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2098 lines (1475 loc) · 124 KB

File metadata and controls

2098 lines (1475 loc) · 124 KB


All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationsAddApplicationTags Post /Applications/{nameOrId}/Tags/{tagNameOrId} Add a tag to an application.
ApplicationsAddApplications Post /Applications Add applications to the site.
ApplicationsCheckApplicationExists Head /Applications/{name} Check for the existence of an application by name
ApplicationsDeleteApplication Delete /Applications/{nameOrId} Delete an application!
ApplicationsDisableApplicationFta Delete /Applications/{nameOrId}/FileTypes/{extensionName} Disable a file-type association for an application.
ApplicationsDoApplicationSearch Post /Applications/$search Perform an advanced search for applications.
ApplicationsDuplicateApplication Post /Applications/{nameOrId}/$duplicate Duplicate an application.
ApplicationsEnableApplicationFta Post /Applications/{nameOrId}/FileTypes Enable a file-type association for an application.
ApplicationsGetApplication Get /Applications/{nameOrId} Get details of a single application.
ApplicationsGetApplicationAdministrators Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/Administrators Get administrators authorized to administer an application.
ApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroups Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/ApplicationGroups Get application groups associated with an application.
ApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroups Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/DeliveryGroups Get delivery groups associated with an application.
ApplicationsGetApplicationFta Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/FileTypes/{extensionName} Get a single file-type for an application.
ApplicationsGetApplicationFtas Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/FileTypes Get all file-types for an application.
ApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendName Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/RecommendName Get an application's recommend name.
ApplicationsGetApplicationSessions Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/Sessions Get sessions in which the application is currently running.
ApplicationsGetApplicationTags Get /Applications/{nameOrId}/Tags Get tags associated with an application.
ApplicationsGetApplications Get /Applications Get all applications.
ApplicationsImportFileTypes Post /Applications/{nameOrId}/FileTypes/$import Import file types for the application.
ApplicationsPatchApplication Patch /Applications/{nameOrId} Modify an application.
ApplicationsRefreshAppVApplications Get /Applications/RefreshAppVApplications Refresh the AppV Applications.
ApplicationsRemoveApplicationTags Delete /Applications/{nameOrId}/Tags/{tagNameOrId} Remove a tag from an application.
ApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplications Post /Applications/StartMenuApplications Search Start Menu Applications.
ApplicationsSetApplicationTags Put /Applications/{nameOrId}/Tags Set tags associated with an application.


ApplicationResponseModelCollection ApplicationsAddApplicationTags(ctx, nameOrId, tagNameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Add a tag to an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    tagNameOrId := "tagNameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the tag to add.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the tags will be modified as a background task. The task will have JobType SetTagApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationTags. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application being tagged, * _Name_ - Name of the application being tagged. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsAddApplicationTags(context.Background(), nameOrId, tagNameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsAddApplicationTags``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsAddApplicationTags`: ApplicationResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsAddApplicationTags`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2
tagNameOrId string Name or ID of the tag to add.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsAddApplicationTagsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the tags will be modified as a background task. The task will have JobType SetTagApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationTags. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application being tagged, * Name - Name of the application being tagged. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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Add applications to the site.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    addApplicationsRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewAddApplicationsRequestModel() // AddApplicationsRequestModel | Details of the applications to add.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the applications (and associated objects) will be added as a background task. The task will have JobType AddApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplications. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _NumApplications_ - Number of applications being added. * _Name0_ - Name of the first application being added. * _Name1_ - Name of the second application being added. * _Name{n}_ - ...And so on. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsAddApplications(context.Background()).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).AddApplicationsRequestModel(addApplicationsRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsAddApplications``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsAddApplicationsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
addApplicationsRequestModel AddApplicationsRequestModel Details of the applications to add.
userAgent string User Agent type of the request.
authorization string Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token}
citrixTransactionId string Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned.
accept string Must accept application/json.
citrixLocale string Locale of the request.
async bool If `true`, the applications (and associated objects) will be added as a background task. The task will have JobType AddApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplications. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * NumApplications - Number of applications being added. * Name0 - Name of the first application being added. * Name1 - Name of the second application being added. * Name{n} - ...And so on. [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsCheckApplicationExists(ctx, name).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Execute()

Check for the existence of an application by name


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    name := "name_example" // string | Name or ID of the application to check for. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsCheckApplicationExists(context.Background(), name).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsCheckApplicationExists``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
name string Name or ID of the application to check for. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsCheckApplicationExistsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. |

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsDeleteApplication(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Delete an application!


