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Creating a Reproducible Example

Christoph Sax edited this page Nov 24, 2022 · 6 revisions

Based on a similar post by Rob Hyndman.

A Minimal Reproducible Example is intended to reproduce a point using the smallest amount of code. It uses default data or includes the data.

A Minimal Reproducible Example

# packages to reproduce the problem

# data to reproduce the problem
# the following code is produced by `dput(mdeaths)`
y <- structure(c(2134, 1863, 1877, 1877, 1492, 1249, 1280, 1131, 1209, 
1492, 1621, 1846, 2103, 2137, 2153, 1833, 1403, 1288, 1186, 1133, 
1053, 1347, 1545, 2066, 2020, 2750, 2283, 1479, 1189, 1160, 1113, 
970, 999, 1208, 1467, 2059, 2240, 1634, 1722, 1801, 1246, 1162, 
1087, 1013, 959, 1179, 1229, 1655, 2019, 2284, 1942, 1423, 1340, 
1187, 1098, 1004, 970, 1140, 1110, 1812, 2263, 1820, 1846, 1531, 
1215, 1075, 1056, 975, 940, 1081, 1294, 1341), .Tsp = c(1974, 
1979.91666666667, 12), class = "ts")

# the problem
# here: X11 and SEATS lead to different result
  final(seas(y, x11 = "")),
), col = 1:2)

It should consist of a single piece of R code that replicates the problem. It should contain the following sections:

  • Packages to be loaded, including library(seasonal).
  • The shortest amount of code that reproduces the issue.
  • The data needed to run the code.

Include Data

Try to use one of the built-in datasets if possible, AirPassengers works great.

If you need to include your data, use dput() so the data can be included as part of the same text file. For example, if you have a time series y, it can be included in your code by running dput(y), copying the output, and then in the text file type y <- then paste.

Works Out of the Box

A Minimal Reproducible Example should be copyable to the R console and work out of the box. The best way to ensure it is reproducible is to use the reprex package.

Use GitHub

Generally, I prefer resolving issues via GitHub, because it simplifies tracking and allows other people to benefit from the discussion.

A more detailed discussion on reproducibility can be found here.