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Merge pull request #71 from chuan6/enriched-toc
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Enriched toc
  • Loading branch information
chuan6 committed Nov 7, 2016
2 parents c5d88a7 + a60c773 commit 31926fa
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Showing 33 changed files with 141 additions and 83 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions generator/src/generator/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
(let [[items rests] (its/read-items cs)]
(recur rests (into ts (-> items
(pt/update-leaves :id genid)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,7 +389,7 @@
;; (clojure.pprint/pprint r)
;; (println "------------------------")
(t/is (= src (str/join (map its/str-token (flatten r)))))))
(let [r (its/parse (items (seq "本法第三十九条和第四十条第一项、第二项")))]
(let [r (pt/create (its/parse (items (seq "本法第三十九条和第四十条第一项、第二项"))))]
(= '({:token :法 :nth :this :text "本法"}
({:token :条 :nth 39 :text "三十九" :第? true :unit? true :id "条39"}
Expand All @@ -399,7 +400,7 @@
{:token :separator :text ""})
({:token :项 :nth 2 :text "" :第? true :unit? true :id "条40款1项2"}))))
(pt/update-leaves r :id (partial id/generate {})))))
(let [r (its/parse (items (seq "本规定第十、十八、二十六、二十七条")))]
(let [r (pt/create (its/parse (items (seq "本规定第十、十八、二十六、二十七条"))))]
(= '({:token :规定 :nth :this :text "本规定"}
({:token :条 :nth 10 :text "" :第? true :unit? false :id "条10"}
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions generator/src/generator/id.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,12 +79,14 @@
(f {} [{:token :法 :nth :this}
{:token :章 :nth 2}
{:token :节 :nth 1}])))))}
([context tv]
(let [t (:token (peek tv))]
(when (contains? templates t)
(generate context
(filterv (comp not its/item-types-2 :token) tv)
([context ts]
(let [ty (:token (last ts))]
(when (contains? templates ty)
(let [selected-ts (filter (comp not
(generate context (vec selected-ts) ty)))))

([context tv expect]
(let [interpret-nth (partial interpret-nth-with context)]
Expand Down
63 changes: 51 additions & 12 deletions generator/src/generator/parse_tree.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,10 @@

(def ^:private branch list)

(def node-val (comp first z/node))
(defn node-val [loc]
(let [x (z/node loc)]
(cond-> x
(seq? x) first)))

(defn subtrees [loc]
(->> loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,14 +134,50 @@
(rest rxs))))))))

(defn update-leaves
([tree k f] (update-leaves tree [] k f))
([[v & children] path k f]
(let [sep-token? #(= (:token %) :separator)
path' (conj path v)]
(if (or (empty? children)
(every? sep-token? children))
(cons (assoc v k (f path')) children)
(cons v (map #(if (sep-token? %)
(update-leaves % path' k f))
#(let [f update-leaves
t1 (create (linear-to-tree () doc-hierachy))
t2 (create (nth examples 1))
pf count
k :depth]
(t/is (= '({:depth 1}) (f t1 k pf)))
(t/is (= '({:token :法}
({:token :条}
{:token :separator}
({:token :款 :nth 1}
({:token :项 :depth 4}))))
(f t2 k pf)))))}
[loc k f]
(letfn [(sep-token? [t]
(and (map? t) (= (:token t) :separator)))
(leaf? [loc]
(or (not (z/branch? loc))
(or (empty? (z/children loc))
(and (every? map? (z/children loc))
(every? sep-token? (z/children loc))))))
(ret-v [f loc]
(f (conj (vec (map first (z/path loc)))
(node-val loc))))]
(if (z/end? loc)
(z/root loc)
(sep-token? (z/node loc))
(recur (z/next loc) k f)

(nil? (z/node loc))
(recur (z/next loc) k f)

(not (z/branch? loc))
(recur (z/next
(z/edit loc #(assoc % k (ret-v f loc)))) k f)

(or (empty? (z/children loc))
(every? sep-token? (z/children loc)))
(recur (z/next
(z/edit loc #(cons (assoc (first %) k (ret-v f loc))
(z/children loc))))
k f)

(recur (z/next loc) k f)))))
84 changes: 50 additions & 34 deletions generator/src/generator/toc.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,67 +7,83 @@
[generator.parse-tree :as pt]
[generator.test :as tt]))

