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Chromium's infra has grown its own lexicon, and some phrases have
ambiguous definitions depending on whom you ask.

So this glossary is an attempt at unifying on single definitions for
common phrases. Can also help nooglers spinning up on Chrome infra, or
even just Chrome.

Bug: None
Change-Id: Ib9deaf0489b3829cee24ff2bd4f458d5141793bc
Reviewed-by: Garrett Beaty <>
Reviewed-by: Erik Staab <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Pastene <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1031562}
  • Loading branch information
bpastene authored and Chromium LUCI CQ committed Aug 4, 2022
1 parent b9b9a0e commit 2e5d0e8
Showing 1 changed file with 112 additions and 0 deletions.
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions docs/infra/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# Glossary

This page provides definitions of phrases and terminology used in Chromium's
[continuous integration](

## Builds

* __Build__: A Buildbucket job that runs a single CI-specific task. Composed of
multiple steps rendered in Milo (e.g. a step for 'fetching the source', a step
for 'compile', etc.). A build is associated with a single Builder.
As of writing (Q3 2022), all Buildbucket builds are themselves Swarming tasks.

* __Builder__: A named configuration (or grouping) of builds in Buildbucket. All
builds of a builder share the same config. For the most part, this means they
run the same recipe and have largely the same set of steps. A builder may also
be referred to as a __bot__, but that term is ambiguous and should be avoided
since it can be confused with a __Swarming bot__. (See the [LUCI](#luci)
section below.)
* __Builder/Tester Split__: At the end of their builds, some builders may
trigger builds on other builders. When the parent build only compiles and
the child build only runs tests, we call this model a "builder/tester
split". The child is referred to as the tester, and the parent (confusingly)
referred to as the builder.
* __CI Builder__ or __Post-submit Builder__: A builder that compiles/tests a
branch of Chromium. Often triggered when changes to the branch are
submitted, these post-submit builders run on a continuous basis.
* __FYI Builder__: A CI builder with reduced priority and impact. Ideally
used only for experiments or for temporary build/test configs. May also be
referred to as an "informational" builder.
* __Trybot__ or __Trybuilder__ or __Pre-submit Builder__: A builder that
compiles/tests a pending CL before submission.
* __Tryjob__: A single build of a trybot.

* __Chromium's CQ__: The set of trybots required for any Chromium CL to pass
before submission. These are mandatory for nearly every CL.
* __CQ Builder__: One of the mandatory trybots. See
[here](../../infra/config/generated/ for
the full list.
* __Optional Trybot__: A trybot that's not a default CQ builder. These can
be triggered manually by a developer. Or they can be required by the CQ
if the CL includes changes to a specific file path. See
[here](../../infra/config/generated/ for a
list of the optional trybots and the filepaths that require them. Trybots
that fall into that latter category can also be referred to as
__path-based trybots__.

* __Builder Group__: A logical grouping of builders. For example, the
"chromium.linux" builder group is a set of builders that test basic
functionality of Chromium on Linux.

* __Waterfall__: A largely historical term that often refers to a particular
grouping of Builders or Builder Groups. Examples include:
* __The Perf Waterfall__: Builders in the
[chrome.perf]( builder group.
* __The Main Waterfall__: Another historical term. Often refers to the set of
builders whose failures close the
[Chromium tree]( Spans multiple
builder groups.


LUCI is a collection of continuous integration services running on Google Cloud.
These services largely make-up the backbone of Chromium's CI.

* __Buildbucket__: A LUCI service that tracks builds, and queues them into

* __Change Verifier__ or __CV__: A LUCI service that triggers and manages the
builds a CL must pass before the CL is submitted into the repository's trunk.
These builds are known as "pre-submit", and the full set of required builds
that CV enforces for a repo are that repo's "CQ". (See above for a description
of Chromium's particular CQ.)

* __CIPD__: A LUCI service for hosting and distributing packages. Packages
stored in CIPD are arbitrary sets of files. Practically, these are often SDKs,
toolchains, and other various binaries not suitable for being checked-into a
Git repo directly.

* __Milo__: A LUCI service that renders Builds in a web-browser UI. Hosted on Alliases also include and

* __Recipe__: A LUCI technology that defines what steps a build runs. Written in
a domain-specific language embedded in Python. Nearly all builds run a recipe.
(The alternative to recipes being a binary that implements the luciexe
protocol. As of Q3 2022, non-recipe luciexe binaries have limited use in
Chromium's infra.)

* __Swarming__: A LUCI service that runs arbitrary tasks across a fleet of
workers knows as Swarming bots.
* __Swarming bot__: A single worker that communicates with the Swarming server
and executes Swarming tasks. The worker often, but not necessarily, runs on
a Linux, Mac, or Win VM. A bot belongs to one or more Swarming pools.
* __Swarming pool__: A collection of Swarming bots. A pool acts as a security
boundary, enforcing who can view and trigger tasks on its bots.
* __Swarming task__: A single workload request. A task defines a command to
run, and is associated to a single Swarming pool.

## Misc

* __CAS__: Content Addresses Storage, a service for storing binary blobs. Used
on Chromium's infra to store and transfer test inputs from the builder that
compiles the tests to the Swarming bots that run them. May also be referred
to by its predecessor's name: "isolate".
* __Gerrit__: The code-review tool for changes to Google-hosted Git
repositoris. See chromium/src.git's Gerrit instance
* __Gitiles__: The web-browser UI for Google-hosted Git repositories. See
chromium/src.git on gitiles

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