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application to delete. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the application (and associated objects) will be deleted as a background task. The task will have JobType DeleteApplication. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplications. The job's Parameters will contain properties:  * _Id_ - ID of the application being deleted, * _Name_ - Name of the application being deleted. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDeleteApplication(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDeleteApplication``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application to delete. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsDeleteApplicationRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the application (and associated objects) will be deleted as a background task. The task will have JobType DeleteApplication. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplications. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application being deleted, * Name - Name of the application being deleted. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsDisableApplicationFta(ctx, nameOrId, extensionName).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Disable a file-type association for an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    extensionName := "extensionName_example" // string | File-type extension name to disable.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the file type will be disabled as a background task. The task will have JobType ModifyFTA. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationFta. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application whose FTA is being modified, * _Name_ - Name of the application whose FTA is being modified. * _ExtensionName_ - File type extension name being modified. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDisableApplicationFta(context.Background(), nameOrId, extensionName).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDisableApplicationFta``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2
extensionName string File-type extension name to disable.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsDisableApplicationFtaRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the file type will be disabled as a background task. The task will have JobType ModifyFTA. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationFta. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application whose FTA is being modified, * Name - Name of the application whose FTA is being modified. * ExtensionName - File type extension name being modified. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationResponseModelCollection ApplicationsDoApplicationSearch(ctx).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).ApplicationSearchRequestModel(applicationSearchRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Fields(fields).Async(async).Execute()

Perform an advanced search for applications.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    applicationSearchRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewApplicationSearchRequestModel() // ApplicationSearchRequestModel | Specifies the advanced search parameters.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The max number of applications returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. (optional)
    continuationToken := "continuationToken_example" // string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. (optional)
    fields := "fields_example" // string | Optional filter, removing unspecified properties that otherwise would have been sent by the server. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the applications (and associated objects) will be added as a background task. The task will have JobType SearchApplications. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDoApplicationSearch(context.Background()).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).ApplicationSearchRequestModel(applicationSearchRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Fields(fields).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDoApplicationSearch``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsDoApplicationSearch`: ApplicationResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDoApplicationSearch`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsDoApplicationSearchRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
applicationSearchRequestModel ApplicationSearchRequestModel Specifies the advanced search parameters.
userAgent string User Agent type of the request.
authorization string Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token}
citrixTransactionId string Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned.
accept string Must accept application/json.
citrixLocale string Locale of the request.
limit int32 The max number of applications returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings.
continuationToken string If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results.
fields string Optional filter, removing unspecified properties that otherwise would have been sent by the server.
async bool If `true`, the applications (and associated objects) will be added as a background task. The task will have JobType SearchApplications. [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationDetailResponseModel ApplicationsDuplicateApplication(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).DuplicateApplicationRequestModel(duplicateApplicationRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Duplicate an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application to duplicate. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    duplicateApplicationRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewDuplicateApplicationRequestModel() // DuplicateApplicationRequestModel | Optional properties controlling how the new application is created.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the application (and associated objects) will be duplicated as a background task. The task will have JobType AddApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplications. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _NumApplications_ - Number of applications being added.  For a duplicate operation, this will always be 1. * _Name0_ - Name of the first application being added.  For a duplicate operation, this will be the name of the new duplicate of the original application. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDuplicateApplication(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).DuplicateApplicationRequestModel(duplicateApplicationRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDuplicateApplication``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsDuplicateApplication`: ApplicationDetailResponseModel
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsDuplicateApplication`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application to duplicate. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsDuplicateApplicationRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

duplicateApplicationRequestModel | DuplicateApplicationRequestModel | Optional properties controlling how the new application is created. | userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the application (and associated objects) will be duplicated as a background task. The task will have JobType AddApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplications. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * NumApplications - Number of applications being added. For a duplicate operation, this will always be 1. * Name0 - Name of the first application being added. For a duplicate operation, this will be the name of the new duplicate of the original application. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsEnableApplicationFta(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).FtaRequestModel(ftaRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).SkipVdaChecking(skipVdaChecking).Async(async).Execute()

