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An Android library to make life easier.

This library offers many useful functions to solve problems more efficiently and quickly.

Keep in mind that by using Anhance, you will have less control over your code. For example, when using showToast(message) to display a toast, you cannot set the duration to Toast.LENGTH_LONG as it uses Toast.LENGTH_SHORT instead.

However, Anhance makes it easier to build apps faster and more efficiently. For instance, you can simply use the hideKeyboard() function to hide the keyboard whenever you need to, without even having to remember the code to do so programmatically.

Remember, never let anyone tell you that you are ugly. Enjoy coding! :D


Activity extensions

showToast("hi mom!") //show a toast
showKeyboard() //show the keyboard
hideKeyboard() //hide the keyboard


AnEar is a speech recognizer extension

AnEar.listen(context){ state , text ->
        READY -> showToast("Ready")
        BEGIN, VOLUME, PARTIAL -> Unit
        RESULT -> showToast(text)
        ERROR -> showToast("error")
        END -> Unit


AnReader is a text-to-speech extension

//onCreate (Application)

//Read text"hello"){ //on error 
readText("hello"){ //on error 

Extensions for Assets

context.readStringAsset("filename.txt"){ result ->
    result.onSuccess {}
    result.onFailure {}
} //read string from assets

Extensions for Audio

context.playAudio( //play audio from resource
context.playAudio("music.mp3") //play audio from assets

Extensions for Date and time

val duration = 3.seconds  // 3000L
val three = duration.toSecond // 3L
val currentMillis = millisOfNow //Current millisecond
val date = millisOfNow.formatWith("dd/MM/yyyy") //format date
val formatted = threeSeconds.formatDuration() //3s
val timer = duration.formatTimer() //00:03

Context extensions

context.showToast("hi mom!")
context.isInternetAvailable //check connection

Extensions for dimensions

val padding = 16.toPx() //convert 16dp to px
val margin = 24.toDp() //convert 24px to dp

Fragment extensions

showToast("hi mom!")
setStatusBarColorResource(R.color.primary) //change status bar's color
val color = getColor(R.color.primary) //change resource color into color
setStatusBarColor(color) //change status bar's color
showKeyboard() //show keyboard
hideKeyboard() //hide keyboard
showLoadingDialog("Loading...") //show a loading dialog
dismissLoadingDialog() //dismiss the loading dialog

AnStore for easy DataStore Setup

//inside coroutine scope
val level = context.readInt("level", 0) //read
context.writeInt("level", level) //write


  • Kotlin Random(without seed) will generate the same random sequence of result
  • this is a feature, I guess.
//If you want to generate different sets of result, use millis as seed
val random = Random(millisOfNow).nextInt(0 , 10)
//But anhance is shorter
val random2 = randomOf(0,  10)
val randomFloat = randomFloat()

AnDayNight for easy App Theme

runLightTheme() //set Light theme
runNightTheme() //set Dark theme
//why night but not dark? because light/night
//if you want to change theme and save it
context.installSystemTheme() //follow system
//get current theme

Extensions for files

//getting file extension from a Uri
val fileExtension = uri.fileExtension(context)

String extensions

val a = "100".toSafeInt() //100 safely convert string into int
val b = "abc".toSafeInt() //0
"hello mom".copy(context) //copy the string to clipboard
"<font color=#ff0000>red</font>".toHtml() //string into html
"12bdae".generateMore() //generate more random combination
"fnck you".censor() //censor a string //**** you

I also added these extensions to make my codes shorter

button.onClick{ context.showToast("hi mom!") } //onClick is just setOnClickListener{}
button2.onLongClick{ context.showToast("hi mom!") } //setOnLongClickListener{}

and a bunch of extensions that I added to use for my projects

//without anhance (inside a fragment)
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
    viewLifecycleOwner.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
        viewModel.myFlow.onEach { 
          //observe data changes here
        viewModel.myFlow2.onEach {
          //observe data changes here
//with anhance (inside a fragment)
loadData {
      //observe data changes here
      //observe data changes here



  • Add the Jitpack repository :
repositories {
  maven { url '' }

add a dependency

dependencies {