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A demo program of a content-based image retrieval system using visual and textual features

How to run the program?


  • OpenCV (v3.0, built from the source code)
  • Boost (the latest version download from Homebrew)
  • CMake

Compile and run in command line

  1. Download the repository

     git clone
  2. Compile the source code

     cd cbir && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
  3. Run the demo program

     ./demo <dataset> <queryset> <kNumQuery> <kNumLexicon> <kAlpha>

Here is an example of expected result:

$ ./demo <dataset> <queryset> 9 23 0.5
Dataset: <dataset>
Queryset: <queryset>
kNumQuery=9, kNumLexicon(unpruned)=23, kAlpha=0.5
Image retrieval accuracy: 0.925 (37/40)
Lexicon (8)
       836 [-]
   1.3e+03 [;]
       488 [Leather]
       494 [clutch]
       432 [features]
       429 [hobo]
  1.21e+03 [leather]
       413 [zip]
Text retrieval accuracy: 0.925 (37/40)
Hybrid retrieval accuracy: 0.95 (38/40)

Overview of the program

  1. Pre-computing the image/text feature for all images in a data set;
  2. Computing the image/text feature of a query image from another set, and calculating the sum of square (SSD) distance between the feature of the query image and the entire data set
  3. Picking the top kNumQuery images in terns of minimum SSD, and then choosing the majority of the ensemble as a final prediction
  4. Evaluating the accuracy of the predictions through the entire query image set

The image feature

The image feature is a simple 32 by 32 black and white patch.

The text feature

The text feature is a histogram of lexicon choosing from top kNumLexicon. Here is an example of a lexicon built with the 20 most frequent words (i.e. kNumLexicon=20) in the data set:

3393 [a]
3220 [and]
2586 [with]
2382 [the]
1297 [;]
1212 [leather]
1185 [of]
1058 [in]
1013 [The]
1004 [for]
 980 [to]
 872 [your]
 836 [-]
 811 [from]
 764 [is]
 646 [This]
 520 [A]
 494 [clutch]
 488 [Leather]
 432 [features]

The hybrid feature

The hybrid feature is a linear combination of the SSDs computed from image and text features. E.g kAlpha * SSD_image + (1-kAlpha) * SSD_text


Th image feature

Using the image feature only have achieved a high accuracy of 0.925 (37/40).

The textual feature

I tried both not pruning and pruning the lexicon by removing the stop words, such as "a", "for", "the", ...etc.

My observation is the accuracy is roughly proportional to the number of words in the lexicon. Even using the unpruned lexicon, the accuracy would slowly converge to an accuracy of 0.95. Here is a summary of the number of words in the lexicon to the accuracy: kNumLexicon

The pruned lexicon reaches the convergence accuracy 0.95 only using 11 words (the 11th word is "bag"). Yet the unpruned lexicon needs 71 words to get a 0.95 accuracy rate. There are some powerful keywords (annotating in the figure) boosting the accuracy. In summery, the burned lexicon has the following benefits:

  1. Gathering such powerful keywords faster than the unpruned one
  2. Having no distraction from the stop words

The hybrid feature

From the above results we know the accuracy using image feature is 0.925 and the best accuracy using text feature is 1 with a pruned lexicon of kNumLexicon=39, chosen from the top 62 frequent words. The hybrid feature might not perform better than that lexicon. So let's make a scenario to see the benefit for the hybrid feature.

Say we only have limit budget on the number of lexicon, for instance, kNumLexicon=8 for reaching the 0.925 accuracy. With the hybrid feature, the result can be slightly better than the individual image/text retrieval.

kAlpha Text Hybrid Image
0 0.925 0.925 0.925
0.1 0.925 0.95 0.925
0.01 0.925 0.95 0.925
1 0.925 0.925 0.925


  1. 01/29/2015 System setup (installed the latest OpenCV and Boost, and wrote the CMakeLists.txt)
  2. 02/04/2015 Commit ImageRetrieval v1.0
  3. 02/12/2015 Commit TextRetrieval v1.0
  4. 02/14/2015 Commit HybridRetrieval v.10
  5. 02/16/2015 Evaluation
  6. 02/17/2015 Fixed bugs in HybridRetrieval (zero comparisons, including other text files)


Image retrieval using visual and textual features






No releases published


