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Paweł Jastrzębski edited this page Sep 11, 2015 · 17 revisions

Failed to prepare a workspace

  • Source files or directories use too long names.
  • Third party application is blocking KCC temporary files in some way.

Source directory is empty

  • Selected directory don't contain any image files.

Failed to extract images from PDF file

  • PDF file have too complex structure.
  • Images inside PDF file are not JPG.

Failed to extract archive

  • Archive is corrupted.
  • Archive have password.
  • Archive is multipart.
  • Files or directories inside use too long names.

Failed to detect archive format

  • Archive is corrupted or use unsupported format.

Image file X is corrupted

  • Specified file is damaged and cannot be processed.

Target directory is not writable

  • KCC don't have rights to create files in directory containing source files.
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