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Stephan Leece edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the chummer5a wiki! Anyone can edit this!


Head over to the releases page and download the latest release. Unzip to a folder and run Chummer5.exe.

Linux support

Using Wine

  1. Install wine and all the wine tools. As of July 11th 2018 these are the latest stable versions. Note that Fedora is used in this example if using a Debian based distro such as Ubuntu you'll need to use apt instead of dnf and the package names will be different just make sure that the x86 version of wine-devel is installed and not the default x64.
$ sudo dnf install wine-devel-3.5-1.fc28.i686

$ sudo dnf install wine-common-3.5-1.fc28.noarch

$ sudo dnf install wine-mono-4.7.1-2.fc28.noarch

$ sudo dnf install winetricks-20180603-1.fc28.noarch
  1. Create the wine prefix. If you want a custom wine prefix also add WINEPREFIX="/dir/to/prefix". You'll also need to add it to all the other commands being run. If this is the first time using wine there will be a handful of popups that show, click install on them. Once winecfg shows up close it.
$ WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
  1. Install all the dependencies for Chummer. There might be a specific font that's needed instead of allfonts, allfonts is provided in case a change happens resulting in different fonts being loaded that currently aren't used.
$ winetricks -q dotnet452 allfonts
  1. Run Chummer. Do note that Chummer is significantly slower through wine than it is running natively on Windows.
$ wine Chummer.exe

Using Mono

  1. You will need to download & install Mono, an open-source implementation of .NET, on which Chummer5a relies.
  2. At the commandline, type mono Chummer5.exe
  3. Not all elements of Chummer are supported on non-windows platforms. Good luck!
  4. Translator doesn't seem to currently run.

OSX support

Using Wine

  1. Install Homebrew
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Install xquartz using homebrew
$ brew cask install xquartz
  1. Check that XCode is up to date. If necessary update it to the latest version through appstore and accept license
$ sudo xcodebuild -license
  1. Install wine using homebrew
$ brew install wine
  1. Create the wine prefix. If you want a custom wine prefix also add WINEPREFIX="/dir/to/prefix". You'll also need to add it to all the other commands being run. If this is the first time using wine there will be a handful of popups that show, click install on them. Once winecfg shows up close it.
$ WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
  1. Install Winetricks
$ brew install Winetricks
  1. Install all the dependencies for Chummer. There might be a specific font that's needed instead of allfonts, allfonts is provided in case a change happens resulting in different fonts being loaded that currently aren't used.
$ winetricks -q dotnet452 allfonts
  1. Run Chummer. Do note that Chummer is significantly slower through wine than it is running natively on Windows.
$ wine Chummer.exe

Known issue : Infotips don't work with wine on OSX and make the app crash.