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EpubTools README

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Tools to facilitate work on EPUBs.


The EPUB file must be uncompressed. Then you can work in his directories.

EpubTools contents (ctrl+shift+P)

  • EpubTools : Insertion nav

    (If a title (<h.>) exists inside the <nav>, it will be preserve.)

    Display a drop list with:

    • TDM : Inserts or modifies table of content in (toc).xhtml or (toc).ncx using the spine of the opf.
      If needed, add id="toc-epubtools-XX" in the titles (<h.>) to create anchors.
    • Page List: Retrieves tags with the epub:type="pagebreak" attribute. Creates or modifies <nav epub:type="page-list"> in the table of contents file (toc).xhtml.
    • Table List: Inserts or modifies a list of <tables>.
    • Illustration List: Inserts or modifies a list of <figure> containing <img>.
    • Audio List: Inserts or modifies a list of <audio>. Retrieves aria-label in the tag otherwise the id.
    • Video List: Inserts or modifies a list of <video>. Retrieves aria-label in the tag otherwise the id.
  • EpubTools: A11Y

    Open a list of tools to improve accessibility (a11y):

  • EpubTools: Manifest

    Rebuilds the manifest in the OPF according to the files in the EPUB. The command must be launched in the .opf file.
    Rename the files with diacritics (e.g.: accents) or space in their names.

  • EpubTools: first <h.> => <title>

    Copy the first title (if any) of each xhtml page into the <title> tag of that page.

  • EpubTools: Problems?

    Displays problems or warnings in the OUTPUT tab:

    • Pages without <h>.
    • Bad hierarchy of titles (e.g., h1 followed by h3 without h2 between them).
    • Issues with <spine> if idref in <itemref> are missing in the <manifest>.
    • <table> without <th>, scope or <thead>
  • EpubTools : <span...>{numPage}</span> => <span {epub:type} />


    <span class="epubTools-numPage-style">{number}</span>

    ... to

     <span id="page{number}" title="{number}" epub:type="pagebreak" role="doc-pagebreak"></span>

    Tip: Use InDesign script epubTools-numPage before export EPUB from InDesign.

EpubTools Configuration (ctrl+,)

  • epub.activerA11ylint

    Activate a11ylint (default true)

  • epub.ancreTDM

    • ajouterAncre (addAnchor): boolean (default: true)
    • nomAncre (nameAnchor): prefix's name of the anchor (default: toc-epubtools)
  • epub.classeTDM

    CSS class applied to the <ol> tag in the TOC (default: ol-toc)

  • epub.coverImage

    Name of the file of the cover image (add properties="cover-image" to this image in <manifest> - default cover)

  • epub.emphaseStyleAChercher (A11yLint)

    Text strings in CSS class names on <span> to check with A11yLint.

    • italique (défaut ["italique","italic"])
    • gras (défaut ["bold", "gras", "strong"])
    • emphase (défaut ["emphase", "emphasis"])

    e.g.: <span class="fancy-italic"> will trigger an alert with a11yLint.

  • epub.emphaseStyleAEviter (A11yLint)

    Text strings to avoid in CSS class names on <span> with epub.emphaseStyleAChercher (default ["no-bold", "no-italique","no-emphase"])

    e.g.: <span class="no-bold-italic"> will NOT trigger an alert with a11yLint.

  • epub.navTDM

    Name of the TOC file (Allow to add properties="nav" to the TOC <item> in <manifest> - défaut : toc)

  • epub.niveauTitre

    Maximum titles level in the TOC generated by EpubTools: Table of contents (default: 3)

  • epub.titreTDM ('title' of the TOC)

    • titre: Text title of the TOC (default: Table des matières)
    • balise: HTML Tag for the title (default: h1)
    • classe: CSS class for the title (default: titre1)
  • epub.styleNumPage

    CSS class to search for EpubTools : <span...>{numPage}</span> => <span {epub:type} />


  • Display issues with <img>:
    • if alt is empty
    • if alt is missing
  • Check if <span> with class italic, bold, etc. => change to <em> ?
  • Check noteref in <sup> => remove <sup>...</sup>
  • aria-label and controls checking in <audio> and <video> tags.