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Projects using Sheetrock

stealthsepa edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 12 revisions

Carry-on Bag Sizes displays detailed carry-on bag size restrictions for every airline.

TAGS Viewer allows users to browse, explore, and search a Twitter archive.

EQUITY We use Sheetrock to display tables in our Android App.

Kuppi We use Sheetrock to display tables in our Android App. Thank u Chris.. Without ur help these projects will not be possible. scrapes Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Vine for tagged content keyed to specific pages of the novel House of Leaves and then uses Sheetrock to create views of that content. we use Sheetrock within our Angular web app to filter, map, and create trend graphs for maritime piracy incidents. We are querying against a dataset of ~7000 rows x ~25 columns. We used Sheetrock to build a web application for students to use on UDay to make it easy for them to find any organization at the event.

Data Orangeville We use several instances of Sheetrock JS to load news, app galleries, and project listings, from google spreadsheets. This helps us run our mini sub website effectively for our visitors.

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