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@christopherthielen christopherthielen released this 13 Oct 13:47
· 33 commits to master since this release

0.1.0 (2015-10-13)


This release changes the semantics of navigating to a parent state of a sticky state. A sticky state tree is now always exited if its parent state is directly activated. This provides a consistent rule and addresses issue #212.

Previously, navigating from a sticky state tree to the parent of the sticky state tree would not exit the children. However, if the sticky state tree was inactivated, navigating from elsewhere to the parent of the sticky state tree would exit the children.

Given states A, A.1 (sticky) and A.2

The previous behavior:

  • If A.1 is active and you transition to A, A.1 was inactivated
  • If A.1 is inactive, A.2 is active, and you transition to A, A.1 was exited

The new behavior:

  • If A.1 is active and you transition to A, A.1 is exited
  • If A.1 is inactive and A.2 is active, if you transition to A, A.1 is exited

Bug Fixes

  • sticky:
    • BC-BREAK always orphan inactive children of the toState (990e73ee, closes #212)
    • Exit all orphaned inactive states. (72a6ce51, closes #217)
    • Properly support Typed Parameters (object params) by using $$equals() (if ui-router 0.2.12+) to determine if params are equal (5d5ce6de, closes #239)
  • transition: mitigate angular-permissions causing exceptions. (5fbd478c)
  • package.json: remove engines declaration allowing any version of node (4a575e41)