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Version 1.1.0. Refactored kite classes and names, fixed build failure…
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…, moved extensions to member functions on KiteFetcher.kt to dynamically switch context (closes #1), made global Kite context public, included testing dependencies
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cioccarellia committed Dec 12, 2020
1 parent bf320a4 commit e8275c1
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Showing 34 changed files with 197 additions and 202 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kite/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions kite/build.gradle
Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ dependencies {
implementation deps.kotlin.stdlib8
implementation deps.androidx.core

testImplementation deps.test.junit
testImplementation deps.test.androidx_test_core
testImplementation deps.test.androidx_test_runner_espresso
testImplementation deps.kotlin.test.mockito
testImplementation deps.test.robolectric
testImplementation deps.test.junit
testImplementation deps.test.mockito_core
testImplementation deps.test.truth
Expand All @@ -36,4 +38,4 @@ tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).all {
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion kite/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -1 +1 @@
<manifest package="com.cioccarellia.kite" />
<manifest package="com.cioccarellia.kite" />
70 changes: 36 additions & 34 deletions kite/src/main/kotlin/com/cioccarellia/kite/Kite.kt
Expand Up @@ -24,153 +24,155 @@ import
import android.util.TypedValue
import android.view.animation.Animation
import android.view.animation.Interpolator
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.KiteCustomResParser
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.KiteResParser
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.compat.KiteColorStateLists
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.compat.KiteColors
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.compat.KiteDrawables
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.context.KiteStrings
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.context.KiteTexts
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.custom.KiteAnimations
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.custom.KiteInterpolators
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.resources.*
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.CustomKiteFetcher
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.StandardKiteFetcher
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.compat.KiteColorStateLists
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.compat.KiteColors
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.compat.KiteDrawables
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.context.KiteStrings
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.context.KiteTexts
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.custom.KiteAnimations
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.custom.KiteInterpolators
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.resources.*

public object Kite {
* Initialized Kite
* Initializes Kite and sets the current Kite context
* */
public fun fly(context: Context) {
this.context = context

internal lateinit var context: Context
* [Context] used by default to fetch resources
* */
public lateinit var context: Context

* Fetches [String]s from resources.
* [Context.getString()] is used to resolve the id.
* There is also a vararg variant which accepts format arguments, and maps to the appropriate [Context.getString()] function.
* */
public val string: KiteResParser<Int, String> by lazy { KiteStrings() }
public val string: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, String> by lazy { KiteStrings() }

* Fetches [String]s Plurals from resources, given the [String] id and the [Int] quantity.
* [Resources.getQuantityString()] is used to resolve the id.
* There is also a vararg variant which accepts format arguments, and maps to the appropriate [Resources.getQuantityString()] function.
* */
public val plural: KiteCustomResParser<Int, String> by lazy { KitePlurals() }
public val plural: CustomKiteFetcher<Int, String> by lazy { KitePlurals() }

* Fetches [CharSequence] Texts from resources.
* [Context.getText()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val text: KiteResParser<Int, CharSequence> by lazy { KiteTexts() }
public val text: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, CharSequence> by lazy { KiteTexts() }

* Fetches color [Int]s from resources.
* [ContextCompat.getColor()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val color: KiteResParser<Int, Int> by lazy { KiteColors() }
public val color: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Int> by lazy { KiteColors() }

* Fetches [ColorStateList]s from resources.
* [ContextCompat.getColorStateList()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val colorStateList: KiteResParser<Int, ColorStateList> by lazy { KiteColorStateLists() }
public val colorStateList: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, ColorStateList> by lazy { KiteColorStateLists() }

* Fetches [Boolean]s from resources.
* [Resources.getBoolean()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val bools: KiteResParser<Int, Boolean> by lazy { KiteBools() }
public val bools: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Boolean> by lazy { KiteBools() }

* Fetches ID [Int]s from resources, given the definition type and package.
* [Resources.getIdentifier()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val identifier: KiteCustomResParser<String, Int> by lazy { KiteIdentifier() }
public val identifier: CustomKiteFetcher<String, Int> by lazy { KiteIdentifier() }

* Fetches [Drawable]s from resources.
* [ContextCompat.getDrawable()] is used to resolve the id.
* There is also a variant which accepts a [Resources.Theme?] arguments, and maps to the [Resources.getDrawable()] function.
* */
public val drawable: KiteResParser<Int, Drawable> by lazy { KiteDrawables() }
public val drawable: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Drawable> by lazy { KiteDrawables() }

* Fetches [Animation]s from resources.
* [AnimationUtils.loadAnimation()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val animation: KiteResParser<Int, Animation> by lazy { KiteAnimations() }
public val animation: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Animation> by lazy { KiteAnimations() }

* Fetches [Interpolator]s from resources.
* [AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val interpolator: KiteResParser<Int, Interpolator> by lazy { KiteInterpolators() }
public val interpolator: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Interpolator> by lazy { KiteInterpolators() }

