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Weekly Meeting 2016 06 23

Tim Pepper edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • opens (5 minutes)
  • bugs (10 minutes)
  • Testing strategy


meeting bot had an's a copy/paste of a local irc client's logs:

ciaomtgbot: Meeting started Thu Jun 23 15:02:35 2016 UTC.  The chair is AmyLee7. Information about MeetBot at
ciaomtgbot: Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.    
AmyLee7: o/                                                                     
tcpepper: o/                                                                    
sameo: o/                                                                       
chamings: o~                                                                    
AmyLee7: #topic opens                                                           
leoswaldo: o/                                                                   
tcpepper: semi-open: imho we should plan in the coming weeks to decide our path wrt OpenStack.
albertom: o/                                                                    
leoswaldo: I have a couple                                                      
tcpepper: earlier June happens tend to preclude us from becoming an official project
sameo: tcpepper: Should we start discussing that today ?                        
tcpepper: we could or give it a week to kick around in people's minds and form an opinion to then share next week?
tcpepper: it's a weighty topic                                                  
markusry: sameo: No we don't.
sameo: tcpepper: Ok. Could you give us the deadline ?                           
sameo: markusry: Fair enough...                                                 
tcpepper: sameo: I'll put it on next week's agenda if folks agree at least this week that we should drive to a decision
sameo: markusry: Now I understand why you were expecting me to merge 305 :)     
sameo: tcpepper: Sounds good.                                                   
markusry: sameo: RIght.                                                         
tcpepper: I wasn't sure where folks were on the topic...we could just leave it on the table for a while yet
AmyLee7: tcpepper: agree and we should also make sure Arjan is in attendance as I know he has been discussing with management here too
AmyLee7: maybe we bring it up in our discussion Monday?                         
sameo: tcpepper: I think it's time for us to seriously think about it.     
sameo: mcastelino:                              
tcpepper: also the nova mid-cycle is coming to Oregon in a couple weeks.  so a decision by then would drive whether we participate in that
tcpepper: #action tcpepper add OpenStack big tent discussion to next week's agenda and bring in Arjan
AmyLee7: any other opens?                                                       
leoswaldo: I have two                                                           
AmyLee7: ok go ahead leoswaldo                                                  
leoswaldo: as you might know I've been working on rally-ciao               
leoswaldo: rally now can boot/delete machines,                                  
sameo: leoswaldo: On top of ciao...                                             
mcastelino: leoswaldo: VMs and containers?                                      
leoswaldo: there are still some other call I need to create but they are informational, so if we test a boot it should work, it will through 4 exceptions
leoswaldo: for which I opend  issues #299 #300 #301 #302                        
markusry: Does rally have fixed set of tests that it runs through?              
leoswaldo: mcastelino: only tested with vms                                     
sameo: #action tcpepper to add openstack path discussion to next week agenda.   
leoswaldo: I would need AmyLee7, sameo to set the priority for this issues, I consder they are low like P2/P3 since they are only informational
leoswaldo: markusry: yes, rally calls them scenarios                            
sameo: leoswaldo: Those missing endpoints are P2 imho.                          
markusry: how many can it run now on top of ciao?                               
leoswaldo: for boot/delete and listing                                          
AmyLee7: #action Amy assign priority (P2) to issues #299 #300 #301 #302         
leoswaldo: the top pririty was boot/delete  so I would need to talke to same to see what are going to be our next priority
sameo: #info rally on top of ciao can boot, delete and list instances           
leoswaldo: I have only tested on a ciao vm cluster, so the numbers I've got are not nice, because of my hardware
markusry: Great.  Any idea what percentage of rally's functionality this is?
leoswaldo: but I'm planning to make a run on bare metal the begginingnext week
sameo: #info leoswaldo to run rally on top of ciao on bare metal cluster next week.
leoswaldo: no to be sincere. i can make a research to see our coverall, and bring a status next week
obedmr: markusry: we have the most important one, here's the full list
obedmr: _ones                                                                   
sameo: obedmr: But which ones of those do we support ?                          
markusry: I see.  Thanks                                                        
AmyLee7: #action leoswaldo will discuss status of rally on ciao bare metal next week
obedmr: sameo: boot, destroy, list                                              
leoswaldo: vms*                                                                 
tcpepper: we wont support a lot of that list yet as it includes things like pause/unpause, attach storage, &tc.
