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SAP Enterprise Messaging Connector (sap-em) for Apache Pulsar. Provides both a source for consuming messagings from a SAP EM queue and sink for producing messages to a SAP EM queue or publishing messaging to a SAP EM topic.


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Adapted from Set up a standalone Pulsar locally and Managing Connectors:

  1. Open the first terminal window and change to the sap-em-pulsar-connector source directory

  2. Download and unpack apache pulsar

    curl -O
    tar xvfz apache-pulsar-2.6.1-bin.tar.gz
  3. Add the target folder to the connector configuration

    sed -i -e 's|^connectorsDirectory: .*$|connectorsDirectory: ../target|g' \
  4. Start apache pulsar; logs are printed to standard out

    apache-pulsar-2.6.1/bin/pulsar standalone
  5. Open a second terminal window and change to the sap-em-pulsar-connector source directory

  6. Copy the sap-em-source-example.yaml and sap-em-sink-example.yaml examples to the pulsar home directory

    cp sap-em-example.yaml apache-pulsar-2.6.1/sap-em-source.yaml
    cp sap-em-example.yaml apache-pulsar-2.6.1/sap-em-sink.yaml
  7. Edit the sap-em-source.yaml and sap-em-source.yaml configs with the correct correct values for your SAP Enterprise Messaging instance.

  8. Create and start the sap-em-source connector

    apache-pulsar-2.6.1/bin/pulsar-admin sources create \
        --tenant public \
        --namespace default \
        --name  sap-em-source \
        --destination-topic-name sap-em-topic \
        --source-type sap-em \
        --source-config-file ./sap-em-source.yaml

    Alternatively it can be run locally in its own window:

    apache-pulsar-2.6.1/bin/pulsar-admin sources localrun \
        --tenant public \
        --namespace default \
        --name  sap-em-source \
        --destination-topic-name sap-em-topic \
        --source-config-file ./sap-em-source.yaml \
        --archive ../target/sap-em-pulsar-connector-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.nar 
  9. Create and start the sap-em-sink connector

    apache-pulsar-2.6.1/bin/pulsar-admin sinks create \
        --tenant public \
        --namespace default \
        --name  sap-em-sink \
        --inputs sap-em-topic \
        --sink-type sap-em \
        --sink-config-file ./sap-em-sink.yaml

    Alternatively it can be run locally in its own window:

    apache-pulsar-2.6.1/bin/pulsar-admin sinks localrun \
        --tenant public \
        --namespace default \
        --name  sap-em-sink \
        --inputs sap-em-topic \
        --sink-config-file ./sap-em-sink.yaml \
        --archive ../target/sap-em-pulsar-connector-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.nar
  10. Retrieve an SAP Enterprise Messaging access token

    export CLIENT_ID='<clientid>'
    export CLIENT_SECRET='<clientsecret>'
    export CLIENT_CREDENTIALS="$(echo "${CLIENT_ID}${CLIENT_SECRET}" | base64)"
    export TOKEN_ENDPOINT='<tokenendpoint>'
    export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl --location -c cookies.txt \
        --request POST "${TOKEN_ENDPOINT}?grant_type=client_credentials&response_type=token" \
        --header "Authorization: Basic ${CLIENT_CREDENTIALS}" | jq -r '.access_token')

    ... where the CLIENT_CREDENTIALS envar is the Base64 encoded clientid and clientsecret separated by a single colon character and TOKEN_ENDPOINT is the URL for retrieving access tokens.

    Note that the above assumes you have installed jq

  11. Publish a test message to the SAP Enterprise Messaging queue you configured for the sap-em-source:

    export QUEUE_API=""
    export SAP2PULSAR="sap2pulsar"
    curl --location --request POST "${QUEUE_API}/${SAP2PULSAR}/messages" \
        --header 'x-qos: 0' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data-raw '{
            "hello": "world"
  12. Consume the test message from the queue connected to the SAP Enterprise Messaging topic you configured for the sap-em-sink:

    export PULSAR2SAP="pulsar2sap"
    curl --location
        --request POST "${QUEUE_API}/${PULSAR2SAP}/messages/consumption" \
        --header 'x-qos: 0' \   
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json'   


Create a YAML configuration file similar to

  connectionName:   connection name
  xsappname:        application name
  tokenEndpoint:    token endpoint URL
  clientID:         client ID
  clientSecret:     client secret
  serviceURL:       SAP EM Service URL
  destination:      queue:name or topic:name

SAP Enterprise Messaging sinks may produce messages on a queue or publish messages to a topic. If the queue: or topic: prefix is left out the destination is assumed to be a queue.

SAP Enterprise Messaging sources must consume messages from a queue. Subscriptions are managed in SAP Enterprise Messaging that will route messages from the topic to a queue.

Field Required Default Description
connectionName true - The connection name used for connecting to SAPEnterpriseMessaging.
xsappname true - SAP HANA XS application name.
clientID true - OAuth2 client id.
clientSecret true - OAuth2 client secret.
tokenEndpoint true - OAuth2 token endpoint URL.
serviceURL true - SAP Enterprise Messaging Service URL.
destination true - The SAPEnterpriseMessaging destination name optionally prefixed with 'topic:'; if not prefixed 'queue:' is assumed.
protocol false amqp10ws SAP Enterprise Messaging protocol.
maxReconnectAttemptsn false 20 Maximum number of attempts at reconnecting before giving up; -1 for unlimited retries.
initialReconnectDelay false 3000 Delay in millis before reconnecting after the first failure.
reconnectDelay false 5000 Delay in millis between reeconnect attempts after the first.

Create a sap-em sink

pulsar-admin sinks create \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name  sap-em-sink \
--inputs sap-em-topic \
--sink-config-file sap-em-sink.yaml \
--archive target/sap-em-pulsar-connector-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.nar

Create a sap-em source

pulsar-admin sources create \
--tenant public \
--namespace default \
--name  sap-em-source \
--destination-topic-name sap-em-topic \
--source-config-file ./sap-em-source.yaml \
--archive ../target/sap-em-pulsar-connector-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.nar 



SAP Enterprise Messaging examples

AMQP 1.0 Web Sockets


SAP Enterprise Messaging Connector for Apache Pulsar







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