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Basic Webpack 5 Setup with SASS, Babel, PostCSS, Self-hosted fonts and SVG Sprite


This repository can be used to build a simple one-page website (i.e not React or equivalent). If you use it you can be sure that:

  • Modern Javascript will work on older browsers,
  • .scss files compile to CSS (usingthe new Dart SASS implementation which allows files to be imported with @use and @forward, replacing the now deprecated @import), and
  • the compiled CSS will work on older browsers,
  • You will also be able to easily publish the page to Git Pages.

For more information see my One Page Site Template (GitHub).

Important: It is assumed that you have node.js installed on your computer.

webpack.config.js and package.json


Note that by default, the path to the production folder is set as dist by default:

  • path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),.

However, I've changed the output folder to docs (which makes publishing to Git Pages much simpler):

  • path: path.resolve(__dirname, "docs"),.


` devServer: { static: ["./dist"], },

has been changed to:

devServer: { static: ["./docs"], },


Similarly, all references in this file to ./dist have been changed to ./docs.

Folder structure

  • All development is done inside src folder:
    • src/index.html
    • src/js
    • src/sass
    • src/img
    • src/fonts
    • src/svg
  • Production files are generated to docs folder.
    • Output files in docs are all on the same level — no folders.
      • As noted above, the default output folder name, dist, has been changed to docs.


  • SVG Sprite (optional)
  • Self-hosted fonts (optional)


Webpack 5's inbuilt SASS package now supports the @use and @forward instead of @import. However, if you don't want to use this syntax you could either:

  • put all .scss in style.scss (avoiding importing altogether) or
  • use the deprecated @import. You will get warnings, but the site won't break.

In Dart Sass, / for division is deprecated. Use math.div(), together with @use sass:math instead.


Clone repository

In a folder on your computer:

  • git clone OR
  • git clone [new name] (replacing [new name] with the folder name of your choice.)

Note: if you're going to upload your completed project to a new GitHub repository:

  1. Delete the .git folder from the root.
  2. Initialise the folder with git init.
  3. Create the new repository on GitHub.
  4. In your local folder:
    1. git add .
    2. git commit -m "First commit"
    3. git remote add origin [SSH Url]
    4. git push origin master
  5. For Git Pages see "Publishing to Git Pages", below.

npm commands

Once installed it is advisable to check if all the packages are up to date by running:

  • npm i -g npm-check-updates

Then, to update package.json, run:

  • ncu --upgrade

Finally, to install updated packages, run:

  • npm i

Build commands

A number of build commands can be found in package.json under "scripts". I have found that the most useful one is:

  • npm run cbs

This does three things:

  1. It deletes the current docs production folder, then
  2. builds it again from the src folder, then
  3. launches a web server on http://localhost:8080/.

Once done, any changes made in src will automatically update the web browser.

Note: the final production files will be in the docs folder.

Publishing to Git Pages

Important: make sure to run e.g. npm run cbs before pushing to Github.

  • git push origin master

Then, on the GitHub repository page, click on the 'Settings' tab. From the 'Settings' page, click on 'Pages' in the left hand menu.

  • Under 'Branch' select 'main'.
  • Under '/(root)' select '/docs'.
  • Click 'Save'.

Publishing to Git Pages from /dist folder

If you decide to change the output folder back to dist (as per default webpack.config) then you will have to do the following:

Important: make sure to run e.g. npm run cbs before pushing to Github.

After running git push origin master, run:

  • git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages


Useful Links

Git Pages

Website (Git Pages)