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Mobility Data Specification: Agency

This specification contains a collection of RESTful APIs used to specify the digital relationship between mobility as a service providers and the agencies that regulate them.

  • Authors: LADOT
  • Date: 23 May 2018
  • Version: ALPHA

Table of Contents


The Vehicle Registration API is required in order to register a vehicle for use in the system. The API will require a valid provider_id and api_key.

Endpoint: /register-vehicle
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
provider_id UUID Required Issued by Provider Registration API
api_key String Required API key issued to provider using API Key Registration API
vehicle_type Enum Required Vehicle Type
vehicle_year Enum Required Year Manufactured
vehicle_mfgr Enum Required Vehicle Manufacturer
vehicle_model Enum Required Vehicle Model
vin String Required Vehicle Identification Number assigned by Manufacturer or Operator


Field Type Required/Optional Other
vehicle_id UUID Used for accessing vehicle operations API's


The remove-vehicle API is used to deregister a vehicle from the fleet.

Endpoint: /remove-vehicle
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
vehicle_id String Required Issued by RegisterVehicle() API
reason_code Enum Required Reason for status change


Field Type Required/Optional Other
message Enum See Message Enum


This API is used by providers when a vehicle is either removed or returned to service.

Endpoint: /service-vehicle
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
vehicle_id UUID Required Provided by the Vehicle Registration API
timestamp Unix Timestamp Required Time of day (UTC) data was sampled
gps_pos Point Required GPS location at the time of status change
reason_code Enum Required Reason for status change.
service_start Boolean Required True if service start, False if return from servicing


Field Type Required/Optional Other
message Enum See Message Enum


Used to report maintenance events.

Endpoint: /report-maintenance
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
vehicle_id UUID Required Provided by the Vehicle Registration API
timestamp Unix Timestamp Required Time of day (UTC) data was sampled
maint_type Enum Required Type of Maintenance performed (Tire, Wheel, Brake, Frame, Controls, Propulsion.)
maint_action Enum Required Maintenance action performed (Repair, Replace, Inspect)


Field Type Required/Optional Other
message Enum See Message Enum


The pilot-movement-plan API is used for initiating a trip request from a human piloted vehicle. It will be required for ALL trips at the time of departure. The API will acknowledge the request with a response containing a permission to proceed and a unique Trip Identifier.

Endpoint: /pilot-movement-plan
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
provider_id String Required Issued by Provider Registration API
vehicle_id String Required Issued by Vehicle Registration API
start_point Point Required Trip Origin
est_departure_time Unix Timestamp Required Estimated Departure Time
end_point Point Optional Trip destination if known


Field Type Required/Optional Other
trip_id UUID a unique ID for each trip


This API will take an initialized API using trip_id as a reference and will activate it, meaning that the trip is in motion. This API can also be used to re-activate a deactivated movement plan.

Endpoint: /activate-movement-plan
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
trip_id UUID Issued by pilot-movement-plan API


Field Type Required/Optional Other
message Enum See Message Enum


This API will close a Movement Plan for a given trip_id. The response includes a warning whether parking is enforced for the given GPS Position.

Endpoint: /close-movement-plan
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
trip_id UUID Issued by InitMovementPlan() API
timestamp Unix Timestamp Required Time of day (UTC) data was sampled
location Point Required GPS location in decimal degrees at time of sample


Field Type Other
message Enum See Message Enum


A trip represents a route taken by a provider's customer. Trip data will be reported to the API every 5 seconds while the vehicle is in motion.

Endpoint: /update-trip-data
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
trip_id UUID Required Issued by InitMovementPlan() API
timestamp Unix Timestamp Required Time of day (UTC) data was sampled
location Point Required GPS location in decimal degrees at time of sample


Field Type Other
message Enum See Message Enum


This API is used to determine whether parking is regulated for a given destination.

Endpoint: /check-parking
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
location Point Required Current Location
timestamp Unix Timestamp Required Time of day (UTC) data was sampled


Field Type Required/Optional Other
message Enum See Message Enum


This API returns a list of approved parking spaces based on post parameters.

Endpoint: /get-parking-info
Method: POST

Field Type Required/Optional Other
trip_id UUID Required Issued by InitMovementPlan() API
timestamp Unix Timestamp Required Time of day (UTC) data was sampled
gps_pos DDD.DDDDD° Required GPS location in decimal degrees at time of sample
park_option Enum Required Choose the type of parking place desired (closest, least expensive)


Field Type Required/Optional Other
gps_pos DDD.DDDDD° GPS location of acceptable parking place
price Decimal Price (Amount)
currency Enum (USD, CAD)


Gets the list of service areas available to the provider.

Endpoint: /service-areas
Method: GET

Field Type Required/Optional Other
operator_name String Required
service_area_id UUID Required
service_start_date Unix Timestamp Required Date at which this service area became effective
service_end_date Unix Timestamp Required Date at which this service area was replaced. If currently effective, place NaN
service_area MultiPolygon Required
prior_service_area UUID Optional If exists, the UUID of the prior service area.
replacement_service_area UUID Optional If exists, the UUID of the service area that replaced this one

Enum Definitions

For reason_code, options are:

  • rebalancing
  • maintenance

For message options are:

  • 200: OK
  • 201: Created
  • 202: Accepted
  • 240: Parking NOT enforced for this location
  • 241: Parking enforced for this location