default-db-format.tool/ignore-fulcro-inspect.


Checks Fulcro client state is in the Om Next 'Default DB Format'







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