(defn outline-html [ts]
(letfn [(max-hier [hval ts]
(apply max (remove nil? (map (pt/hierachy-fn hval) ts))))
(rise-ts [hval ts]
(cons {:token :pseudo-root} ts)
(merge hval {:序言 (max-hier hval ts)
:pseudo-root (inc (apply max (vals hval)))}))))
(li [t]
(defn outline-html [h]
(letfn [(li [t]
(let [hash (str "#" (id/entry-id (:context t) (:token t)))
elmt-a [:a {:href hash} (:text t)]]
[:div {:class "li-head"}
(when-let [ith (:from (:entrys-range t))]
[:span (str "" ith)])]]))
(when-let [r (:entries-range t)]
(let [a (int (:from r))
b (int (:to r))]
[:span (str "" a
(when (not= a b) (str "-" b)))]))]]))
(to-html [ot]
(let [t (pt/node-val ot)
r (when (pt/internal-node? ot)
[:ul (for [li (pt/subtrees ot)]
(to-html li))])]
(cond->> r
(seq (:text t)) (conj (li t)))))]
(rise-ts {:节 1 :章 2 :则 3 :编 3} ts)
:entrys-range (fn [path] (let [x (peek path)]
{:from ((comp int (fnil inc 0))
(:条 (:context x)))})))))))
(to-html (pt/create h))))

(defn generate-table-of-contents
#(let [f generate-table-of-contents
tls (ln/draw-skeleton ["前言" "第一章" "a"
"第二章" "b"
"第三章" "第一节" "……"])
titles (ln/draw-skeleton ["第一章"
"第三章" "第一节"])]
"第二章" "b"
"第三章" "第一节" "第二条……"])]
(t/is (= [() nil] (f ())))
(t/is (= [["前言"] nil]
(->> [(map :text prelude) r]
(let [[prelude r] (f (take 1 tls))]))))
(t/is (= {:token :table-of-contents
:text "目录"
:list titles
:list '({:token :pseudo-root}
({:token :章, :nth 1, :text "第一章"})
({:token :章, :nth 2, :text "第二章"})
({:token :章, :nth 3, :text "第三章"}
{:token :节, :nth 1, :text "第一节"
:entries-range {:from 2 :to 2}}))
:not-in-original-text true}
(second (f tls))))))}
(let [[prelude tls'] (split-with #(= (:token %)
:to-be-recognized) tls)
tys #{:序言 :编 :则 :章 :节}
titles (filter #(tys (:token %)) tls')]
[prelude (when (seq titles)
{:token :table-of-contents
:text "目录"
:list titles
:not-in-original-text true})]))
(letfn [(max-hier [hval ts]
(apply max (remove nil? (map (pt/hierachy-fn hval) ts))))
(rise-ts [hval ts]
(cons {:token :pseudo-root} ts)
;;hier val of :序言 is determined dynamically
(merge hval {:序言 (max-hier hval ts)
:pseudo-root (inc (apply max (vals hval)))}))))
(digest-条s-in-hier [h]
(let [node first
v (node h)
children (rest h)
flag #(= (:token %) :条)
digest (fn [es] {:from (:nth (first es))
:to (:nth (last es))})]
(if (empty? children)
(let [cvs (map node children)]
(if (every? flag cvs)
(assoc v :entries-range (digest cvs))
(cons v (map digest-条s-in-hier children)))))))]
(let [[prelude tls-initial]
(split-with #(= (:token %) :to-be-recognized) tls)

(filter #(#{:序言 :编 :则 :章 :节 :条} (:token %)) tls-initial)]
[prelude (when (seq (remove #(= (:token %) :条) tls-prepare))
{:token :table-of-contents
:text "目录"
:list (digest-条s-in-hier
(rise-ts {:条 0 :节 1 :章 2 :则 3 :编 3}
:not-in-original-text true})])))

(def table-of-contents-sentinel #"目\s*录")
(defn table-of-contents
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 体育法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 党内监督条例.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 公司法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 农村土地承包法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 出口退(免)税企业分类管理办法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 刑法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 劳动合同法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 劳动法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 合伙企业法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 合同法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 婚姻法.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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