Enable a file-type association for an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    ftaRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewFtaRequestModel("For example, .txt") // FtaRequestModel | Details of the file-type association to enable.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    skipVdaChecking := true // bool | If true, don't check the status of VDAs before             enabling the file-type association for the application. (optional) (default to false)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the file type will be enabled as a background task. The task will have JobType ModifyFTA. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationFta. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application whose FTA is being modified, * _Name_ - Name of the application whose FTA is being modified. * _ExtensionName_ - File type extension name being modified. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsEnableApplicationFta(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).FtaRequestModel(ftaRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).SkipVdaChecking(skipVdaChecking).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsEnableApplicationFta``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsEnableApplicationFtaRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

ftaRequestModel | FtaRequestModel | Details of the file-type association to enable. | userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | skipVdaChecking | bool | If true, don't check the status of VDAs before enabling the file-type association for the application. | [default to false] async | bool | If `true`, the file type will be enabled as a background task. The task will have JobType ModifyFTA. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationFta. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application whose FTA is being modified, * Name - Name of the application whose FTA is being modified. * ExtensionName - File type extension name being modified. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationDetailResponseModel ApplicationsGetApplication(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Execute()

Get details of a single application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplication(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplication``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplication`: ApplicationDetailResponseModel
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplication`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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AdministratorResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplicationAdministrators(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Execute()

Get administrators authorized to administer an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The max number of administrators returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. (optional)
    continuationToken := "continuationToken_example" // string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationAdministrators(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationAdministrators``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationAdministrators`: AdministratorResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationAdministrators`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationAdministratorsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | limit | int32 | The max number of administrators returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. | continuationToken | string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationGroupResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroups(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Async(async).Execute()

Get application groups associated with an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The max number of application groups returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. (optional)
    continuationToken := "continuationToken_example" // string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the application groups associated with the application will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplicationApplicationGroups. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroups(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroups``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroups`: ApplicationGroupResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroups`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationApplicationGroupsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | limit | int32 | The max number of application groups returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. | continuationToken | string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. | async | bool | If `true`, the application groups associated with the application will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplicationApplicationGroups. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationDeliveryGroupResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroups(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Fields(fields).Async(async).Execute()

Get delivery groups associated with an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The max number of delivery groups returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. (optional)
    continuationToken := "continuationToken_example" // string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. (optional)
    fields := "Priority" // string | Optional filter, removing unspecified properties that otherwise would have been sent by the server (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the delivery groups associated with the application will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplicationDeliveryGroups. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroups(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Fields(fields).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroups``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroups`: ApplicationDeliveryGroupResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroups`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationDeliveryGroupsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | limit | int32 | The max number of delivery groups returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. | continuationToken | string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. | fields | string | Optional filter, removing unspecified properties that otherwise would have been sent by the server | async | bool | If `true`, the delivery groups associated with the application will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplicationDeliveryGroups. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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FtaResponseModel ApplicationsGetApplicationFta(ctx, nameOrId, extensionName).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Execute()

Get a single file-type for an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    extensionName := "extensionName_example" // string | Extension name of the file-type.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationFta(context.Background(), nameOrId, extensionName).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationFta``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationFta`: FtaResponseModel
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationFta`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2
extensionName string Extension name of the file-type.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationFtaRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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FtaResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplicationFtas(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).SkipVdaChecking(skipVdaChecking).Async(async).Execute()

Get all file-types for an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    skipVdaChecking := true // bool | If true, don't check the status of VDAs before             getting the file-type association for the application. (optional) (default to false)
    async := true // bool | If 'true', the file types will be gotten as a background task. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationFtas(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).SkipVdaChecking(skipVdaChecking).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationFtas``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationFtas`: FtaResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationFtas`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationFtasRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | skipVdaChecking | bool | If true, don't check the status of VDAs before getting the file-type association for the application. | [default to false] async | bool | If 'true', the file types will be gotten as a background task. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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string ApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendName(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).ApplicationFolder(applicationFolder).Execute()

Get an application's recommend name.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    applicationFolder := "applicationFolder_example" // string | Name or ID of the application Folder (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendName(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).ApplicationFolder(applicationFolder).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendName``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendName`: string
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendName`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationRecommendNameRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | applicationFolder | string | Name or ID of the application Folder |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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SessionResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplicationSessions(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Async(async).Execute()

Get sessions in which the application is currently running.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The max number of sessions returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. (optional)
    continuationToken := "continuationToken_example" // string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the application sessions will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplicationSessions. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationSessions(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationSessions``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationSessions`: SessionResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationSessions`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationSessionsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | limit | int32 | The max number of sessions returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. | continuationToken | string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. | async | bool | If `true`, the application sessions will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplicationSessions. | [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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TagResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplicationTags(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Fields(fields).Execute()

