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An Embulk plugin to ingest json records from REST API with transformation by jq.


  • Plugin type: input
  • Resume supported: yes
  • Cleanup supported: yes
  • Guess supported: no


  • scheme: URI Scheme for the endpoint (string, default: "https", allows: "https", "http")
  • host: Hostname or IP address of the endpoint (string, required)
  • port: Port number of the endpoint (integer, optional, allows: 0-65535)
  • path: Path of the endpoint (string, optional)
  • headers: HTTP Headers (array of map, optional, allows: 1 element can contains 1 key-value.)
  • method: HTTP Method (string, default: "GET", allows: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "CONNECT")
  • params: HTTP Request params. This is merged with params for pagenation when the pager option is specified. (array of map, optional, allows: 1 element can contains 1 key-value.)
  • body: HTTP Request body. (json, optional)
  • success_condition: jq filter to check whether the response is succeeded or not. You can use jq to query for the status code and the response body. (string, ".status_code_class == 200")
  • transformer: jq filter to transform the api response json. (string, "[.response_body]")
  • extract_transformed_json_array: If true, the plugin extracts the transformed json array, and ingest them as records. (boolean, default: true)
  • pager: (the following options are acceptable, default: {})
    • initial_params: Additional HTTP Request params that is used the first request. (array of map, optional, allows: 1 element can contains 1 key-value.)
    • next_params: Additional HTTP Request params that is used the subsequent requests. The value is treated as a jq filter to transform the prior response. (array of map, optional, allows: 1 element can contains 1 key-value.)
    • next_body_transformer: jq filter to transform the prior response to the next request body. (string, default: ".request_body")
    • while: jq filter to check whether the pagination is required or not. You can use jq to query for the status code and the response body. (string, "false")
    • interval_millis: Interval in milliseconds between requests. (integer, default: 100)
  • retry: (the following options are acceptable, default: {})
    • condition: jq filter to check whether the response is retryable or not. This condition will be used when it is determined that the response is not succeeded by success_condition_jq. You can use jq to query for the status code and the response body. (string, "true")
    • max_retries: Maximum retries. (integer, default: 7)
    • initial_interval_millis: Initial retry interval in milliseconds. (integer, default: 1000)
    • max_interval_millis: Maximum retries interval in milliseconds. (integer, default: 60000)
  • show_request_body_on_error: Show request body on error. (boolean, default: true)
  • default_timezone: Default timezone. (string, default: "UTC")
  • default_timestamp_format: Default timestamp format. (string, default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")
  • default_date: Default date. (string, default: "1970-01-01")

About the jq filter

The following options accept the jq filter to transform the api response json.

  • success_condition
  • transformer
  • pager/next_params
  • pager/next_body_transformer
  • retry/condition

All of the jq filters transform json that has the same format as the following.

  "request_params": [
    {"name": "foo", "value": "bar"}
  "request_body": {
    "foo": "bar"
  "status_code": 201,
  "status_code_class": 200,
  "response_body": {
    "foo": "bar",
    "results": [
      {"id": 1, "name": "foo"},
      {"id": 2, "name": "bar"}

The response of api is stored as the "response_body" field, so please note that the jq filter definition must start with .response_body in order to perform jq transformations on the API response results.


  type: http_json
  scheme: http
  host: localhost
  port: 8080
  path: /example
  method: GET
  transformer: '.response_body.integerValues'
  success_condition: '.status_code_class == 200'
  type: stdout


Run an example

Firstly, you need to start the mock server.

$ ./example/

then, you run the example.

$ ./gradlew gem
$ embulk run -Ibuild/gemContents/lib -X min_output_tasks=1 example/config.yml

The requested records are shown on the mock server console.

Run tests

$ ./gradlew test


$ ./gradlew gem  # -t to watch change of files and rebuild continuously

Update dependencies locks

$ ./gradlew dependencies --write-locks

Run the formatter

## Just check the format violations
$ ./gradlew spotlessCheck

## Fix the all format violations
$ ./gradlew spotlessApply

Release a new gem

A new tag is pushed, then a new gem will be released. See the Github Action CI Setting.


See. Github Releases
