LaTeX sources for articles on my website.
If you want to compile these from source, or otherwise use my style file:
Put cjquines.sty somewhere where LaTeX can see it. The same folder as the .tex file will work, but you can also put it somewhere more permanent.
You might need to install some LaTeX packages. The ones that you might not have installed by default are asymptote, fontawesome5, and relsize.
If you want to compile diagrams, you'll need Asymptote. Then cse5.asy, and olympiad.asy in the same folder as the .tex file, or somewhere more permanent.
Some notes on cjquines.sty:
You almost always want to use it with KOMA-script, with the
, andscrreprt
document classes. -
By default, it will change the header, page, title, and theorem styling, define some shortcuts for writing math, and include an Asymptote header.
control page size; the former has wider margins than usual and the latter has thinner margins than usual. -
gives a left-aligned title with a line separating it from the body. -
adds theexboxed
, andthmboxed
environments, for putting examples, exercises, problems, and theorems in boxes. -
makes the document spaced with spaces after paragraphs rather than paragraph indents. -
removes imported packages and some of their dependencies. -
removes the header, page, title, and theorem styling. -
hides the external link icon for external links. This is the only place fontawesome5 and relsize are used, so you can use this option if these packages aren't available. -
include specific styling for my homework solutions and olympiad papers. -
tightens the spacing of trees made byforest
, and includes helpful macros:
\ex \gll
[\lb{DP} \name{The} ice] will melt \name[t]{$t$.}\\
{} \sc{det} ice will melt {}\\
[the ice,roof,name=t]