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Criteria for selecting CI/CD tools

Here's a collection of thoughts regarding how to chose a CI/CD tool that fits your needs.


  • is the overall concept documented and easy-to-understand
  • does usage of tool provide enough blog posts / SO posts / tutorials / videos

Setup & Maintenance (Day 1 and Day 2 operations)

  • Packages (.rpm, .deb...) available (and maintained)
  • Docker images available (and maintained)
  • Proper update workflow (zero downtime)
  • Installer for (public) cloud environments (BOSH manifest, Terrarform, Ansible, Chef, ...)
  • Can setup and configuration be fully automated (e.g. Concourse via BOSH)
  • Regarding configuration: GUI-only config or files (that can be put in version control...)
  • HA setup, zero downtime

On-premise vs. SaaS

  • do you need an on-prem solution
  • could it be SaaS solution
  • do you "only" build stuff, or also deploy stuff

OSS vs. Commercial products

  • how big is the community around the tool
  • popularity of tool (last commits, stars on Github, issues opened vs. closed...)
  • do you need (commercial) support

User Management

  • LDAP integration
  • multi-tenancy capabilities
  • Granularity of roles / permissions
  • can user / roles management be stored in files or only via GUI
  • SSO with Github, Gitlab, ...

Credentials Management

  • Internal credentials store
  • Connection to external store (credhub, vault, ...)
  • are credentials securely injected into your jobs
  • can credentials be masqueraded in log outputs (to wrap up log exposure generated by ugly configured gradle plugins for example ...)
  • support for openID

Job Runners

  • Scalability of runners (auto-scale)
    • for various backends (aws auto-scaling-groups, kubernetes, dockermachine, .... find more)
    • allow dynamic registration of new runners
    • allow save deregistration of scaled out runners!
  • Integration of Dockerimages for single build-steps (be not forced to bake all the tools into a single docker)
  • running on arbitrary machines (even local laptop)
  • uni-directional vs. bi-directional communication between master and agents
  • do runners cover all OSes that you need (i.e. Windows, Mac)
  • can runners easily be set up (with your build tools)
  • are environments separated (each tech stack has its own runner)
  • do jobs survive a restart of the master
  • Caching concept - many build jobs need massive ammount of dependencies. Not downloading these dependencies every time is relevant for build-steps speed up.


  • Support of Pipelines
  • Pipline per commit
  • Pipelines as code
  • DSL (Groovy...) or YAML
  • fan-in / fan-out
  • can tasks be shared in libraries
  • can pipelines be generated via CLI tool / automated
  • are manual approval / input steps provided
  • pipeline of pipelines (cool concept found in GoCD :)
  • Quality of statemachine concepts - found some suprising situations where jobs was not expected to be executed.
  • Respect order of commits & serialization points in pipelines (ensure just one concurrent deployment of a single stage x service)

Job Configuration

  • grouping jobs in folders / groups
  • templates for job configuration re-use
  • Artifact storage and retrival for a job (S3, on CICD Server, on artifact server ...), support for artifact lifecycle


  • Deployment overview per environment: If some of your jobs do a deployment, you may want to be able to redo the deployment. A overview of available and current deployments per environment is very useful.

API / CLI tools

  • can tool be accessed / configured / extended via API / CLI
  • what features are exposed as API
  • what about multi-tenancy / permission management of API

Integration in SCM

  • feedback on every commit (builds / doesn't build), visible in SCM
  • check merge / pull requests
  • automatically create jobs for branches
  • scan ORGs / groups for projects, automatically create jobs (e.g. Jenkins Github integration)
  • grant permissions to build jobs based on SCM permissions

Your Ecosystem

  • does tool integrate well into your ecosystem
    • .NET --> TFS?
    • Cloud Foundry --> Concourse?
  • does ecosystem provide ready-to-use setup (e.g. spring pipelines)

Traceability / Ticketing system

  • Linking / tracing of artifacts from ticket to scm commit to release to deployment
  • Integration in ticketing system like JIRA - show build state, group builds, close / open tickets

Dashboards, Notifications, Monitoring, Logs

  • are useful, configurable dashboards provided
  • is monitoring of disk usage, CPU, ... provided (e.g. integration in Prometheus...)
  • what about rotating logs, deleting old artifacts, clean up of broken builds
  • integration in chat servers like Slack, HipChat, Mattermost or RocketChat
  • email notifications - possibility to manage groups of people that are notified
  • reports on code quality, test results, performance tests
  • given a broken build: how fast can you figure out, why it broke


  • plugins / vs. plugin hell
  • how to check new plugins before upgrade
  • how well are extension points documented
  • can product be extended without plugins (e.g. Concourse resources)

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