AmyLee7: #info full list of rally functionality is here-
tcpepper: that list though does amount to a nice gap list                       
markusry: It looks like there are about 70 test cases there                     
sameo: leoswaldo: Maybe you could propose which next scenarios you think we should support next ?
mcastelino: tcpepper: would we need to pass all of them to get into openstack by next OSS?
tcpepper: mcastelino: I don't think so.  "get into" is more about following process.  if we passed all of those by October that would be amazing :)
leoswaldo: sure, I'll take a look and make a priority list on importance   
tcpepper: (amazingly awesome ;)                                                 
AmyLee7: #action leoswaldo will go through the functionality and create a prioritized list
leoswaldo: I think that's it from my opens                                 
AmyLee7: ok thank you leoswaldo!                                                
markusry: I'd just like to raise the workloads issue                       
markusry: i.e., that we should spend some time looking at ciao from the user's perspective
markusry: understand how to create cloud apps on top of it, etc.                
markusry: Make sure it's easy                                              
AmyLee7: markusry is this the feature you added to sameo feature deck?          
tcpepper: we need a plan for tooling around workload generation, and somebody to actually make some
markusry: Maybe another agenda item for next week.                              
markusry: Yes                                                                   
markusry: And to get a good idea of what other orchestrators do an offer here.  
obedmr: Maybe Heat orchestration could help with                                
AmyLee7: yes I think we should discuss and definitely spend time in the next week doing some research
tcpepper: the long goal was definitely to be able to run some existing heat template
markusry: And I think that's the key.  We need to spend some time looking at it like we did with storage
markusry: RIght now I have this vague suspicion that something is missing but I'm not quite sure what
sameo: markusry: Looking at kubernetes would be handy as well.                  
AmyLee7: markusry: do you want to take the lead on putting together a proposal to review?
tcpepper: but we'd also talked about some semi-synthetic workloads like "bitcoin miner" or "wordpress blog".  for the later we could even build (if one doesn't exist) a tool to do random greeking-in of pseudocontent.
markusry: Yes.                                                                  
tcpepper: #link                                          
obedmr: I could start doing some research on Heat for CIAO                      
obedmr: what would be the plan for this orchestration thing, is it planned to have on Sprint 1, 2 or 3?
sameo: #action markusry to build a workload definition/building tooling proposal
markusry: and ultimately some worklods                                          
sameo: obedmr: sprint2...Amy ?                                                  
albertom: we really need a way to assign floating ips to vms                    
markusry: workloads                                                             
AmyLee7: yes sprint2                                                            
obedmr: ok                                                                      
sameo: #action obedmr to run some research on Heat for ciao                     
obedmr: sure                                                                    
albertom: currently the vms are a bit "useless" since services installed there have to be port forwarded twice
albertom: on cnci and hosts                                                     
mcastelino: albertom: tht is not true                                           
mcastelino: they only need to forwarded once on the CNCI                        
albertom: oh, well anyways, you cannot have two vms serving different webpages on the same port :P
mcastelino: albertom: that is a different problem, it is not about port forwarding twice
albertom: yeah sorry for stating it bad in the first time                       
mrkz: mcastelino: maybe an example/blog/tutorial on how to archive albertom's user case would be appreciated from the user perspective :)
mcastelino: albertom: and the way you achieve this is typically usinga LBR. Also can you expand the use case offline. I do not understand
albertom: ok will talk about it later, lets continue                            
tcpepper: bug time?                                                             
AmyLee7: yes                                                                    
AmyLee7: #topic bug scrub                                                       
AmyLee7: No P1's :)                                                        
tcpepper: AmyLee7: based on what query?                                         
AmyLee7: #link first P2 opened April 8, 
AmyLee7: based on github                                                        
AmyLee7: those are not bugs                                                     
tcpepper: doh indeed                                                            
tcpepper: No results matched your search                                        
markusry: #16 haven't started working on yet.  The target is for the end of next week.  Not sure I'll get it done.  I think I have 9 issues to close for next week
tcpepper: re: issue #16 the payload truly restrictions?  or requested resource minimums?
markusry: Although maybe it won't be that hard                             
tcpepper: markusry: could you ``` paste ``` a sample payload into the issue?    
markusry: Basically, there's nothing we can do about disk.                 
markusry: At least there wasn't last time I looked.                        
markusry: But currently, you can't restrict a container to using 2 cpus or 100MB of memory for example
AmyLee7: #action markusry will work on issue #16 next week and will ``` paste ``` a sample payload into the issue
markusry: if that container is launched by launcher.                            
AmyLee7: ok anything else on this bug?                                          
AmyLee7: #link P2 opened April 8        
AmyLee7: markusry: this one is yours as well                                    
markusry: Yes.  This one is sort of related.                                    
markusry: It's stuff that never got implemented when I did the initial docker integration with launcher
sameo: markusry: I believe you can limit the IO bandwidth, but not the disk size.
