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TechTris Test App

Codacy Badge

  • A simple feature test app.
  • Basically works like Whatsapp Status uploader Can record videos in bits and also pick from local storage


Follow the link to test app and clone repository. UI design and fireframe can be viewed on and please take at as reference point.

  • From app 2 functions where removed two functions. Photo and video sharing. Your task is to implement both functions back to app with following conditions:

1. Content is shared inside app with otgher users off app. What does it mean? You as consumer take photo/video or share photo/video from your phones galery to the app.

2. media is not shared outside of app but inside the app

3. implement function for any app content to be shared on Facebook.

Getting Started

This project uses AndroidX dependencies. This means you would need to have Android Studio 3.2.1 or later and AndroidX installed. With this, you can get started with the following steps:

  1. Clone this project git clone
  2. Launch and build project on Android studio.

To test this application, please use an Android device or emulator (OS 5.0 or newer).

what was done to implement this functions and what I would do different if there is more time:


Understand the Task - Before proceeding with coding the features I had to understand the problem, how to approach it, ways to achieve what was expected. Leveraging on resources to make process faster - I used a image picker library since I was constraint on time but I had to tweak the library to fit my need.


If I had enough time I'd have created my own custom camera with a custom interface to suit my need and and tailor it to have the look and feel as modeled in the design.