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[Cast Receiver] Update documentation
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This CL extends the existing documentation for the cast_receiver
component with details about the code structure.

Bug: 1357171
Change-Id: I03506393286ce06f7c0476b6588e3d429f587cb1
Auto-Submit: Ryan Keane <>
Reviewed-by: Vigen Issahhanjan <>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Keane <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1116515}
  • Loading branch information
Ryan Keane authored and Chromium LUCI CQ committed Mar 13, 2023
1 parent bf67506 commit e8fe566
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 1 deletion.
125 changes: 124 additions & 1 deletion components/cast_receiver/
Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,130 @@ previously throughout the application's lifetime.

# Architecture

TODO( Add additional documentation.
## Code Structure

The top-level object with which the embedder will interact is the
`ContentBrowserClientMixins` class which will be used to
a `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher` instance. That instance will
`RuntimeApplications` instances, either `StreamingRuntimeApplication` or
`WebRuntimeApplication` instances, and then
[wrap them](;l=86;drc=790df4d5983e38ad1d1d00fbc10ef941070eed24)
in an `EmbedderApplication` instance using a factory provided by the embedder.
The `EmbedderApplication` instance will control the `RuntimeApplication` with
the following

* `Load()`
* `Launch()`
* `Stop()`

Additionally, the `RuntimeApplication`
a number of accessors and ways to set properties of the application, such as
enabling or disabling touch input. The `EmbedderApplication`
functions to supply embedder-specific types or commands, such as:

* `GetAllBindings()`
* `GetMessagePortService()`
* `GetContentWindowControls()`
* `GetStreamingConfigManager()`

Additionally, it exposes functions by which it may be informed of state changes
in the `RuntimeApplication` instance it owns.

![cast_receiver code structure]( "cast_receiver code structure")

## Common Scenarios

In each of the following diagrams, blue boxes are used to represent
embedder-specific infrastructure, while white boxes are part of the component.

This component supports two types of applications: Web Applications and
Streaming Applications. Much of the infrastructure for these two application
types is shared, but the differences are substantial enough that each will be
discussed independently.

### Web Applications

Web Applications are used for hosting the majority of applications for a Cast
receiver. At a high level, the flow for using a Web Application is:

1. [Create](;l=45;drc=12be03159fe22cd4ef291e9561762531c2589539)
a new `ContentBrowserClientMixins` instance in the embedder-specific
`ContentBrowserClient` implementation, and then use that instance to
a `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher`.
2. Use the `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher` to
a `WebRuntimeApplication` instance, which will then be used to
[create](;l=86;drc=790df4d5983e38ad1d1d00fbc10ef941070eed24) an instance of the embedder-specific `EmbedderApplication` type.
3. Call `Load()` on the `RuntimeApplication` instance, and wait for its
4. Call `SetUrlRewriteRules()` on the `RuntimeApplication`. This may be called
at any time, but is expected to be called at least once before the `Launch()`
command if such rules are required for the application’s functionality.
5. Call `Launch()` on the `RuntimeApplication` instance, and wait for its
callback. Various `EmbedderApplication` functions will be called to create the
necessary resources.
6. Once the application is no longer needed, close it with `StopApplication()`
and then
the application with the `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher` after the
`StopApplication()`’s callback returns.

![Web Application code flow]( "WebRuntimeApplication structure")

### Streaming

Streaming Applications are used to support the Cast streaming and remoting
scenarios by making use of the `cast_streaming` component

1. [Create](;l=45;drc=12be03159fe22cd4ef291e9561762531c2589539)
a new `ContentBrowserClientMixins` instance in the embedder-specific
`ContentBrowserClient` implementation, and then use that instance to
a `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher`.
2. Use the `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher` to
a `StreamingRuntimeApplication` instance, which will then be used to
an instance of the embedder-specific `EmbedderApplication` type.
3. Call `Load()` on the `RuntimeApplication` instance, and wait for its
4. Call `Launch()` on the `RuntimeApplication` instance, and wait for its
callback. Various `EmbedderApplication` functions will be called to create the
necessary resources, which will be used to start the `cast_streaming` component.
Each of the following is
to occur for the streaming session to successfully begin, but the order may
1. Calling of `StartPlaybackAsync()`, which will be called as part of the
`Launch()` command before its callback is called.
2. The `WebContents` instance associated with this application, as returned
by `EmbedderApplication::GetWebContents()`,
the page used for displaying the streaming session.
3. The configuration to use for streaming is returned by the
embedder-specific `ConfigurationManager` as
by `EmbedderApplication::GetStreamingConfigManager()`.
5. Once streaming has started and a connection has been formed with the Cast
sender device, a `OnStreamingResolutionChanged()`
will be fired.
6. Streaming may be stopped by the embedder as with Web applications.
Alternatively, if the session is
by the remote device, a `NotifyApplicationStopped()` event will be fired to the
`EmbedderApplication`, at which point the application should be
by the `RuntimeApplicationDispatcher`.

![Streaming Application code flow]( "StreamingRuntimeApplication structure")

# Known Issues and Limitations

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