* Fetches [IntArray]s from resources.
* [Resources.getIntArray()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val intArray: KiteResParser<Int, IntArray> by lazy { KiteIntArrays() }
public val intArray: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, IntArray> by lazy { KiteIntArrays() }

* Fetches String Arrays ([Array<String>]) from resources.
* [Resources.getStringArray()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val stringArray: KiteResParser<Int, Array<out String>> by lazy { KiteStringArrays() }
public val stringArray: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Array<out String>> by lazy { KiteStringArrays() }

* Fetches [TypedArray]s from resources.
* [Resources.obtainTypedArray()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val typedArray: KiteResParser<Int, TypedArray> by lazy { KiteTypedArrays() }
public val typedArray: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, TypedArray> by lazy { KiteTypedArrays() }

* Fetches Dimension [Float]s from resources.
* [Resources.getDimension()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val dimension: KiteResParser<Int, Float> by lazy { KiteDimensions() }
public val dimension: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Float> by lazy { KiteDimensions() }

* Fetches [Int]s from resources.
* [Resources.getInteger()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val integer: KiteResParser<Int, Int> by lazy { KiteIntegers() }
public val integer: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Int> by lazy { KiteIntegers() }

* Fetches fractions [Float]s from resources, given the value base and the parent value base.
* [Resources.getFraction()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val fraction: KiteCustomResParser<Int, Float> by lazy { KiteFraction() }
public val fraction: CustomKiteFetcher<Int, Float> by lazy { KiteFraction() }

* Fetches Layout [XmlResourceParser]s from resources.
* [Resources.getLayout()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val layout: KiteResParser<Int, XmlResourceParser> by lazy { KiteLayouts() }
public val layout: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, XmlResourceParser> by lazy { KiteLayouts() }

* Fetches [InputStream]s from resources.
* [Resources.openRawResource()] is used to resolve the id.
* There is also a parameterized variant which accepts a [TypedValue], which maps to the appropriate [Resources.openRawResource()] function.
* */
public val raw: KiteResParser<Int, InputStream> by lazy { KiteRaws() }
public val raw: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, InputStream> by lazy { KiteRaws() }

* Fetches Layout [XmlResourceParser]s from resources.
* [Resources.getXml()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val xml: KiteResParser<Int, XmlResourceParser> by lazy { KiteXmls() }
public val xml: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, XmlResourceParser> by lazy { KiteXmls() }

* Requires API 26 (O)
* Fetches Layout [Typeface]s from resources.
* [Resources.getFont()] is used to resolve the id.
* */
public val font: KiteResParser<Int, Typeface> by lazy { KiteFonts() }
public val font: StandardKiteFetcher<Int, Typeface> by lazy { KiteFonts() }

This file was deleted.

Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser
package com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers

* [KiteParser] which has precisely 1 input and 1 output
* [KiteFetcher] which is defined to have precisely 1 input type [R] (Resource) and 1 output type [O] (Output)
* */
public abstract class KiteCustomResParser<in R, out O> : KiteParser()
public abstract class CustomKiteFetcher<in R, out O> : KiteFetcher()
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions kite/src/main/kotlin/com/cioccarellia/kite/fetchers/KiteFetcher.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* Designed and developed by Andrea Cioccarelli (@cioccarellia)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers

import android.content.Context
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import com.cioccarellia.kite.Kite
import com.cioccarellia.kite.internal.switchContext

* Represents a kite fetcher, which is responsible for fetching resources using the Android framework.
* It provides [Context] access to the kite context
* */
public abstract class KiteFetcher {
internal val kiteContext: Context
get() {
return Kite.context

* Temporarily switches context to execute the given lambda
* @param [context] The context to be temporarily set as the new kite context while the lambda runs
* @param [block] The lambda to be executed
* */
public fun runWith(context: Context, block: (KiteFetcher) -> Unit): KiteFetcher = switchContext(context, block)
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser
package com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers

* [KiteParser] which has precisely 1 input and 1 output
* [KiteFetcher] which is defined to have precisely 1 input type [R] (Resource) and 1 output type [O] (Output).
* It compatible and backed by the index operator with a canonical signature.
* */
public abstract class KiteResParser<in R, out O> : KiteParser() {
public abstract class StandardKiteFetcher<in R, out O> : KiteFetcher() {
public abstract operator fun get(resource: R): O
Expand Up @@ -15,18 +15,18 @@

package com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.compat
package com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.compat

import android.content.res.ColorStateList
import androidx.annotation.ColorRes
import androidx.annotation.IntRange
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import com.cioccarellia.kite.resparser.KiteResParser
import com.cioccarellia.kite.fetchers.StandardKiteFetcher

* KiteColorStateLists Implementation
* [KiteColorStateLists] Implementation
* */
internal class KiteColorStateLists : KiteResParser<@ColorRes Int, ColorStateList>() {
internal class KiteColorStateLists : StandardKiteFetcher<@ColorRes Int, ColorStateList>() {
override operator fun get(
@ColorRes @IntRange(from = 1) colorStateList: Int
): ColorStateList = ContextCompat.getColorStateList(kiteContext, colorStateList)!!
Expand Down

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