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Note Taking API

Usage with docker

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone


    git clone
  2. Change directory

    cd note-taking-app
  3. update the env file with proper Leave it if you want, default values should work

    cp .env.example .env
  4. ensure is executable

    chmod +x
  5. Build images and run containers

    docker-compose up -d
  6. Create and Sync database (already run with container up)

    docker exec -it note-taking-node npm run db:sync
  7. Access API at

  8. Access docker logs

    docker logs -f note-taking-node
  9. To run test

    docker exec -it note-taking-node npm run test

Usage without docker

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone


    git clone
  2. Make sure you have MySQL database and Redis server installed

  3. Change directory

    cd note-taking-app
  4. Update the env file with proper variables

    cp .env.example .env
  5. Install npm dependencies

    npm install
  6. create and Sync database

    npm run db:sync
  7. To run tests

    npm run test
  8. To run app

    npm start
  9. Access API at


API Documentations and Collections

  • You can access swagger API docs at http://localhost:3000/v1/docs
  • or you can use the Postman collection which includes all the different response examples
  • Click on the image to download the collection


Break down the task requirements


  • used Sequlize orm with MySQL database.
  • defined two models for Note and User.
  • used sync to migrate and update the status of database tables and schema, I could used migration files as best practice to keep the state of the database changes but for simplicity I went for the sync command
  • i could use models associations and query notes on user instance but i keep it simple by query notes with user_id

database schema :

  • users table with id as primary key and a unique index on emails
  • notes table with id primary key and user_id as foreign key and unique composite index on (user_id, title)



for API endpoints :

  • implemented the following
Auth Endpoints
Method URL Description
GET /v1/auth/me Retrieve logged in user data.
POST /v1/auth/login Login with email and password.
POST /v1/auth/register Register as new user.
Notes Endpoints
Method URL Description
GET /v1/notes Retrieve all user notes.
GET /v1/notes/:id Retrieve user note by id.
POST /v1/notes Create a new note.
PATCH /v1/notes/:id Update a note.
DELETE /v1/notes/:id Delete a note.


  • used Redis to cache most accessed notes

  • used read through strategy

    In a real-world scenario, I will handle cache in more smart ways, like adding expiring time or setting max memory for say 100 mb and set evection policy allkeys_lru to delete lease recently used notes


  • used JWT simple tokens with an expiration time, to handle authentication in a stateless manner

    In a real-world scenario, I will go for short_life access tokens and long_life refresh tokens, for example, using passport lib, it's more secure and standarized

  • For logout, I didn't implement it as it is not part of the assessment scope

    In real world scenario I will handle it by invoking the token either by keeping its state in the database and checking for existence on validate or remove it on logout If I need to keep it stateless and don't keep track of tokens, all I need to do is store only blacklisted tokens, When validating check if not blacklisted and when logout add a token to the blacklist store (redis for example)


  • Used Joi lib to define validation schemas
  • Defined a validator middleware to validate schemas against request body, params, and queries

Dockerizing the application

  • I create a Dockerfile for the application's main image, it is a node image with installed npm dependencies and application data
  • used Redis' latest official image
  • used MySQL's latest official image
  • Create a docker-compose file for the stack to run 1 container of each image, two named volumes for datastores data, one bridge network for all stack
  • created bash script to wait for mysql server ready then sync database and run nodejs server

Unit tests

  • I used Jest to write unit and integration tests


  • you can see coverage report at coverage/index.html after running

      npm run coverage


     docker exec -it note-taking-node npm run coverage


  • I used GitHub actions to write a simple ci pipeline to ensure code linting and pass tests
  • I didn't write a cd pipeline, I couldn't find the proper environment or server to deploy (free Heroku Dynos are gone 😭)


Design patterns

  • singleton pattern

    • Node modules by default implement a singleton pattern, it caches the module on the first import/require then uses the same instance on every upcoming import/require

    • So we don't actually need to apply this pattern for say logger but let's rebuild it to implement the actual pattern I rebuilt it (but not used) in src/config/singletonLogger.js and covered both singleton and commonJs modules with two test cases

  • Factory method pattern

    • I didn't find a need to do the factory method but I made some edits to make a proof of concept of the pattern
    • First, i added two new columns to the notes table to distinguish between work and personal notes
    • then added data object classes for each work and personal that both inherit from note to extend shared behavior
    • then added note factory to return the correct dto based on the type
    • then consumed this factory in the note create and update service to return correct data based on note type before persisting it on the database

Built With

  • Node (v20.5)
  • Express (4.17)
  • MySQL (8.0)
  • Redis (7.0)


  • Read and analyze task doc
  • boilerplate and init new express app and setup initial configs
  • dockerize application stack
  • setup mysql database
  • create database models and sync them
  • add logger
  • create users register/login API endpoints
  • Create user notes API endpoints
  • add caching for notes endpoint
  • Add swagger and postman documentation
  • Write unit and integration tests using jest
  • add a singleton design pattern
  • add factory design pattern
  • optimize and refactor the code
  • create CI pipeline using GitHub actions
  • finalize readme file