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Terraform code to configure an AWS account for use in the COOL.


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This repository contains Terraform code for configuring AWS accounts for use in the COOL.


  • A valid AWS profile that has permissions to administer Single Sign-On (SSO) resources, similar to this policy.

  • A valid AWS profile that has permissions to manage service quotas, similar to the AWS ServiceQuotasFullAccess policy (see here for more information). If you used cisagov/provisionaccount-role-tf-module to create your account-provisioning role, then that policy is already attached to your account-provisioning role.

  • Terraform installed on your system.

  • The AWS CLI installed on your system.

  • jq installed on your system.

  • An accessible AWS S3 bucket to store Terraform state (specified in

  • An accessible AWS DynamoDB database to store the Terraform state lock (specified in

  • A Terraform variables file customized for the AWS account(s) that you want to configure, for example:

    account_name_regex = "^[[:alnum:]]-production$"
    groups_to_add_access_to = [
        group           = "Admins",
        permission_sets = ["AWSAdministratorAccess"]
    sso_admin_profile = "AdministerSSO"
    users_to_remove_access_from = [
        username        = "",
        permission_sets = ["AWSAdministratorAccess"]


  1. Create a Terraform workspace (if you haven't already done so) by running terraform workspace new <workspace_name>.

  2. Create a <workspace_name>.tfvars file with all of the required variables (see Inputs below for details).

  3. Run the command terraform init.

  4. Provision the new AWS account(s) by running the command:

    terraform apply -var-file=<workspace_name>.tfvars


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
aws ~> 4.9


Name Version
aws ~> 4.9
aws.organizationsreadonly ~> 4.9
aws.quotas ~> 4.9
null n/a
terraform n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_servicequotas_service_quota.all resource resource
aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment.user resource
null_resource.remove_group resource
null_resource.remove_user resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_identitystore_group.all data source
aws_identitystore_user.all data source data source
aws_ssoadmin_instances.current data source
aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.all data source
terraform_remote_state.master data source


Name Description Type Default Required
account_name_regex The Terraform regular expression matching the name of the account(s) that you want to configure (e.g. "^[[:alnum:]]-production$"). See [] for details on Terraform regular expression syntax. string n/a yes
account_quota_profile The name of the AWS profile (typically found in your .aws/credentials file) whose role has permissions to manage service quotas for the account to configure. For an example, look at the AWS "ServiceQuotasFullAccess" policy: []. string n/a yes
aws_region The AWS region to deploy into (e.g. us-east-1). string "us-east-1" no
groups_to_add_access_to A list of objects specifying Single Sign-On (SSO) groups to add permissions to. Each object contains the SSO group name and the list of permission sets to add access to. Example: [{ group = "Admins", permission_sets = ["AWSAdministratorAccess"] }] list(object({ group = string, permission_sets = list(string) })) [] no
groups_to_remove_access_from A list of objects specifying Single Sign-On (SSO) groups to remove permissions from. Each object contains the SSO group name and the list of permission sets to remove access from. Example: [{ group = "NonAdmins", permission_sets = ["AWSAdministratorAccess"] }] list(object({ group = string, permission_sets = list(string) })) [] no
service_quotas A list of objects specifying service quotas to request. Each object contains a name, quota code, service code, and value for the quota. Example: [{ name = "Elastic IPs", quota_code = "L-0263D0A3", service_code = "ec2", value = 10 }] list(object({ name = string, quota_code = string, service_code = string, value = number })) [] no
sso_admin_profile The name of the AWS profile (typically found in your .aws/credentials file) to use for the default Terraform provider. This profile's role must include permissions to administer Single Sign-On (SSO) resources. For an example of a role like this, look at [cisagov/cool-accounts#95]. string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to all AWS resources created. map(string) {} no
users_to_add_access_to A list of objects specifying Single Sign-On (SSO) users to add permissions to. Each object contains the SSO username and the list of permission sets to add access to. Example: [{ username = "", permission_sets = ["AWSAdministratorAccess"] }] list(object({ username = string, permission_sets = list(string) })) [] no
users_to_remove_access_from A list of objects specifying Single Sign-On (SSO) users to remove permissions from. Each object contains the SSO username and the list of permission sets to remove access from. Example: [{ username = "", permission_sets = ["AWSAdministratorAccess"] }] list(object({ username = string, permission_sets = list(string) })) [] no


Name Description
service_quotas All requested service quotas.
sso_group_assignments The permission set assignments of each SSO group in each AWS account.
sso_user_assignments The permission set assignments of each SSO user in each AWS account.


Running pre-commit requires running terraform init in every directory that contains Terraform code. In this repository, this is only the main directory.


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This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.


Terraform code to configure an AWS account for use in the COOL.



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