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Getting Started

Matt Greer edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 8 revisions

⚠️ AMMiSTer is a new app and hasn't reached 1.0 yet. There may be bugs, and some things could use more polish.

Download AMMiSTer from the releases page and install it.

Launch the app

AMMiSTer is not signed, so Windows and MacOS will make it hard to launch.

On Windows it will block the install. Click the "more info" link then click "run anyway"

run anyway on Windows

On MacOS it will block AMMiSTer itself. Right click on AMMiSter and choose open. You may need to do this twice before it has an open button

open on MacOS

Build a catalog

First time you launch the app it will look like this

empty app

Click the "Build Catalog" button. This will download all the MiSTer arcade files.

updating catalog

⚠️ This will take a long time the first time! Just let it run and come back to it.

Start a Plan

A plan is how you want the games to be laid out on your MiSTer. Click the "Create a new plan" button. Add some folders to it and start deciding how you want your games organized.

building a plan

Adding games: drag from the catalog

You can drag a game from the catalog on the left into a plan directory. Either in the plan tree itself, or click on a directory to focus it, then drag games to the details panel on the far right.

Adding games: bulk add

First click on a directory in your plan, then on the right side click "bulk add games"

bulk add

For example here I am adding all fighting games made by Capcom.

Deleting games

Just click on the trash can next to a game to remove it.

Favoriting games

If you click the star on a game, it will become a favorite. That just means it gets added to a "favorites" folder. Click the star again to remove the game from favorites.

a favorited game

Export your plan

From the export menu, choose Export to Directory to export your plan into a directory on your PC. That directory can be copied onto a MiSTer.

Or, choose Export to MiSTer to export directly onto a MiSTer

export to mister

Unless you've made changes to your MiSTer's settings, all the defaults will work as-is. The only thing you need is your MiSTer's IP Address, which can be obtained from the main menu on the misc options screen

misc options screen

The export will take a few minutes.

When done, enjoy!