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Unsupervised segmentation of biomedical hyperspectral image data: tackling high dimensionality with convolutional autoencoders

Ciaran Bench, Jayakrupakar Nallala, Chun-Chin Wang, Hannah Sheridan, Nicholas Stone
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK

This repository contains i) python files used to train/evaluate segmentation networks, ii) some results, and iii) code used to analyse network outputs. Some NMI score/ARS values and CAE+k-means images may differ slightly from those seen in the paper, as a fixed seed was not used to run k-means.

Arrays of pre-parsed HSI patches are loaded in for use as inputs. These arrays are not included in this repository as permission has not yet been granted to distribute it to the wider public.

CAE+k-means clustering

After the pretraining stage, a .mat file 'encoded_imgs_pretrain.mat' containing the latent vector for each patch is saved. k-means clustering is used to acquire the resultant segmentation image.

End-to-end clustering

A model file from the pretraining stage mentioned above is loaded, and the autoencoder module and clustering module are trained together. Once training is complete, a .mat file 'cluster_out_train.mat' is saved, which contains the cluster ID for each input patch.


Much of the network code was adapted from the following resources:

X. Guo, X. Liu, E. Zhu, and J. Yin, “Deep clustering with convolutional autoencoders,” in International conference on neural information processing, pp. 373–382, Springer, 2017.
MIT license. Copyright (c) 2020 Xifeng Guo

B. Manifold, S. Men, R. Hu, and D. Fu, “A versatile deep learning architecture for classification and label-free prediction of hyperspectral images,” Nature machine intelligence, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 306–315, 2021.
Allen Institute Software License Copyright © 2018. Allen Institute.


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