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Circle stablecoins on NEAR

Implementation of a Circle stablecoin on NEAR following near-contract-standards.

Rust v1.70.0 incompatibility issues

As of Rust v1.70.0, .wasm targets by default enable opcodes (specifically sign-ext, due to an update to LLVM) that are currently not supported by the NearVM. NEAR has an open issue to figure out how to work with this. They suggest using a flag from wasm-opt to disable sign extensions.

We have decided to use Rust v1.69.0 for now.

Install Rust v1.69.0 for development

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain=1.69.0 -y


$ brew install rustup
$ rustup install 1.69.0

Set Rust v1.69.0 as default

$ rustup default 1.69.0


$ cargo test

If your is failing, ensure you are on Rust v1.69.0. Once you have done so, clean your project with make clean before re-running make and then cargo test.

Build for deploying on-chain

$ make

Build code for production using local Rust installation (if no local Rust installation is found, Rust docker container will be used). The output file is target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/fiat_token.wasm.

$ make clean

Remove compiled artifacts.

Add to PATH

$ source $HOME/.cargo/env