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Socraticqs2 is the web engine for

Local development environment

To run project locally

make run

To develop/debug project locally

make debug

To build project locally

make build

To run tests:

make test

To stop containers:

make stop

To clean/rm containers:

make rm

To run production/staging environment locally:

make run env=stage

To build production/staging environment locally:

make build env=stage

Build node packages locally:

make local_node


CI/CD configuration is described by .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Current deployment scheme is the following:

  • any commit pushed in development branch is deployed on dev environment
  • any commit pushed in master branch is deployed on stage environment
  • to publish version on production you need to create an annotated tag in format of "vX.X.X" (where X.X.X is version number) and push it to repository.

There is a helper that creates a tag for you:

make version VERSION=vX.X.X

Developer documentation is available at

For a developer / test version to access social-auth, you will need to add the following social-auth keys to settings/ in your development install:

# coding: utf-8






# When we will use email auth we need to define SMTP settings

#We can re-define auth backend(s)
   # 'social.backends.twitter.TwitterOAuth',
   # 'social.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2',
   # '',
   # 'social.backends.linkedin.LinkedinOAuth2',
   # 'social.backends.khanacademy.KhanAcademyOAuth1',
   # 'psa.custom_backends.EmailAuth',

To install requirements:

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Download GeoIp database (run commands in the root of the project):

gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

To run project in Docker:

Go to the root of the project and run this command:

docker-compose up courselets
Here we have 2 docker config files:
  • Dockerfile - runs file
  • Dockerfile-prepare - installs requirements (python libs and so on)
There are a couple of files related to docker. They are:
  • docker-compose.yml - config file
  • - clear *.pyc files and starts web server

New Interactions Features:

  • Multiple Choices Feature
  • Equation Feature
  • Numbers Feature
  • Canvas Feature

Multiple Choices Feature:

How to test this functionality: * setup project * load fixtures from dumpdata/debug-wo-fsm.json * load fixtures from dumpdata/ct_mult_choices.json * open admin UI and create roles for your user and course named test MultChoices * observe Courses Dashboard and you will see test MultChoices course with a couple of cocurselets inside of it. * ..... * Profit!

To create unit with multiple choices:
  • create course, courselet in old UI
  • create thread with kind Question (ORCT)
  • input this text in question text area:
() a
(*) b
() c
() d
Where: not correct answer is empty parenthes () and correct answer is (*)
  • change field sub_kind to Multiple choices
  • save
  • go to New IU and click Courselet Preview to view changes.

Equation Feature:

To create a thread with numbers answer (and grading):
  • create course, courselet (or use existing one) in old UI
  • create thread with kind Question (ORCT)
  • input this text in Question field for example: .. math:: F=mg

Please note that .. and :: are required .. math:: is a prefix to find formulas. * input some text in Answer field * change field sub_kind to Equation * save * go to new UI and click Preview Courselet

Numbers Feature:

To create a thread with numbers answer (and grading):
  • create course, courselet (or use existing one) in old UI
  • create thread with kind Question (ORCT)
  • input this text in Question field for example: 1+1=?
  • input answer in field Answer
  • change field sub_kind to Numbers, also you can enable autograding with Enable autograding checkbox
  • go to answer and change Number value - it's exact answer for this question
  • change and Number max value and Number min value - this is precision.
  • Please note that Number min value <= Number value <= Number max value
  • save
  • go to new UI and click Preview Courselet

Canvas Feature:

To create a thread with canvas answer:
  • create course, courselet (or use existing one) (in old UI)
  • create thread with kind Question (ORCT)
  • input this text in Question field for example: Paint number 1
  • change field sub_kind to Canvas
  • you also can upload image that will be used as a back ground for space where user will draw image
  • save
  • go to new UI and click Preview Courselet

Quality check

We can check code quality using ./ {pep8|pylint} {lti|psa|fsm|ct|mysite|all} script. We encourage you to run this script before each commit.

Feature Switches

We can switch on and switch off different features. By default all features are switched off. Here's a list of switches:

  • ctms_invite_students - to invite user as a student
  • live_session_enabled - to enable button "Live session"
  • menu_activity_center_link_enabled - to enable activity center link in top menu
  • add_unit_by_chat - to enable add unit by chat feature in CTMS
  • ctms_bp_courseletes_enabled - to enable button "Best Practices" for courselet in sidebar
  • ctms_onboarding_enabled - to enable Get Started page

GitLab configuration

Need to set following secret variables: * DOCKER_IMG_NAME * DOCKER_PASSWORD * DOCKER_USERNAME

Instructor Agreement

When user tries to go to CTMS page, but has no Instructor instance attached, user will not see page but will see the error message. Error 404, because user's who are not instructor has no access to this part of site.

That's why we created new page named Instructor Agreement, which should be added through admin CMS with custom content.

  • Go to /admin/cms/page
  • Create new page named Instructor Agreement (or with any other name, but remember URL to this page)
  • Open mysite/settings/ file and check BECOME_INSTRUCTOR_URL.
  • BECOME_INSTRUCTOR_URL must be the same as URL of Instructor Agreement page.
  • Reload server.

SES configuration

fill the following settings in order to have ability to send emails AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '' AWS_SES_REGION_NAME = '' AWS_SES_REGION_ENDPOINT = ''

Best Practices

Practice exam sample calculation config

  "bp_student_number": {
    "max": 500,
    "min": 0,
    "step": 1,
    "type": "number",
    "label": "How many student do you have in class?",
    "default": "200",
    "order": 0
  "average_score": {
    "max": 100,
    "min": 0,
    "step": 1,
    "type": "number",
    "label": "What is the mean is percent score on a typical exam?",
    "default": "72",
    "subtype": "percent",
    "order": 1
  "question_parts": {
    "max": 200,
    "min": 0,
    "step": 1,
    "type": "number",
    "label": "How many question-parts do you have in a typical exam?",
    "default": "24",
    "label_explanation": "e.g. 8 questions with 3 parts each = 24",
    "order": 2
  "misconception_a_day": {
    "max": 500,
    "min": 0,
    "step": 1,
    "type": "number",
    "label": "How many individual student misconception do you fix in a typical exam?",
    "default": "5",
    "order": 3

Field attributes

type: Field type (number, string, date)
order: order in the field list
min: min number value
max: max number value
step: step to increase/decrease number value
label: input value
label_explanation: additional text for label_explanation
default: default value