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    WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation.
    Please use the official rendered version released here:


Verifying the installation

Check the status of the DaemonSet and verify that all desired instances are in "ready" state:

$ kubectl --namespace kube-system get ds
cilium    1         1         0         <none>          3s

In this example, we see a desired state of 1 with 0 being ready. This indicates a problem. The next step is to list all cilium pods by matching on the label k8s-app=cilium and also sort the list by the restart count of each pod to easily identify the failing pods:

$ kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods --selector k8s-app=cilium \
NAME           READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
cilium-813gf   0/1       CrashLoopBackOff   2          44s

Pod cilium-813gf is failing and has already been restarted 2 times. Let's print the logfile of that pod to investigate the cause:

$ kubectl --namespace kube-system logs cilium-813gf
INFO      _ _ _
INFO  ___|_| |_|_ _ _____
INFO |  _| | | | | |     |
INFO |___|_|_|_|___|_|_|_|
INFO Cilium 0.8.90 f022e2f Thu, 27 Apr 2017 23:17:56 -0700 go version go1.7.5 linux/amd64
CRIT kernel version: NOT OK: minimal supported kernel version is >= 4.8

In this example, the cause for the failure is a Linux kernel running on the worker node which is not meeting :ref:`admin_system_reqs`.

If the cause for the problem is not apparent based on these simple steps, please come and seek help on our Slack channel.

Migrating Cilium TPR to CRD

Prior to Kubernetes 1.7, Cilium Network Policy (CNP) objects were imported as a Kubernetes ThirdPartyResource (TPRs). In Kubernetes >=1.7.0, TPRs are now deprecated, and will be removed in Kubernetes 1.8. TPRs are replaced by Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Thus, as part of the upgrade process to Kubernetes 1.7, Kubernetes has provided documentation for migrating TPRs to CRDS.

The following instructions document how to migrate CiliumNetworkPolicies existing as TPRs from a Kubernetes cluster which was previously running versions < 1.7.0 to CRDs on a Kubernetes cluster running versions >= 1.7.0. This is meant to correspond to steps 4-6 of the aforementioned guide.

Cilium adds the CNP CRD automatically; check to see that the CNP CRD has been added by Cilium:

$ kubectl get customresourcedefinition
NAME                              KIND

Save your existing CNPs which were previously added as TPRs:

$ kubectl get ciliumnetworkpolicies --all-namespaces -o yaml > cnps.yaml

Change the version of the Cilium API from v1 to v2 in the YAML file to which you just saved your old CNPs. The Cilium API is versioned to account for the change from TPR to CRD:

$ cp cnps.yaml
$ # Edit the version
$ vi
$ # The diff of the old vs. new YAML file should be similar to the output below.
$ diff cnps.yaml
< - apiVersion:
> - apiVersion:
<     selfLink: /apis/
>     selfLink: /apis/

Delete your old CNPs:

$ kubectl delete ciliumnetworkpolicies --all
$ kubectl delete thirdpartyresource

Add the changed CNPs back as CRDs:

$ kubectl create -f

Check that your CNPs are added:

$ kubectl get ciliumnetworkpolicies
NAME                       KIND
multi-rules-deprecated   Policy to test multiple rules in a single file   2 item(s)

Now if you try to create a CNP as a TPR, you will get an error:

$ Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "cilium-tpr.yaml": the API version in the data ( does not match the expected API version (

Apiserver outside of cluster

If you are running Kubernetes Apiserver outside of your cluster for some reason (like keeping master nodes behind a firewall), make sure that you run Cilium on master nodes too. Otherwise Kubernetes pod proxies created by Apiserver will not be able to route to pod IPs and you may encounter errors when trying to proxy traffic to pods.

You may run Cilium as a static pod or set tolerations for Cilium DaemonSet to ensure that Cilium pods will be scheduled on your master nodes. The exact way to do it depends on your setup.