Get tags associated with an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    fields := "Name,Id,Description" // string | field to filter response model. (optional)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationTags(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Fields(fields).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationTags``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplicationTags`: TagResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplicationTags`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationTagsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | fields | string | field to filter response model. |

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationResponseModelCollection ApplicationsGetApplications(ctx).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).ApplicationFolder(applicationFolder).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Fields(fields).Async(async).Execute()

Get all applications.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    applicationFolder := "applicationFolder_example" // string | Optional folder path (URL-encoded) or ID.  If not specified, all applications will be returned from all folders. (optional)
    limit := int32(56) // int32 | The max number of applications returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings. (optional)
    continuationToken := "continuationToken_example" // string | If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results. (optional)
    fields := "Id,Uid,ApplicationFolder" // string | Optional. A filter string containing object fields requested to be returned, the requested fields are separated by comma','.              (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the applications will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplications. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplications(context.Background()).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).ApplicationFolder(applicationFolder).Limit(limit).ContinuationToken(continuationToken).Fields(fields).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplications``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsGetApplications`: ApplicationResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsGetApplications`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsGetApplicationsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
userAgent string User Agent type of the request.
authorization string Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token}
citrixTransactionId string Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned.
accept string Must accept application/json.
citrixLocale string Locale of the request.
applicationFolder string Optional folder path (URL-encoded) or ID. If not specified, all applications will be returned from all folders.
limit int32 The max number of applications returned by this query. If not specified, the server might use a default limit of 250 items. If the specified value is larger than 1000, the server might reject the call. The default and maximum values depend on server settings.
continuationToken string If a query cannot be completed, the response will have a ContinuationToken set. To obtain more results from the query, pass the continuation token back into the query to get the next batch of results.
fields string Optional. A filter string containing object fields requested to be returned, the requested fields are separated by comma','.
async bool If `true`, the applications will be fetched as a background task. The task will have JobType GetApplications. [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsImportFileTypes(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Import file types for the application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the file types will be imported as a background task. This is recommended as this operation may cause a power action, turning on a machine in order to gather the data. This may take some time to run, and if it exceeds 90 seconds the request may time out. The task will have JobType ImportFTA. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationFtas. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application whose FTA is being imported, * _Name_ - Name of the application whose FTA is being imported. * _MachineId_ - ID of the machine selected, from which the file types are being imported; will be present in Parameters only after a machine is selected. * _MachineName_ - Name of the machine selected, from which the file types are being imported; will be present in Parameters only after a machine is selected. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsImportFileTypes(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsImportFileTypes``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsImportFileTypesRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the file types will be imported as a background task. This is recommended as this operation may cause a power action, turning on a machine in order to gather the data. This may take some time to run, and if it exceeds 90 seconds the request may time out. The task will have JobType ImportFTA. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationFtas. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application whose FTA is being imported, * Name - Name of the application whose FTA is being imported. * MachineId - ID of the machine selected, from which the file types are being imported; will be present in Parameters only after a machine is selected. * MachineName - Name of the machine selected, from which the file types are being imported; will be present in Parameters only after a machine is selected. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsPatchApplication(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).EditApplicationRequestModel(editApplicationRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Modify an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    editApplicationRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewEditApplicationRequestModel() // EditApplicationRequestModel | Properties of the application to modify.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the application will be updated as a background task. The task will have JobType UpdateApplication. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplication. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application being updated, * _Name_ - Name of the application being updated. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsPatchApplication(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).EditApplicationRequestModel(editApplicationRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsPatchApplication``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsPatchApplicationRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

editApplicationRequestModel | EditApplicationRequestModel | Properties of the application to modify. | userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the application will be updated as a background task. The task will have JobType UpdateApplication. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplication. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application being updated, * Name - Name of the application being updated. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationResponseModelCollection ApplicationsRefreshAppVApplications(ctx).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Refresh the AppV Applications.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the refresh operation will run as a background task. The task will have JobType RefreshAppVApplications. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsRefreshAppVApplications(context.Background()).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsRefreshAppVApplications``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsRefreshAppVApplications`: ApplicationResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsRefreshAppVApplications`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsRefreshAppVApplicationsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
userAgent string User Agent type of the request.
authorization string Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token}
citrixTransactionId string Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned.
accept string Must accept application/json.
citrixLocale string Locale of the request.
async bool If `true`, the refresh operation will run as a background task. The task will have JobType RefreshAppVApplications. [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsRemoveApplicationTags(ctx, nameOrId, tagNameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Remove a tag from an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    tagNameOrId := "tagNameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the tag to remove.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the tags will be modified as a background task. The task will have JobType SetTagApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationTags. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application being tagged, * _Name_ - Name of the application being tagged. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsRemoveApplicationTags(context.Background(), nameOrId, tagNameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsRemoveApplicationTags``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2
tagNameOrId string Name or ID of the tag to remove.

