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Simple Redis Client (wrapper to hiredis) in C


Sredis is convenient wrapper to hiredis, the official redis client. What Sredis provides are:

  • Disconnection recovery
  • Connect to the master node automatically
  • Easier redis transaction / pipeline interface

What Sredis lacks is:

  • Asynchronous API


Note that this project contains hiredis as a GIT submodule. Installing Sredis will also install hiredis.

$ git clone
$ cd sredis
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./
$ ./configure
& make

Note that the sample program, sredis-example won't work unless it is installed. If you want to test before installation, try to provide local installation directory such as:

$ make PREFIX=`pwd`/root install



You'll need to create REDIS structure via one of following functions:

REDIS *redis_new(void);
REDIS *redis_open(const char *host, int port,
                  const struct timeval *c_timeout,
                  const struct timeval *o_timeout);

If you create REDIS structure via redis_new(), then you'll need to add redis server endpoint using redis_host_add():

REDIS *redis;
redis = redis_new();
redis_host_add(redis, "", 6379, NULL, NULL);

###Simple Redis Operation

You can execute any redis commands using redis_command(). The returned value, redisReply is the same as hiredis. The returned value should be freed by calling redis_free(). Unlike freeReplyObject() in hiredis, redis_free() can accept NULL. Thus, any value returned by redis_comman() can safely be passed to redis_free().

redisReply *reply;
reply = redis_command(redis, "GET foo");
if (redis_iserror(reply)) {
  /* handle an error */

As in hiredis, redis_command accept printf(3) like arguments:

reply = redis_command(redis, "SET foo %s", foo_value);


Just use redis_append() instead of redis_command(). All pipelined redis commands are executed when redis_flush() is called:

redisReply *reply;
redis_append(redis, "SET bar %s", bar_value);
redis_append(redis, "GET foo");
reply = redis_flush(redis);
if (redis_iserror(reply)) {
  /* handle error */
else {
  if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < reply->elements; i++) {
      redisReply *r = reply->element[i];
      /* 'r' points each pipelined reply */

Unlike hiredis, redis_flush() accumulates all replies in the pipelined commands, and return it as an array. In other words, the return value from redis_flush() has REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY type on success.


A redis transaction (MULTI ... EXEC) starts with redis_multi() and ends with redis_exec(). Commands in the transaction is canned with redis_append(), and executed when `redis_flush()' is called:

redisReply *reply;

redis_append(redis, "GET foo");
redis_append(redis, "GET bar");
redis_append(redis, "BRPOPLPUSH %s %s %d", source, destination, timeout);

reply = redis_flush(redis);

Note that the returned value from redis_flush() contains all the replies from the queued commands, including redis_multi(), redis_append(), and redis_exec(). For example, the above reply will contains something like:

reply->element[0] = /* the reply of MULTI */;
reply->element[1] = /* the reply of GET foo */;
reply->element[2] = /* the reply of GET bar */;
reply->element[3] = /* the reply of BRPOPLPUSH */;
reply->element[4] = /* the reply of EXEC, which is an REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY */;

Mostly, you'll have an interest only on the reply of EXEC. To make it easy, sredis provides redis_multi_reply() to get the reply of EXEC command:

reply = redis_flush(redis);
    redisReply *transaction_result;
    transaction_result = redis_multi_reply(redis, reply, 0);
    /* transaction_result holds the result of EXEC */

The third parameter of `redis_multi_reply()' is the index of the transaction. In the above example, only one transaction is queued, so the index should be zero.

Note that you'll need to call redis_free() on the returned value of redis_flush(), not the value returned from redis_multi_reply().

###High Availabilty

sredis is designed to work with a redis replication with following properties:

  • All severs have fixed endpoints (IP address/port).
  • All redis commands will go to the master server.
  • When a master redis failed, one of slaves will escalate to new master.
  • New slave will join with the previous master's endpoint.
  • All slaves are read-only servers.

Note that sredis itself has nothing to do with the replication itself. You'll need to setup the replication yourself. (via redis-sentinel or some custom scripts)

When there is a sudden disconnection between the application and redis replication (due to network hazard or master failure), either of redis_command() or redis_flush() will return NULL.

If you added more than one endpoint via redis_host_add(), then subsequent call to redis_command() or redis_flush() will automatically connect to the next available master.


Simple Redis Client (helpers to hiredis)






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