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Code base for EIT imaging performed for MATH633 at Colorado State University during Spring 2023

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MATH 633 Windows Instructions

All commands should be run in powershell

Commands to run

Installing git to your Windows device

Step 1: Open powershell and install chocolatey

Run powershell with admin. If it prompts you if you want to continue, say "Y"

Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

choco install git

Step 2: Close Powershell window

Step 3: Install the git repository where you want it

Open new powershell window

Navigate to where you want the code to be stored. If you have spaces in folder names, you need "" around the address. If there are no spaces, "" are not needed

cd "folder address"
(ex: cd "C:\Users\kyler\OneDrive\School\Colorado State\2023\MATH 633")
(ex: cd C:\Users\kyler\OneDrive\School\Colorado_State\2023\MATH_633)

git clone

To do work

Step 1: Setting up workspace

Open up powershell and navigate to the repository that you are working on

cd "file address" 
(ex: cd "C:\Users\kyler\OneDrive\School\Colorado State\2023\MATH 633\MATH633_MedicalImaging")

To pull in latest code (updating your side of things)

git pull 

To see what files are in the current branch


To make a new branch to work in

git checkout -b "name of branch (YourName-branch-name)"
(ex: git checkout -b KylerHoward-forward-solver-v3)

Step 2: Working on the code

Open and edit the files like you normaly would. You can minimize powershell while editing files

Once done, it is good to check what changes have been made

git status

To add your files so they will be updated

git add "file name"

To save your changes

git commit -m "description of edits"

Step 3: Updating your code to the shared repository

To send changes to git hub server. This might pull up a line of command that you need to copy and paste

git push

Go to main git hub repository website to make pull request (

Make a pull request to sync your code to the repository. Someone will hopefully approve it, squash and merge to master, and delete the branch

Go back to the master branch to start again

git checkout master

Start from top again or close powershell


Code base for EIT imaging performed for MATH633 at Colorado State University during Spring 2023






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