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To GitHub staff: please don't delete user's accounts due to their activity on this repo

No matter how rude, I strongly believe that insulting is an important part of freedom of speech.

As such, I must say that I am against the deletion of user's accounts based on anything they say on this repository (or anywhere else, unless it is truly illegal information).

My skin is very thick, and I don't care at all about it.

I simply block the user and move on.

And conversely, you have to see things from their perspective: Chinese wumaos are insulted by people criticizing their government.

It is therefore only because you agree with my perspective that you have allowed this repository to stay up for so long (for which I am very thankful).

The way to beat the dictatorship is to show them that we have the freedom of speech, which is what they don't have.

Furthermore, not banning such users has the following advantages:

  • it serves as a clear demonstration of the level of radicalization of some pro-Chinese Government believers, which many people in the West haven't fully grasped
  • when China becomes a democracy, such issues will help secret services/activist groups expose the true identities of these people

The only time I have come to you myself asking for a ban was when users were creating a deleting accounts to overcome my blocks, as that generate endless work for me per wumao. But with your help + the limit new account interaction setting, that went away.

Sorry for giving you the regular extra work of reviewing wumao flags trying to take down this repo every so often, and thanks for letting me keep it up so far, I really respect GitHub for that.

All best.



  • don't at mention @cirosantilli (or other unsubscribed users) unless there is moderation need.

    If Ciro unsubscribed from a thread, it means that he does not want to reply there anymore.

    Create a new issues instead if you are arriving at a thread created by someone else and a have a new relevant point.

  • don't close your tickets, only @cirosantilli can decide open/close status.

    Don't vandalize your titles and post bodies after posting, only @cirosantilli can do that.

  • don't create more than one boring shitpost issues

    If you want to create one shitpost, even if boring and stupid to vent your rage, fine, Ciro doesn't have any problem with that and is happy to help.

    You can swear as much as you want on that post, no problem.

    But if you start creating lots of boring shitposts, you are in danger of getting blocked.

    As a rule of thumb, three immediate idiotic new issues gets you blocked, tracking those under: spam

    So instead of creating multiple boring shitposts, please just edit your initial boring shitpost, or add new comments there.

    People don't have that much time to waste.

    If you are still certain that you want really want to shitpost, first see some tips at:

    Remember, you are threading dangerous waters, it is "one Ciro against one million wumaos", and so Ciro doesn't even blink anymore when a block might apply.

    But as long as you follow our shitiquette, you should be fine.

  • Evil West posts are OK, but they must explain why you think a dictatorship would better solve the problem.

    Further rationale at:

  • swearing/being very aggressive on a not-shitpost post. he wa Keep in mind that Ciro's Chinese sucks, so he may not get the full nuance of your comment, especially if you use a ton of slang.

  • if you make a comment and delete, people who received notifications can still find your username: isaacs/github#1833 (comment) so think twice before doing that on a non-shitpost thread that Ciro is subscribed to.

    Shitposting and owning up to it is one thing, but shitposting, generating notifications, and being a coward by immediately deleting your comment, makes you getting blocked much more likely.

    On shitpost posts however, you can be as aggressive as you want.

  • if you create an issue and then block cirosantilli, you will be blocked too in return. The label is: op-blocked-ciro

Punitive measures, from least serious to most serious:

  • block user on one website. This may have the unintended side effect of deleting previous useful comments the user made on the websites.

  • delete comment or vandalize the user's post.

    Actually, the main reason Ciro Santilli bans non-notification generators is not that he gives a fuck about the insults, but rather that he wants to prevent the OP from editing away his amazing post vandalisms.

    These will be tracked under: vandalized

  • if your title contains the words 傻逼 or any variants, and no other interesting content, a ban + vandalization is likely

  • ban all known accounts of an user over multiple websites

Constructive disagreement will never be interfered with.

If you wish to appeal a punitive measure, please contact me through some unblocked method, and your request will be reviewed. "I'm sorry I got mad that time" will get you out of jail for first time offenders.

I will not reply anything non-trivial on Chinese websites, since all of those will be taken down sooner or later, therefore wasting my time. I will just tell you to recontact on a non-Chinese website, or re-post your question with the answer on a Western website.

If OP someone shitposts on GitHub and gets blocked, I will just make that clear by taking a web archive, posting a link on my comment, and setting the op-block label on the person's post: op-block See