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T.Goehlert edited this page May 5, 2024 · 5 revisions


Getting Started


you can install it via Unity's package manager via gitURL:

if you don't have git installed in your PATH environment, you can also download the package via github and install it as a local package.

Importing a map

Qunity's design goal is that it provides an easy yet flexible workflow. once you have your texture folder in place, you can simply save (or drag and drop) your .map file into your Assets folder.

As of now (v1.0.6), The first import could give you a warning due to texture reimports. Qunity will convert the textures to RGBA32, setup transparent pixels and generate an emmission map. reimporting a texture means that Qunity cannot use it right away. If you see this warning, simply reimport the map using the context menu (right click) on the map file.

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