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chys87 edited this page Feb 8, 2012 · 5 revisions

If you keep a diary, and you like to use text mode in Linux, this is for you.


Full CJK support;

Friendly text-mode user interface;

Complete keyboard control;

Mouse support (to the extent that your terminal supports);

Reliable password protection;

Regular expression.


I would be very pleased to get any feedback from any user (if anyone other than myself is actually using it...) Contact me by E-mail, or create pull requests or issues.

Build instructions


  • A working, recent Linux distribution.
  • Working C and C++ compilers. gcc and g++ 4.3 or higher versions are recommended.
  • CMake 2.6
  • ncurses 5.6 (Unicode support required; mouse support recommended)
  • libxml2 2.7
  • libpcre 7.8 (optional; UTF-8 support recommended)
  • libbz2

It is supposed to work on other Unix-like systems, but it's not tested yet. Also, I have only tested tiary on x86 and x86-64, though I expect it to run on other hardware with little or no modification.


If you download a tiary-.tar. file, then it's as straightforward as any GNU package: untar; configure; make; make install. Tiary installs only one file, called /usr/local/bin/tiary by default.

If you check out the repository, you will need a recent version of autoconf, automake and autoconf-archive. And then run "autoreconf --install -v" before configure and make.

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