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Elementary theme

Built from edits to the boilerplate theme.


Uses the express-handlebars engine to render HTML. This package's render export very lightly wraps the ExpressHandlebars.renderView method.

express-handlebarsextends Handlebars with the following:

  • Add back the concept of "layout", which was removed in Express 3.x.
  • Add back the concept of "partials" via Handlebars' partials mechanism.
  • Support a directory of partials; e.g., {{> foo/bar}} which exists on the file system at views/partials/foo/bar.handlebars, by default.
  • All async and non-blocking. File system I/O is slow and servers should not be blocked from handling requests while reading from disk. I/O queuing is used to avoid doing unnecessary work.
  • Ability to easily precompile templates and partials for use on the client, enabling template sharing and reuse.

Extends the JSON Resume schema:

  • Adds a experience field to serve as an alternative to work, with functional-style resume as a use case. Shares its template with work.
  • Adds a categories property to the experience (and work), with a use case of further breaking down the functional style of resume. Copies its template from the skills field.
  • Adds a department property to work/experience fields, to extend name field.
  • Adds a status property to projects, allowing for different CSS styling for projects at different stages of development

Adds a Boolean development key to the context.

  • Templates can be modified depending on environment.

    {{#if development}}
      ... development template
      ... production template
  • Transparent <div> representing first printed page is placed above rendered resume.


vertical-description class: heading, description, bulleted keywords/highlights. Used for projects, education, certificates, and interests

horizontal-description class: definition list. Used for skills, languages, and experience.categories

Fields not (yet) implemented:

  • awards
  • publications
  • references
  • volunteer


Excerpts from jsonresume-theme-boilerplate documentation


Now that you have your boilerplate theme installed, go through a quick overview of each of the files needed for your JSONResume theme:

  • package.json: Your package.json is required by all npm packages. Everytime you want to release a new update of your theme, you'll need to update it's version number.
  • index.js: This is the file that will return the needed HTML to the theme server. The most important part of index.js is the render function. This is where all the compilation goes. This render function is expected to take a resume object (from a resume.json), and should return HTML.
  • resume.hbs: This is your actual template. This file is sent to the index.js for it to send to the theme server.
  • style.css: This is where all the CSS of your project goes. Since the index.js only returns HTML, the contents of this file are put between <style> tags in your resume.hbs file.


If you are familar with NPM, you should be done with this in no time.

If you already have an NPM account, you can run npm login and enter your username and password. If not, you can run npm adduser and fill in the proper fields.

If you changed the dependencies or added new ones, you'll want to run npm install again, and just to make sure, run npm update to get the latest version of each dependency.

When you are done with that, you may go into your package.json, and edit the version number. When all of the above is finished, you may run npm publish to release your theme to the public. Now everyone can use your theme with their resume.

When updating your theme, you'll need to change the version number and run npm publish again.


Available under the Mozilla Public License


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