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Deep ONC

Deep Neural Network Classification project for Ocean Networks Canada


The initial setup of this project is based on a few different technologies:

  • VSCode (for Integrated Development Environment)
    • Plugins: ( Can be installed in VSCode )
      • Docker
      • MagicPython
      • Python
      • Python for VSCode
  • Docker ( On my Mac I'm using Docker For Mac )
  • IPython which provides a web-based interactive computing shell for creating notebooks which are essentially markdown + code that can be executed and have results streamed back to the web.

The majority of the project setup is taken care of by our DockerFile which is responsible for defining our base image to be used for our environment. The other component to this setup is the docker-compose file which defines how to spin up the images and wire them together. We're pulling from this Deep Learning image and then just upgrading a few packages.

Docker Compose Structure

Our application consists of two services:

  • Jupyter
    • mounts in our ./notebooks directory within the container at /notebooks
    • mounts a shared volume at /tensorboard where we will direct tensorflow logs to be processed by the Tensorboard service below
    • Starts up the Jupyter service (running on port 8080) and configures it to point at /notebooks therefore allowing us to persist our notebooks to disk and thus this repository
  • Tensorboard
    • TensorFlow is a deep learning tensor framework that also ships with a visualization platform called Tensorboard
    • This service takes our base container and mounts a shared volume into /tensorboard
    • The Tensorboard service is then started and pointed at the /tensorboard location so that logs generated by our Jupyter service can be processed and output graphically

One other Note, if you need a place to put datasets from within your notebooks, use data/ which in turn will point at {workspaceRoot}/notebooks/data which is part of our .gitignore so that it won't be committed but you can still persist it between instances of containers.


I've updated the shell scripts ( which work well for OSX.

I'm not however on a windows machine so I have neglected fixing up the (dockerTask.ps1) but it should be straightforward to update it to match the shell script.

In order to get up and running in vscode you will want to do the following:

  1. Press ctrl+` to open up a terminal
  2. Type ./ buildAndCompose
    • note that the first time that your do this it will take sometime to build the images
  3. Open up the Jupyter Application ( localhost:8888 )
  4. Open up the Tensorboard App ( localhost:6006 )


This project uses GitBook for building documentation. If you'd like to build the documentation locally, the easiest way to do so is by doing the following:

  • Install gitbook command line tools globally via npm install -g gitbook-cli
  • from the root of the project run the following commands:
    • gitbook install - Installs all of the plugins for the book
    • gitbook serve - Builds and serves up the documentation through a development server
    • Access the docs at http://localhost:4000

Now when you modify markdown files within the docs folder the server will automatically refresh your browser with the updated docs.

Table of contents

In order to add your page to the table of contents, you must add a link to your page within the Summary page see the documentation for more information.


the Glossary can be used for defining terms according to these docs


Gitbook has many plugins available which can be installed by adding them to the book.json file and running gitbook install (if building docs locally of course)

Two plugins have been added to the documentation,

  • Katex which allows for Latex to be used within documentation pages.
  • Graph A simple plugin that I created for rendering graphs and function plots within a docs page

Future Work

This project will be using github to track work see:

West Grid

It looks like West Grid supports a containerization framework called Singularity.

After doing a little digging, it appears that it was designed to handle security in the context of multitenancy on HPC's better than docker's model. It appears that you can create Singularity containers from Docker containers and it will actually pull the file system images down from docker hub. Pretty cool, will try it once we have more things working.


Deep Neural Network Classification project for Ocean Networks Canada







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