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BRKGRN-1022: Using Splunk & OpenTelemetry for centralized insights to achieve your sustainability goals

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Session Demo Objective

Ingest energy consumption data from UCS hosts managed through Cisco Intersight into Splunk, leveraging the OpenTelemetry standard. Utilize the the Splunk Sustainability Toolkit to report on CO₂ equivelant (CO₂e) emissions through correlation of data from Electricity Maps data and enable the following two operational use-cases:

  1. Workload Activity Scheduler: Adjust the planned schedule of electricity intensive activities to minimize their carbon footprint
  2. Change Workload Location: Compute Potential CO₂e Savings From Location Changes


graph LR;
    UCSA[UCS A] -->|HTTPS| Intersight[Cisco Intersight]
    UCSB[UCS B] -->|HTTPS| Intersight
    UCSC[UCS C] -->|HTTPS| Intersight
    Intersight -->|HTTPS| intersightOTEL[intersight-otel]
    intersightOTEL -->|OTLP| otelcolWUF[otelcol w/ splunkforwarder]
    otelcolWUF -->|TCP/UDP| Splunk[Splunk Enterprise]


  1. Intersight does not natively export through the OpenTelemetry protocol, so intersight-otel is used to help. It pulls data from Intersight via HTTPS API and converts into the OpenTelemetry standard (OTLP).
  2. Splunk Enterprise does not natively ingest OpenTelemtery, therefore, we need an OpenTelemetry Collector to ingest OpenTelemetry and write JSONL files to a directory that a Splunk forwarder watches.
  3. The rest of the magic happens inside of Splunk with the Splunk Sustainability Toolkit!




  1. Cisco Intersight with your UCS devices onboarded
  2. Splunk Enterprise (or Cloud)
  1. Setup Intersight OpenTelemetry Collection
    1. intersight-otel: The easiest way to get started may be to pull down a binary of the latest release (for more information on this utility, check out Chris Gascoigne's Cisco Live 2023 session slides). See intersight_otel.toml for example confguration.
  2. Setup an OpenTelemetry Collector & Splunk Forwarder (install on the same host).
    1. otelcol: The The easiest way to get started may be to pull down a binary of the latest release. See otelcol.yaml for example confguration.
    2. splunkforwarder: Follow the instructions here.
  3. Start data collection from Intersight
    1. Run otelcol. (e.g. ./otelcol --config=./cfg/otelcol.yaml).
    2. Run intersight_otel (e.g. ./intersight_otel --config-file=./cfg/intersight_otel.toml).
    3. You should start seeing data write to a file (e.g. ./data/otelcol-export.jsonl).
  4. Setup Splunk Enterprise
    1. Download & install the following from Splunkbase:
      1. Splunk Sustainability Toolkit.
      2. Splunk Add-on for Electricity Carbon Intensity.
        1. Create a new events index electricity_carbon_intensity within the Splunk Add-on for Electricity Carbon Intensity app.
        2. Navigate to the Splunk Add-on for Electricity Carbon Intensity to add your electricity maps account under Configuration > Add with the URL & your API key.
        3. Go to Inputs > Create New Input, select Electricity Maps Carbon Intensity - Latest & configure one or more electricity data inputs. See Electricity Maps zone documentation for a list of available zones:
          Name: myemaps
          Interval: 3600
          Index: electricity_carbon_intensity
          Electricity Maps Account: electricitymaps
          Zone(s): CH,DE,PL,US-CAR-DUK,US-CAL-LDWP
      3. (optional; if you want the ability to edit lookup files in Splunk GUI directly) Splunk App for Lookup File Editing.
        1. The toolkit requires two lookups to be updated: sample_cmdb.csv sample_sites.csv.
        2. sample_cmdb.csv is used to detail the assets from your inventory that are referenced in your input data and sample_sites.csv is used to detail the geographical sites where the assets are located.
      4. (optional; if you want predictive trends) Machine Learning Toolkit & Python for Scientific Computing.
      5. Create a new events index called otel in the app Sustainability_Toolkit for the OpenTelemetry events streaming from the forwarder (in production, it is assumed that OpenTelemetry from multiple sources lands in this index; you could differentiate the sources, for example: Cisco Intersight, AWS CloudWatch etc. using the source, sourcetype or host fields in Splunk).
    2. Follow instructions in the sections below to get the Sustainability Toolkit to work with Intersight OpenTelemetry data.

