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Easily run the basic version of the Group Assignment Tool by calling python3 For more control, access the groupAssign object by calling from import groupAssign in your program and instantiating your own groupAssign object. After doing so, simply call the object's iterate_normal() method to begin swapping.


The tool takes a few parameters to get started. The student response and weighting CSVs are discussed below, and it is mandatory to provide filenames for these.

per_group: Set the number of students per group

mode: Set to 'Normal' - this needs to be updated, but typically allows random assignment and also performed group updating before that was moved to

gen_pen/eth_pen: The size of the score pentalties for groups with a student isolated by gender or ethnicity

gen_flag/eth_flag: Whether or not those penalties are implemented

gen_q/eth_q: The gender and ethnicity questions in the survey - only relevant if penalties are turned on.

name_q: This question determines which student response will be output when displaying formed groups - ensure that it is unique to each student.

n_iter: Number of iterations. This is a bit trial-and-error based and depends heavily on your dataset. In general it is safe to set this as a high number (25000+), since the program will stop once it reaches convergence. However, the default discount rate ( for the epsilon greedy swap strategy is based on reaching a 1% random swap rate after n_iter iterations, so you may have unexpectedly unstable behavior if the algorithm converges much faster.

Inside, a few parameters are unlikely to change often and are hardcoded.

self.delimiter: Stores the delimiter (';' by default) for checkbox style question outputs.

self.epsilon: Initial rate of making random swaps over greedy ones. Determines how fast epsilon decays towards 0. By default, set to reach an epsilon of .01 after n_iter iterations.

self.conv_thresh: Convergence threshold, set to .05 by default. If the algorithm goes 1000 iterations without score improvements of more than 5%, it cuts out.

self.blocks: Stores all possible scheduling blocks. By default, the Dartmouth College class schedule when not in demo mode.

CSV Formatting

Student CSV Formatting:

Row 1 contains the questions/question names, each in their own column. These must be the same as those indicated in the weighting csv. Each subsequent row contains a single student's responses to each question (with the responses to the question in column 3, for example, listed in column 3).

Weighting CSV Formatting:

Row 1 contains the questions or question names. This content MUST be the same as the questions/question names used in the student dataset or the program will not be able to match professor weights and question types with student responses.

Row 2 contains the weights of each question. Negative weights indicate selection for homogeneity, while positive weights indicate selection for heterogeneity.

Row 3 contains question types, which indicates how the program will process them. Please input M for a multiple choice question, C for a checkbox style question other than scheduling, S for a string entry question (ie name, ID number, etc.), and Sc for a scheduling question.

Feel free to use the test datasets, demo_student.csv and demo_prof.csv, as a guiding example.


Feel free to email me at with any questions or issues. As of March 16th, 2019, I have just completed a major renovation of the code. Everything should run more efficiently and effectively now, but it is possible that my testing didn't find everything.


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