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v0.1.26-alpha experimental builds

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Experimental release builds for testing purposes, you probably want 0.1.25 for general use.



Built on Ubuntu 15

This is an experimental Linux self-contained application image based on AppImageKit, it's intent is to be a self-contained binary able to run on any x64 linux distribution.

Includes bundled support for: SoapyAudio, SoapyRemote, SoapyRTLSDR, SoapyRedPitaya, SoapySDRPlay, SoapyHackRF, SoapyBladeRF

Just extract the tgz file and it should appear as an icon in your file browser; you can probably double-click to run or type ./CubicSDR from command line.

Note: RTL-SDR users should just able to just install librtlsdr0 dependency package for udev rules and dvb_ module blacklist files (thanks @piotr-szegda), RTL-SDR libraries are included.


This is a Developer ID (Charles J. Cliffe) signed DMG and APP file; they should pass GateKeeper protection set to "Mac App Store and Identified Developers" so make sure your security settings are NOT set to "Allow From Anywhere" to test this build properly.

This build should work on OSX 10.9 and above.

Note: updated from previous test builds adding back all the usual SDR modules

Please post any issues as I'd like to have both of these experiments confirmed working for the 0.2.0 beta release.


Win64 version with optimizations_and_fixes branch and wxWidgets 3.1.0

Includes bundled support for: SoapyAudio, SoapyRemote, SoapyRTLSDR, SoapySDRPlay, SoapyHackRF, SoapyBladeRF