Working with the Splunk Sustainability Toolkit

Numerous Search Macros and Saved Searches/Reports are used to break up the SPL used in the Sustainability Toolkit, into manageable components. This visualisation shows the interdependencies:

SST Macro Sankey Diagram

A detailed description of each search macro is available within the app under Documentation > Object Reference > Object Reference: Search Macros.

Some of these macros need to be adjusted to work with OpenTelemetry data as they have been authored to support Redfish data by default.


All required setup for the toolkit & adjustments have been pre-packaged into a python script available here that can serve as a quickstart to automate these changes for you in your Splunk instance. It leverages the Splunk SDK for Python (splunklib). However, all steps have also been documented below for reference and manual execution (click on the sections below to view details).

Adjust Power Macros
  1. In Splunk, browse to Settings > Advanced Search > Search Macros.

  2. Clone power-asset-location and name it power-asset-location-old. This is to save the old search if you want to revert to using redfish data with Sustainability Toolkit in the future.

  3. Create a new search macro named power-otel with the following search:

    | spath input=_raw output=resourceMetrics path=resourceMetrics{} 
    | mvexpand resourceMetrics 
    | spath input=resourceMetrics output=myAttributes path=resource{}.attributes{} 
    | rex field=myAttributes max_match=1 "(?<myHostname>\"key\":\s*\"host\.name\",\"value\":\s*{\"stringValue\":\s*\".*?})" 
    | rex field=myHostname max_match=1 ("?<myStringValue>stringValue\"\s*:\".*\"") 
    | eval myHostnameValueTmp=split(myStringValue,":") 
    | eval myHostnameValue=mvindex(myHostnameValueTmp,1) 
    | eval myHostValue2=replace(myHostnameValue,"\\\\","") 
    | eval myHostValue3=replace(myHostValue2,"\"","") 
    | spath input=resourceMetrics output=metrics path=scopeMetrics{}.metrics{} 
    | mvexpand metrics 
    | spath input=metrics output=metricName path=name 
    | search metricName="" 
    | spath input=metrics output=dataPoints path=gauge.dataPoints{} 
    | mvexpand dataPoints 
    | spath input=dataPoints path=asDouble output=powerConsumed 
    | spath input=dataPoints path=startTimeUnixNano output=startTimeUnixNano 
    | eval _time=startTimeUnixNano/pow(10,9), AverageConsumedkW=round(powerConsumed/1000, 3) 
    | rename myHostValue3 as "Asset IP" 
    | bin _time span=1h 
    | stats avg(AverageConsumedkW) as AverageConsumedkW by _time "Asset IP"

    This formats the OTel json into the format that Splunk Sustainability Toolkit expects to see, and ensure the data is summarized into 1 hour intervals to line up with the electricitymaps data.

    Edit permissions on power-otel for everyone the Sustainability Toolkit app to read and write the search.

  4. Edit power-asset-location and replace the search for power-redfish-snmp with the new macro power-otel.

Adjust Carbon Intensity Macro
  1. In Splunk, browse to Settings > Advanced Search > Search Macros.

