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Server with serial client bone2 cerbee1

cjdaly edited this page May 6, 2014 · 5 revisions

I have combined the BeagleBone Black, bone2 with the Cerbuino Bee chatter client, cerbee1.

  • cerbee1
    • removed Ethernet module
    • pulling 5V power from bone2
    • using UART on Arduno D0, D1 pins to talk to bone2
    • sending bone2 Napkin key=value sensor data about every 10 seconds
  • bone2
    • 5V, 2A power supply
    • Belkin wifi (discussed here, has been flakey for large transfers like git clone ...)
    • UART listening to cerbee1 sensor data stream
    • UART (and 3V3 power) connected to Sparkfun Serial LCD


This system has now been framed as a computational wall-hanging:
