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Deploy Play With Dock on a local Ubuntu 18.04 machine

peihunglin edited this page Mar 23, 2020 · 14 revisions

The official installation doc is very limited. Here is the sequence which works for me:


The default PWD installation has a fatal security flaw (users can mount host device in RW mode from the terminal), using the instructions documented by the first part of

  • As mentioned by the author of PWD, this is intentional. '''The environment in has some extra security and scalability features which are not part of the open source project. If you want to know more about enterprise pricing..'''


Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Install docker and related things

# Prepare apt repo for docker
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

sudo add-apt-repository    "deb [arch=amd64] \
   $(lsb_release -cs) \

sudo apt-get update

# Install docker 
 sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli 

# Install docker compose: we will compose multiple docker based services

 sudo apt-get install docker-compose 

# add your ccurent account into docker group, so you don't need to use sudo to run docker commands

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

# You may have to log out and log in again to make the group change effective. 

 docker swarm init

# If you get error from the previous command, try to run the following command and re-run the previous command.

 sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

# Obtain the docker-in-docker image
docker pull franela/dind

Install go language

PWD is mostly written in go language. So we have to install golang.

sudo apt install go-dep golang-go 

# GOPATH is necessary to compile/run golang programs
mkdir ~/.go
export GOPATH=$HOME/.go  

vi ~/.bashrc to add "export GOPATH=$HOME/.go"

Linux kernel preparation

PWD uses overlay and xt_ipvs kernel modules to work.

sudo modprobe xt_ipvs overlay

You can add two lines into /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf to automatically load the modules at boot time


Download PWD

git clone  

The instructions on this page were tested to work with the following revision:

commit 00e5a8f9b4a01f8c723f74b2637dde5796a87869 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Michael Irwin <>
Date:   Tue Oct 22 13:05:37 2019 -0400

    Add docker-app as a cli plugin (#364)

Prepare software dependencies

We need to download dependencies for go programs used by PWD

cd play-with-docker/  

# "./..." means start in the current directory ("./") and find all packages below that directory ("...")
go get -v -d -t ./...  

# Must go to this path first for remaining commands
cd $HOME/.go/src/

# install all dependencies for this Go project
# the PWD container is managed by a Go program
dep ensure

Start the docker services

# run composed services in background
docker-compose up -d 

# to see what is currently running
docker-compose ps 

# You should see the following entries reported by docker ps
# three services are bundled together by PWD: l2, pwd, and haproxy.
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                              NAMES
bcf60cbf2477        golang              "/bin/sh -c 'ssh-key…"   18 minutes ago      Up 18 minutes>443/tcp,>22/tcp,>53/tcp   l2
3f3bfe6f8738        golang              "/bin/sh -c 'ssh-key…"   18 minutes ago      Up 18 minutes                                                                          pwd
c5941c74ce9a        haproxy             "/docker-entrypoint.…"   18 minutes ago      Up 18 minutes>8080/tcp                                               haproxy

Test your installation:

  • visit localhost in your browser: you should be able to see the welcome page and start the PWD from the browser
  • the default installation is accessible from local machine only.

Using a domain name

If you want to make your PWD installation visible to the outside, you have to do two additional steps

  • setup a domain name like and let it point to the IP address of your server running PWD
  • edit config/config.go line 58, replace PlaygroundDomain's value "localhost" with ""


GOPATH variable is not set.

  • you may actually set it already (export GOPATH=$HOME/.go). But you may be running '''docker-compose up ''' after sudo, so the variable is lost.
  • solution: export GOPATH after sudo, or run using your own account added into docker group