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Displays local weather and wind on a Raspberry Pi

Daily forecast Hourly forecast Wind data
screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3


PiWeatherRock is an internet-connected weather station. Its purpose is to display local weather and wind condtions. It was created with the goal of having a simple way to check the weather and wind before a nautical activity (kiting, windsurfing, sailing). The end result is a modern version of a weather rock.

Install requirements:

sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
git clone PiWeatherRockWind
pip3 install -r ~/PiWeatherRockWind/requirements.txt

Scripts for autostart

  • The xhost command needs an active X server to run, it can run at the login screen, for example when lightdm loads. You can enable it by editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and adding the line: xserver-command=X -s 0 -dpms

    sudo cp ~/PiWeatherRockWind/scripts/{PiWeatherRock.service,PiWeatherRockConfig.service} /etc/systemd/system/
    sudo systemctl enable PiWeatherRockConfig.service
    sudo systemctl enable PiWeatherRock.service
    sudo systemctl start PiWeatherRockConfig.service
    sudo systemctl start PiWeatherRock.service
  • For instaling clock font:

    sudo cp -r ~/PiWeatherRockWind/fonts/digital.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/digital.ttf
    fc-cache -f -v
  • For your locale:

    locale -a   # find your locale
    sudo update-locale LC_TIME=xx_XX.UTF-8    # replace xx-XX with your locale 
    sudo reboot


    sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales   # select and configure your locales 
    sudo reboot


  • When PiWeatherRock starts, on the left side of the screen is your RaspberryPi IP (like: from screenshots)
  • Put in any web browser RaspberryPi IP . It provides a web interface for configuring PiWeatherRock
  • Wave your mouse over the titles for instructions
- The "API Meteo" key MUST BE CHANGED because it is a TEST key 
  • After Update your configuration (on web interface) restart PiWeatherRock.service with:

    sudo systemctl restart PiWeatherRock.service
  • If the wind is set, the color of the watch and the wind data (blue, green, orange, brown, purple) changes according to the wind speed

  • To display wind data from Windgru, set in the web interface for configuring PiWeatherRock the "API Holfuy" to null and the station ID number from a real wind station like " " , not the forecasted one. The station ID can be found by accessing the desired station on or, being the number at the end of the link.

  • If you don't want the wind page to be displayed, go to the 'Wind screen' section in the web interface for configuring PiWeatherRock and set the pause to 0.

To EXIT PiWeatherRock-Windguru-Holfuy -- press Q


Displays local weather and wind on a Raspberry Pi







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