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Releases: christofmuc/KnobKraft-orm


15 Apr 22:48
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New features:

  • #282, #316 Updating Python to Python 3.12. If on a Mac or on Linux, you need to update your Mac Python to 3.12, on Windows Python is shipped together with the Orm.
  • No longer supporting Windows 7, as there is no Python 3.12 for it. Windows 7 was EOL January 2020.
  • #309 The About Dialog now shows the version


  • Kawai K4: Added adaptation to the release bundle, was missing from it (#313)

Bug fixes:

  • #310 Paging buttons were not renumbered when the count of pages changed due to tagging
  • #316 Fix crash on exit on Mac when no Python was installed
  • Mac builds now use the keg-only distribution of ICU4C installed via homebrew, using brew --prefix to determine where it is


25 Mar 00:16
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Bug fixes:

  • #302 - Fixed the reface DX download problem. This was harder to fix than originally thought, as it is a super special case


13 Feb 23:44
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New features:

  • #296 A new command Export Bank via the patches menu or next to the Send button in the Bank panel allows us to write a bank properly into sysex.
    Tested this with the DW-8000 adaptation.


  • Yamaha reface DX: Fixed #302, the import from synth no longer working in KnobKraft 2.2.0 and 2.2.1.

Bug fixes:

  • #283 - Changed the color of the Export Patches (and now Export Bank) dialog to match the one of the Import from Synth, making it easier to see.
  • #301 - Now the list of synths to forward master keyboard to is refreshed when the list of synths is changed via the setup tab.


25 Jan 22:50
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  • Roland MKS-50: Implemented patch renaming and patch name display (#297)
  • Korg DW 8000: Fixed sending banks with legacy data (imported in KnobKraft < 2.2.0)


21 Jan 21:23
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New features:

  • #204 Add a tab "Recent Patches" to the right side which shows the last clicked patches. This is great during a jam session or just when you are clicking around in a non-systematic way in case you want to go back. The log window would have shown your previous selections, but in the new view this is easy to click! Finally got around to implement this feature I have been wanting for a long time now.
  • Changed the PIF (patch interchange format, a simple JSON format that can be used to transport patches from one Orm installation to another, or to transfer a set of patches from one database into another one) to indicate that no user choice has been made for the favorite selection. This allows to import e.g. patches again with a better name without overriding the already persistent user choice in the database. Generally we try to avoid losing precious user data like manually assigned categories or favorite markers while still allowing easy copying and reimporting of patches also from files and synths.
  • Adaptations can now implement the ´friendlyLayerTitles` function to label the layers in the UI e.g. with "Patch", "Upper tone", "Lower tone". Implemented this for the MKS-70.


  • Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave Fixed bank select sending and edit buffer conversion for imported programs. The synth should now work for full round trips.
  • Roland MKS-70 Plenty of fixes regarding the bitwise conversion of bulk dumps to APR messages, which we use to send to edit buffer. This should hopefully allow for bit-correct usage of BLD dumps. Also add the Roland JX-8P code to allow the MKS-70 important older banks that are still coded with the JX-8P ID. Further added the new request edit buffer capability which is available with the new V4.19 Vecoven firmware.
  • Roland MKS-80 Fix bug occuring if a message had checksum 0
  • Kawai K4 Initial implementation for a subset of its features. Up for testing and feedback!
  • Ensoniq VFX A quick implementation I made from the docs. If anybody is interested in testing this and giving feedback, that would be appreciated!
  • BC Kijimi Updated the adaptation to our latest version. Ready for further testing!
  • Yamaha Reface DX Now supports the magic undocumented store patch functionality - you can finally send a bank to the synth and store it without any key presses on the device required!
  • Korg DW-8000 - converted to adaptation, and now supports sending bank dumps that are persisted!

Bug fixes:

  • Fixing a crash when opening a database that is newer than the Orm version. This is important in case of changed database schema - while we are fully backwards compatible, forward compatibility is not given and the software usually refuses to open databases of newer versions (and it should not crash instead).


19 Oct 23:19
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New features:

  • New metadata: There is now a generic comment field (multiline text) for each patch that also included in the text search result.
  • The metadata now also displays the In synth positions when a patch is known to be part of one or more banks stored in the synth.
  • The hex dump of a patch can now be directly shown in the metadata sidebar instead only as part of the patch diff dialog. This is mostly useful for
    debugging, therefore you have to click the button to activate it.


  • Roland MKS-70 the MKS-70V4 (Vecoeven Firmware) adaptation now also supports to load the old formats of the MKS-70 original and
    Super JX-10 banks. The calculation of patches from old banks still is experimental and needs to be verified. Also, changed the parsing logixc
    of sysex data now to prefer program dumps over edit buffer dumps, which makes a difference when the edit buffer is a subset of messages
    of a full program dump as it is with most Roland synths.
  • #218 Waldorf Blofeld - fixed detection problem. This should now be auto-detectable. We still need Blofeld owners to test and give feedback!

Bug fixes:

  • #197 Reindexing on changed md5 implementation now can adjust banks and lists
  • #228 Fixed highlighting the current patch also in the bank.
  • #243 Fixed import item no longer being selected in the tree after import
  • Fix quick detect on restart for synths that used sysex device ID outside of the range 0 to 15
  • Trying to fix performance problem on Mac when synth bank is highlighting many dirty items and scrolling


08 Oct 19:50
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New features:

  • Add a new menu entry into the edit menu to copy the names of the patches of the current bank into the clipboard. This is useful to export bank's patch lists for other SW programs like Logic.


  • Novation AStation - AStation and KStation could work with this adaptation, thanks to @thechildofroth for the initial version!
  • Waldorf MicroWave 1 - this is in beta state. Sending patches works, beware of MIDI loops created by the synth, you want you MIDI filtering to be properly setup. Thanks to Gerome for testing this!
  • Yamaha TX7 this is an adaptation close to the already existing DX-7 adaptation, but allows for proper two way communication. Thanks to Gerome for testing this for us!
  • Sequential Take 5 adaptation was updated for the new OS 2.0 which features double the amount of banks.

Bug fixes:

  • #225 Fixing UI inconsistencies caused by the bank list sharing patches with other parts of the display. Going back to a low tech solution that works
  • #275 Little problems with the create new adaptation dialog
  • #272 Added instructions on how to build on Mac with installing ICU4C
  • #266 Added documentation and the requirements.txt file needed for structured adaptation testing
  • Fix duplicate files appearing in the Mac DMG files (additional bin folder)


07 Aug 22:36
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New features:




Bug fixes:

  • #220 Accelerate adaptations by caching fingerprint and name in the C++ code, and only calling renamePatch when the patch extracted is not equal to the new name.
    Most effect noticeable for the Andromeda A6 adaptation.
  • Fixed crash when selecting a completely empty user bank
  • Fixed sorting of user list loaded into Patch Grid - was not sorted by position in list


06 Aug 23:14
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New features:

  • Current patch display now shows two new meta data fields: The program number as calculated for the program, and the size of the patch in bytes.


  • Groove Synthesis 3rd Wave now supported and checked that it works.

Bug fixes:

  • #259 Adaptations would not use numberFromDump() on import from disk. This should be fixed now.
  • #260 Documentation points out how calculateFingerprint() has an effect on renamePatch(), and that both should be implemented
  • #256 Setup is remembered and selected even when the MIDI device right now is not available. Reconnecting will automatically run a retry (once)


15 Jul 15:08
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New features:




Bug fixes:

  • #255 Wrong installer path for testing subpackage
  • #146 Installer does not restart KnobKraft Orm