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Vladimir Dybenko edited this page Oct 31, 2015 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the civilsbudget wiki!

Hi :) My name is Vladimir Dybenko. I am happy to share my idea with you. We build a new principles in government management. The first principle is direct voting for initiatives. This application helps to implement a direct voting for the projects. Let's create a civil oriented world together!

How it works

Roles: Voter, Project Owner, Observers, Admins

Admin create a new set of projects and define

  • title,
  • description,
  • location (it could be country, region,city/village, a district of the city or street)
  • start date and finish date for voting,
  • rules of voting (One choice, multiple choice)
  • ulr on detailed rules of contest
  • and rules for author of projects (anyone, only someone who matched to location). Define observers for this set of project. Public this set of project. All user who are matched to location of set of project will receive notification and rules of this voting.

Project Owner posted a new project into set of projects.

Observer receive notification about new project. Observer approve or disapprove this project for publishing.

How deploy it

Clone repository git clone

Create database

Run script sh and put '3'

Clone this wiki locally