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A project that demonstrates concepts around context functions to demonstrate their utility as well as a launching point to describe the features languages might want to adopt in order to help make writing reactive frameworks, like Jetpack Compose, more natural.

These concepts are demonstrated in the Kotlin programming language but the concepts presented are not limited to Kotlin.



Context, in this project, refers to any implicit parameters passed to a function. For example, in Kotlin, the context for a method is the instance of the method being invoked.

Context Function

A context function is a function that only reads values provided to it in its context or its parameters and only mutates object, if it mutates at all, objects visible through its context or its parameters and only if the reference to the object is unique.


An immutable object is an object that will not change. This is as opposed to read only that prevents the holder of the reference from being able to change the object.

An object can be considered immutable if none of the changes made to the object are visible through the reference. This allows, for example, lazy evaluation of any visible property as long as all reader of the property are assured to see the same value.

Pure functions

The term pure function, in this project, means specifically a referentially transparent function meaning that an invocation of the function can be replaced by just its result (if either known ahead of time or cached from a previous invocation) and the result of the program would be identical. That is, the function has no side effects (ignoring indirect side effects such as execution time, memory usage, and power consumption)

Unique reference

A unique reference is the only live reference to an object (live, as for example, not eligible for collection by a garbage collector).

Specifically, a function is still a pure function if it modifies objects that it receive unique references to as this can be replaced by a function returning copies of the objects that contains the modifications and the unique references then replaced by the copies. If the copying version of the function is pure then unique reference mutating version is also pure. This transformation can be in both directions. That is, if a function is pure if its unique references are replaced by copies contain the changes, then it is pure without that transformation.

More informally, mutations of an object through a unique reference is not considered a side effect.

A subset of unique references can be proven to be unique using uniqueness typing and is used for similar reasons in Clean and have been added experimentally to Haskell.

As Kotlin does not support uniqueness typing, the unique references in this project are assumed to be unique instead of proven to be unique.

Significant types


The Context<T> class is a class that can be used either using the experimental Kotlin context syntax or using extension functions. It allows implementing referentially transparent functions for IO (demonstrated by the TextFile example). It can be used to produce a DSL for a pure builder (demonstrated by the html function that implements a small subset of the functionality of kotlinx.html).

Modifications to the context are permitted by a context function if the Context<T> contains a unique reference to the context instance. If the context reference is not unique it should be immutable.


The TreeContext allows a DSL syntax to be used to construct and update the tree. How to use this is implemented by Document which, when update() is called will update the tree to current state of any mutableStateOf() values read when constructing the tree.

TreeContext and Compose

The TreeContext is an implementation of the Jetpack Compose's Composer that is missing several Compose's performance and safety features (e.g. the TreeContext does not support skipping or restarting, two of the most important performance features of the Composer. It also does not implement a change list, but, instead, mutates the resulting tree immediately which is one of Compose's most important safety features). The purpose of this is not to replace Compose but to demonstrate how a Compose like library can be written using pure context functions. The implementation is intended to be illustrative, not definitive.

The examples use the snapshot system of Compose as it is a self-contained part of the Compose runtime that does not depend on or use the Composer.


Context Function Demonstration







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