AmyLee7: #info issue #16 and 17 are related                                     
markusry: sameo:  Yes last time I looked docker used a fixed 20GB disk          
markusry: You can change this with an environment variable but this is not obviously container specific
markusry: or obviously not
AmyLee7: #action markusry will work on issues #16 and 17 this week              
AmyLee7: #link P2 opened May 5          
AmyLee7: this one is kristen's                                             
markusry: Well, I'm not sure.  I have 9 issues to fix for next week and those two I was planning to defer
markusry: And concentrate on the others                                         
markusry: I'll try to get them fixed of course.                            
sameo: markusry: I'd say 16 and 17 can wait a couple more weeks.           
sameo: AmyLee7: Maybe leoswaldo can take #98                                    
AmyLee7: should we push them to Sprint 2?                                       
sameo: As he's getting familiar with the ciao-controller compute code.     
AmyLee7: on #98 Kristen said we can push to sprint 2                            
AmyLee7: I am ok with leoswaldo taking this                                     
tcpepper: if desired I could look at 98.  I've been in some of that controller code a bit related to building out testutil/
markusry: AmyLee7: Yes I think so.                                              
leoswaldo: sure I can take it                                                   
AmyLee7: #action AmyLee7 will push issue #16 and 17 to sprint 2                 
markusry: AmyLee7:  Thanks                                                      
AmyLee7: #action leoswaldo and tcpepper will look at issue #98                  
AmyLee7: #link P2 opened June 9        
AmyLee7: leoswaldo: this one is assigned to you                                 
leoswaldo: yes                                                                  
AmyLee7: any updates?                                                           
leoswaldo: sent the pull request earlier today                                  
leoswaldo: #link                         
sameo: AmyLee7:                          
tcpepper: I'll review PR 310 later this morning                                 
AmyLee7: #info PR was sent for #issue234 today                                  
leoswaldo: nice, thanks tcpepper                                                
AmyLee7: #action tcpepper will review PR 310 later this morning                 
AmyLee7: #link P2 opened June 16       
AmyLee7: markusry: this one is yours                                            
markusry: Yes.                                                                  
markusry: It's a quick fix but not part of Sprint1 so I haven't been working on it
AmyLee7: ok                                                                     
AmyLee7: #action AmyLee7 update issue #267 to sprint 2                          
AmyLee7: #topic testing strategy                                                
tcpepper: I'll try to be brief                                                  
AmyLee7: I have to head down to the open forum soon...                          
tcpepper: I've started some docu                                                
AmyLee7: ok thank you tcpepper                                                  
tcpepper: #link    
tcpepper: We've got four levels of testability currently                                  
tcpepper: We've got four levels of testability currently                                  
tcpepper: 1) unit tests: component specific unit test                                     
tcpepper: 2) test util: ssntp cluster test of a component with testutil/                  
tcpepper: 3) cluster test virtual: single vm tests                                        
tcpepper: 4) cluster test on hardware: BAT                                      
tcpepper: I'd viewed #2 as a gap, as it really kept ciao-scheduler's coverage down, so I spend time on testutil/
tcpepper: manohar's invested in #3                                              
tcpepper: and kristen in #4                                                     
tcpepper: I think that's a solid set of options and coverage                    
tcpepper: what do ya'll think?                                                  
mcastelino: tcpepper: agree                                                     
sameo: I agree.                                                                 
mcastelino: tcpepper: A comment. we should able to run BAT on 3. Will try it when I get the chance.
tcpepper: the difference between 1/2 and 3 is how many components they test.  1 and 2 are component focused.  3 is all components
tcpepper: mcastelino: good point                                                
markusry: Agree too.                                                            
tcpepper: and right now BAT is only on a small nuc cluster.  we'll want to get more into BAT and BAT on more hardware
tcpepper: ok so then we've done ok for the month w/o fuentess :)                
sameo: mcastelino: Could we consolidate the simgle VM tests into BAT ?          
tcpepper: and that was all from me on test                                      
sameo: And run the BAT tests by default on single VM ?                          
mcastelino: sameo: we should be able to                                         
mcastelino: pending any bugs                                                    
mcastelino: in my setup                                                         
sameo: mcastelino: Then 3) is no longer a set of tests, but rather a test medium.
mcastelino: sameo: yes I will remove my own tests and use BAT                   
mcastelino: sameo: that way single VM will setup the env and BAT will test it   
sameo: mcastelino: Or/and extend the BAT ones if they don't cover your current single VM tests.
sameo: mcastelino: Cool.                                                        
AmyLee7: #action sameo and mrcastelino close on single VM way to cover BAT      
sameo: Does that make sense to you tcpepper ?                                   
AmyLee7: ok I have to head out                                                  
tcpepper: sameo: ACK                                                            
AmyLee7: #endmeeting
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