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsRemoveApplicationTagsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the tags will be modified as a background task. The task will have JobType SetTagApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationTags. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application being tagged, * Name - Name of the application being tagged. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

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StartMenuApplicationResponseModelCollection ApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplications(ctx).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).SearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel(searchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Search Start Menu Applications.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    searchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewSearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel() // SearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel | Search request for querying start menu applications. SearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the search operation will run as a background task. The task will have JobType SearchStartMenuApplications (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    resp, r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplications(context.Background()).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).SearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel(searchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplications``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)
    // response from `ApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplications`: StartMenuApplicationResponseModelCollection
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Response from `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplications`: %v\n", resp)

Path Parameters

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsSearchStartMenuApplicationsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
searchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel SearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel Search request for querying start menu applications. SearchStartMenuApplicationsRequestModel
userAgent string User Agent type of the request.
authorization string Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token}
citrixTransactionId string Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned.
accept string Must accept application/json.
citrixLocale string Locale of the request.
async bool If `true`, the search operation will run as a background task. The task will have JobType SearchStartMenuApplications [default to false]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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ApplicationsSetApplicationTags(ctx, nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).TagsRequestModel(tagsRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()

Set tags associated with an application.


package main

import (
    openapiclient ""

func main() {
    citrixCustomerId := "CitrixOnPremises" // string | Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
    citrixInstanceId := "citrixInstanceId_example" // string | Citrix Instance (Site) ID.
    nameOrId := "nameOrId_example" // string | Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder,             specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}.             For example, FolderName1|FolderName2|ApplicationName.
    tagsRequestModel := *openapiclient.NewTagsRequestModel() // TagsRequestModel | Details of which tags to set.
    userAgent := "Mozilla/5.0" // string | User Agent type of the request. (optional)
    authorization := "authorization_example" // string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} (optional)
    citrixTransactionId := "citrixTransactionId_example" // string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. (optional)
    accept := "application/json" // string | Must accept application/json. (optional)
    citrixLocale := "en-US" // string | Locale of the request. (optional)
    async := true // bool | If `true`, the tags will be modified as a background task. The task will have JobType SetTagApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationTags. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * _Id_ - ID of the application being tagged, * _Name_ - Name of the application being tagged. (optional) (default to false)

    configuration := openapiclient.NewConfiguration()
    apiClient := openapiclient.NewAPIClient(configuration)
    r, err := apiClient.ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsSetApplicationTags(context.Background(), nameOrId).CitrixCustomerId(citrixCustomerId).CitrixInstanceId(citrixInstanceId).TagsRequestModel(tagsRequestModel).UserAgent(userAgent).Authorization(authorization).CitrixTransactionId(citrixTransactionId).Accept(accept).CitrixLocale(citrixLocale).Async(async).Execute()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ApplicationsAPIsDAAS.ApplicationsSetApplicationTags``: %v\n", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v\n", r)

Path Parameters

Name Type Description Notes
ctx context.Context context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
nameOrId string Name or ID of the application. If the application is present in an application folder, specify the name in this format: {application folder path plus application name}. For example, FolderName1 FolderName2

Other Parameters

Other parameters are passed through a pointer to a apiApplicationsSetApplicationTagsRequest struct via the builder pattern

Name Type Description Notes
citrixCustomerId string Citrix Customer ID. Default is 'CitrixOnPremises'
citrixInstanceId string Citrix Instance (Site) ID.

tagsRequestModel | TagsRequestModel | Details of which tags to set. | userAgent | string | User Agent type of the request. | authorization | string | Citrix authorization header: CWSAuth Bearer={token} | citrixTransactionId | string | Transaction ID that will be used to track this request. If not provided, a new GUID will be generated and returned. | accept | string | Must accept application/json. | citrixLocale | string | Locale of the request. | async | bool | If `true`, the tags will be modified as a background task. The task will have JobType SetTagApplications. When the task is complete it will redirect to GetApplicationTags. The job's Parameters will contain properties: * Id - ID of the application being tagged, * Name - Name of the application being tagged. | [default to false]

Return type

(empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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