  2. Clone electricity-carbon-intensity-for-assets and rename it to electricity-carbon-intensity-for-assets-old.

  3. Edit electricity-carbon-intensity-for-assets to replace it with the following:

    | search index=`electricity-carbon-intensity-index` 
        | search index="otel" 
        | spath input=_raw output=resourceMetrics path=resourceMetrics{} 
        | mvexpand resourceMetrics 
        | spath input=resourceMetrics output=myAttributes path=resource{}.attributes{} 
        | rex field=myAttributes max_match=1 "(?<myHostname>\"key\":\s*\"host\.name\",\"value\":\s*{\"stringValue\":\s*\".*?})" 
        | rex field=myHostname max_match=1 ("?<myStringValue>stringValue\"\s*:\".*\"") 
        | eval myHostnameValueTmp=split(myStringValue,":") 
        | eval myHostnameValue=mvindex(myHostnameValueTmp,1) 
        | eval myHostValue2=replace(myHostnameValue,"\\\\","") 
        | eval myHostValue3=replace(myHostValue2,"\"","") 
        | stats values(myHostValue3) as "Asset IP" 
        | stats values(myHostValue3) as "Asset IP" 
        | mvexpand "Asset IP" 
        | lookup `cmdb-lookup-name` "Asset IP" OUTPUTNEW Site 
        | lookup `sites-lookup-name` "Site" OUTPUTNEW "Electricity CO2e per kWh Source" "Electricity CO2e per kWh Source Location Code" 
        | fields "Electricity CO2e per kWh Source" "Electricity CO2e per kWh Source Location Code" 
        | dedup "Electricity CO2e per kWh Source" "Electricity CO2e per kWh Source Location Code"
        | eval sourcetype='Electricity CO2e per kWh Source' 
        | eval postcode=if('Electricity CO2e per kWh Source'=="NG:carbonintensity:postcode",'Electricity CO2e per kWh Source Location Code',NULL) 
        | eval zone=if('Electricity CO2e per kWh Source'=="EM:carbonintensity",'Electricity CO2e per kWh Source Location Code',NULL) 
        | fields sourcetype, postcode, zone ] 
    | eval co2perkWh=coalesce(carbonIntensity,'intensity.forecast') 
    | eval LocationCode="Intensity_".sourcetype."/".coalesce(zone,postcode) 
    | eval _time=floor(_time) 
    | appendpipe 
        [| head 1 
        | fields _time 
        | addinfo 
        | eval TimeList=mvrange(info_min_time,info_max_time,"10m") 
        | mvexpand TimeList 
        | rename TimeList AS _time 
        | eval LocationCode=0, co2perkWh="" ] 
    | xyseries _time, LocationCode, co2perkWh
    | fields - 0 
    | filldown

    This query is modified to handle the way hostnames are presented in OpenTelemetry.

Enabling scheduled summarization in sustainability toolkit
  1. Create two new metrics indexes: sustainability_toolkit_summary_asset_metrics and sustainability_toolkit_summary_electricity_metrics

  2. Browse to Settings > Knowledge > Searches, Reports, and Alerts. You may need to change the owner search to All.

  3. Edit search for Summarize Asset CO2e & kW V1.0 to the following:

    | union 
        [ `power-asset-location`] 
        [ `electricity-carbon-intensity-for-assets` 
        | foreach Intensity_* matchseg1=SEG1 
            [ eval 
                Intensity_SEG1 = exact('Intensity_SEG1'/1000)
                ] ] 
    | stats first(*) as * by _time
    | foreach kW!*!location!* matchseg1=SEG1 matchseg2=SEG2 
        [ eval CO2e!SEG1 = exact(if(isnull('CO2e!SEG1'), 0, 'CO2e!SEG1') + ('<<FIELD>>' * 'Intensity_SEG2'/6))] 
    | fields - Intensity_* 
    | untable _time, Type, value 
    | rex field=Type "^(?<Type>[^\!]+)\!(?<Asset>[^\!]+)($|\!)" 
    | eval {Type}=value 
    | fields - Type value 
    | stats first(*) AS * by _time, Asset 
    | eval metric_name:asset.electricity.kWh=exact(kW/6) 
    | lookup `cmdb-lookup-name` "Asset IP" AS Asset OUTPUTNEW "Site", Country, Application, "Embodied CO2e", "Years Lifetime" 
    | eval metric_name:asset.CO2e.embodied=exact('Embodied CO2e'/('Years Lifetime'*365*24*6)) 
    | rename Asset as "Asset IP" 
    | fields - "Embodied CO2e", "Years Lifetime" 
    | rename CO2e AS metric_name:asset.CO2e.electricity kW AS metric_name:asset.electricity.kW.mean
    | mcollect index=`summary-asset-metrics-index` marker="Report=Summarize Asset CO2e & kW V1.0" "Asset IP", "Site", Country, Application
  4. Edit search for Summarize Electricity CO2e/kWh V1.0 and remove the commented mcollect line.

  5. Edit > Edit schedule for those searches to run hourly. Note: You can run them more frequent if you need to troubleshoot setup, but carbon intensity data still summarizes in 1h spans, so some of the dashboard may lag to populate.


Give 2 hours for data to flow & scheduled summarization to run, but once it does, you can now leverage all of the out of the box working dashboards with your OpenTelemetry data to begin reporting on your sustinability outcomes!

Change Workload Location

SST CO2e Savings from Location Changes

Workload Activity Scheduler

SST CO2e Savings from Location Changes

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  1. Aman Sardana (
  2. Steve Holl (

Cisco CX Lifecycle Services & Automation, June 2024