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TBT - Tagmanager build tool


Tagmanager build tool is a unofficial tool which downloads and uploads your Tagmanager tags, variables and templates. This will enable you to work in a code editor of choice and version your code.


  1. Run npm install -g tagmanager-build-tool

  2. Create a Google Cloud Project and connect enable the Tagmanager API.

  3. After enabling the API create a service account with access to use that API.

  4. Create a new folder where you want to work and optionally run git init.

  5. Download the key as json and save it in the root as gcp-sa-key.json.

  6. Create a .env file. You can find the required id's in your tagmanager url <<accountid>/containers/<containerid>/workspaces/<workspaceid>

ACCOUNT_ID=<your account id>
CONTAINER_ID=<your container id>
USER_EMAIL=<service account email address>
USER_NAME='<This name you want to display when you do uploads>'
  1. Run tbt pull to see if everything works.


Run tbt to see help or tbt <command> to see the help for each command.

Usage: index [options] [command]

Tagmanager build tool

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command

  fetch           Fetch changes from Tagmanager without extracting code.
  pull            Pull changes from Tagmanager and extract code.
  build           Build json files so they are ready for upload.
  push [options]  Push changes to tagmanager. Include a comma seperated list of paths to process or omit to process all.
  help [command]  display help for command



Download all container data in JSON format. This is a direct download and is mostly usefull for obtaining the latest fingerprint.


Download all container data in JSON format and extract custom code in seperate files. Allowing you to easily modify or version code in your own code editor.


Build requests in json files which can be used for upload. Will contain all of your modified code.


Upload all or specified (by build filename) tags, variables or templates.

⚠️ Fingerprinting errors: When running the update function and the fingerprints have changed (e.g. somebody did a change in tagmanager) the upload will fail. Run fetch to get the latest fingerprints. Build to get the new request objects and push to try again.


A tool which keeps track of your tags in git and allows them to be modified in a text editor and deployed with pull requests.







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