A source-to-source translater that takes a Pixel Bender kernel (PBK) and translates it into the Zig language. That code can then be compiled using the Zig compiler into WASM, making the code available for use in a web environment.
The base project, pb2zig, is a library that performs the translation. It comes with a CLI program for turning .pbk files into .zig.
Meanwhile, rollup-plugin-pb2zig is a Rollup plugin that fully automates the compilation process so that all you have to do is write an import statement in your JavaScript file to make use of a PB kernel in your React or Svelt project.
Pixel Bender was a technology developed by Adobe more than a decade ago for use in their range of products, from Photoshop to Flash. Adobe's documentation describes it as follows:
Adobe Pixel Bender is a programming language that is used to create or manipulate image content. Using Pixel Bender you create a kernel, also known as a shader. The shader defines a single function that executes on each of the pixels of an image individually. The result of each call to the function is the output color at that pixel coordinate in the image. Input images and parameter values can be specified to customize the operation. In a single execution of a shader, input and parameter values are constant. The only thing that varies is the coordinate of the pixel whose color is the result of the function call.
Check out the Pixel Bender specification for a complete low-down on this domain-specific language.
The Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit cames with a nice interactive tool that helps you develop PB kernels:
GPU acceleration meant that even complicated kernels could execute in the blink of an eye. This product is sadly no longer available for download from Adobe's website. If you look hard enough though, you can still find it somewhere on the Internet. And yes, the Windows version does run properly under Wine.
The following is a simple example of a PB kernel:
<languageVersion : 1.0;>
kernel adjust
namespace : "example";
vendor : "example";
version : 1;
input image4 src;
output pixel4 dst;
parameter float3 multipliers
minValue: float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
maxValue: float3(5.0, 5.0, 5.0);
defaultValue: float3(1.5, 1.0, 1.0);
description: "multiplier for RGB channels";
dst = sampleNearest(src, outCoord());
dst.rgb *= multipliers;
The kernel accepts one parameter, multipliers
, is a vector of three floating point numbers.
The evaluatePixel()
function samples the input image at the same coordinates as the output
pixel. It then multiplies the RGB channels by multipliers
, leaving alone the alpha channel.
The default value of multipliers
would make an image more reddish.
Here are some examples of what can be done using Pixel Bender. Click on the "Live Demo" links to see them in action in your browser and see how changing their parameters affects the output. The demo web-apps should work on any non-ancient mobile phone.
by Justin Everett-Church
Chihuly themed transition
Source image | Result |
by Petri Leskinen
Source image | Result |
by pixelero
complex mapping f(z)= (az2+b)/(cz2+d)
Source image | Result |
by Petri Leskinen
Crystallize -filter
Source image | Result |
Live Demo | Live Video Demo | Source
by Tom Beddard
The Droste effect.
Source image | Result |
by Petri Leskinen
Hexagonal Tiling
Source image | Result |
by Alan Ross
Source image | Result |
Live Demo | Live Video Demo | Source
by Posterizer
Posterizes an image using 2 to 8 specified colors
Source image | Result |
by Adobe Systems
A variable sepia filter
Source image | Result |
by nicoptere
Source image | Result |
by Richard Zurad
Filter to mimic the TEXTp effect from YouTube's 2010 April Fools joke
Source images | Result |
Live Demo | Live Video Demo | Source
by Elias Stehle
Bumpmap Shader - Stunning effects on texture-like inputs
Source images | Result |
by Petri Leskinen
Metallic -effect
Source images | Result |
by Tom Beddard
Mandelbulb Fractal Ray Tracer - the quick version
Result |
by Om Labs
Newton Raphson Fractals
Result |
by Newgrounds
Pixel Blender Raytracing
Result |
Additional examples can be found at the following pages: