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eXerigumo Clanjor (哆啦比猫) committed Oct 27, 2012
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Showing 20 changed files with 371 additions and 12 deletions.
201 changes: 190 additions & 11 deletions latex/advanced_character_physics/acp.latex
Expand Up @@ -14,11 +14,14 @@


% Will this produce better-looking document?
% Will these produce better-looking document?

%%% Commands
Expand All @@ -42,6 +45,18 @@

\newcommand{\SUBFIGDRAW}[3]{ % label, caption, drawing commands
%\draw[step=0.25cm,color=gray] (-4,-4) grid (4,4);

\newcommand{\DRAWX}[3]{ % x, y, size
\draw (#1-#3,#2-#3) -- (#1+#3, #2+#3);
\draw (#1-#3,#2+#3) -- (#1+#3, #2-#3);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,7 +195,7 @@ experience on implementing friction etc. Finally, in \SEC{sec:conclusion}
a brief conclusion.

In the following, $\vec{v}$ indicates vectors. Vector components are
indexed by using subscript, i.e., $\vec{x}=(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3})$.
indexed by using subscript, i.e., $\vec{x}=(x_1, x_2, x_3)$.


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,7 +223,7 @@ velocity, we store its current position $\vec{x}$ and its previous
position $\vec{x}''$. Keeping the time step fixed, the update rule
(or integration step) is then

$$\vec{x}' = 2\cdot\vec{x} - \vec{x}'' + \vec{a}\cdot\Delta{t}^{2}$$
$$\vec{x}' = 2\cdot\vec{x} - \vec{x}'' + \vec{a}\cdot\Delta{t}^2$$
$$\vec{x}'' = \vec{x}$$

This is called Verlet integration\cite{Verlet} and is used intensely when
Expand All @@ -221,7 +236,7 @@ $\vec{x}-\vec{x}''$ is an approximation of the current velocity (actually,
it's the distance traveled last time step). It is not always very accurate
(energy might leave the system, i.e., dissipate) but it's fast and stable.
By changing the update rule to something like
a small amount of drag can also be introduced to the system.

At the end of each step, for each particle the current position $\vec{x}$
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +416,7 @@ that should be satisfied at all times:

0 \le x_{i} \le 1000, \forall i \in \{1,2,3\}
0 \le x_i \le 1000, \forall i \in \{1,2,3\}

In the example, constraints were satisfied (that is, particles are kept
Expand All @@ -420,14 +435,14 @@ exactly so strong and suitably damped that instantly they will attain
their rest length zero.

We now extend the experiment to model a stick of length 100. We do this
by setting up two individual particles (with positions $\vec{x}_{1}$ and
$\vec{x}_{2}$) and then require them to be a distance of 100 apart.
by setting up two individual particles (with positions $\vec{x}_1$ and
$\vec{x}_2$) and then require them to be a distance of 100 apart.
Expressed mathematically, we get the following bilateral (equality)

|{\vec{x}_{2} - \vec{x}_{1}}| = 100
|{\vec{x}_2 - \vec{x}_1}| = 100

Although the particles might be correctly placed initially, after one
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,7 +484,7 @@ x2 -= delta*0.5*diff;


Note that \texttt{delta} is a vector so \texttt{delta*delta} is actually
Note that \texttt{delta} is a vector so \texttt{delta * delta} is actually
a dot product. With \texttt{restlength=100} the above pseudo-code will
push apart or pull together the particles such that they once more attain
the correct distance of 100 between them. Again we may think of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,7 +602,7 @@ constraint expression ought to be, namely the rest length $r$ of the
corresponding stick. We can use this fact to approximate the square root
function. Mathematically, what we do is approximate the square root
function by its 1st order Taylor-expansion at a neighborhood of the
squared rest length $r^{2}$ (this is equivalent to one Newton-Raphson
squared rest length $r^2$ (this is equivalent to one Newton-Raphson
iteration with initial guess $r$). After some rewriting, we obtain the
following pseudo-code:

Expand All @@ -605,7 +620,7 @@ $|\texttt{delta}|=\texttt{restlength}$), then one gets
$\texttt{delta}=(0,0,0)$ and no change is going to happen.

Per constraint we now use zero square roots, one division only, and the
squared value \texttt{restlength*restlength} can even be precalculated!
squared value \texttt{restlength * restlength} can even be precalculated!
The usage of time consuming operations is now down to N divisions per
frame (and the corresponding memory accesses) --- it can't be done much
faster than that and the result even looks quite nice. Actually, in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,6 +668,170 @@ speed-up.
\section{Rigid Bodies}

The equations governing motion of rigid bodies were discovered long
before the invention of modern computers. To be able to say anything
useful at that time, mathematicians needed the ability to manipulate
expressions symbolically. In the theory of rigid bodies, this lead to
useful notions and tools such as inertia tensors, angular momentum,
torque, quaternions for representing orientations etc. However, with the
current ability to process huge amounts of data numerically, it has
become feasible and in some cases even advantageous to break down
calculations to simpler elements when running a simulation. In the case
of 3D rigid bodies, this could mean modeling a rigid body by four
particles and six constraints (giving the correct amount of degrees of
freedom, $4\times3-6=6$). This simplifies a lot of aspects and it's
exactly what we will do in the following.

Consider a tetrahedron and place a particle at each of the four vertices.
In addition, for each of the six edges on the tetrahedron create a
distance constraint like the stick constraint discussed in the previous
section. This is actually enough to simulate a rigid body. The
tetrahedron can be let loose inside the cube world from earlier and the
Verlet integrator will let it move correctly. The function
\texttt{SatisfyConstraints()} should take care of two things: 1) That
particles are kept inside the cube (like previously), and 2) That the
six distance constraints are satisfied. Again, this can be done using
the relaxation approach; 3 or 4 iterations should be enough with
optional square root approximation.

Now clearly, in general rigid bodies do not behave like tetrahedrons
collision-wise (although they might do so kinetically). There is also
another problem: Presently, collision detection between the rigid body
and the world exterior is on a vertex-only basis, that is, if a vertex
is found to be outside the world it is projected inside again. This
works fine as long as the inside of the world is convex. If the world
were non-convex then the tetrahedron and the world exterior could
actually penetrate each other without any of the tetrahedron vertices
being in an illegal region (see \FIG{fig:tetpene} where the triangle
represents the 2D analogue of the tetrahedron). This problem is handled
in the following.

\FIGDRAW{fig:tetpene}{A tetrahedron penetrating the world.}{
\draw (-1, -1) -- (-0.3, -1) -- (0, -0.5) -- (0.3, -1)
-- (1, -1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- cycle;
\draw (0, 0) -- (-0.5, -0.8) -- (0.5, -0.8) -- cycle;

We'll first consider a simpler version of the problem. Consider the
stick example from earlier and assume that the world exterior has a
small bump on it. The stick can now penetrate the world exterior without
any of the two stick particles leaving the world (see
\FIG{fig:colstick}). We won't go into the intricacies of constructing a
collision detection engine since this is a science in itself. Instead we
assume that there is a subsystem available which allows us to detect the
collision. Furthermore we assume that the subsystem can reveal to us the
penetration depth and identify the penetration points on each of the two
colliding objects. (One definition of penetration points and penetration
depth goes like this: The penetration distance $d_p$ is the shortest
distance that would prevent the two objects from penetrating if one were
to translate one of the objects by the distance $d_p$ in a suitable
direction. The penetration points are the points on each object that
just exactly touch the other object after the aforementioned translation
has taken place.)

\SUBFIGDRAW{fig:colstick-a}{Colliding stick I.}{
\draw (-1, -1) -- (-0.3, -1) -- (0, -0.5) -- (0.3, -1)
-- (1, -1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- cycle;
\node at (0, -1.2) {$\vec{p}(\vec{x}_1)$};
\node at (0.35, -0.75) {$\vec{q}$};
\draw (0, -0.8) -- (0.5, 0);
\node at (0.7, 0.2) {$\vec{x}_2$};
\SUBFIGDRAW{fig:colstick-b}{Colliding stick II.}{
\draw (-1, -1) -- (-0.3, -1) -- (0, -0.5) -- (0.3, -1)
-- (1, -1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- cycle;
\node at (0, -1.2) {$\vec{p}$};
\node at (0, -0.25) {$\vec{q}$};
\draw (-0.4, -0.8) -- (0.8, -0.8);
\node at (-0.4, -0.6) {$\vec{x}_1$};
\node at (0.8, -0.6) {$\vec{x}_2$};
\caption{Colliding stick.}\label{fig:colstick}

Take a look again at \FIG{fig:colstick}. Here the stick has moved through
the bump after the Verlet step. The collision engine has identified the
two points of penetration, $\vec{p}$ and $\vec{q}$. In
\FIG{fig:colstick-a}, $\vec{p}$ is actually identical to the position of
particle 1, i.e., $\vec{p}=\vec{x}_1$. In \FIG{fig:colstick-b},
$\vec{p}$ lies between $\vec{x}_1$ and $\vec{x}_2$ at a position
$\frac{1}{4}$ of the stick length from $\vec{x}_1$. In both cases, the
point $\vec{p}$ lies on the stick and consequently it can be expressed
as a linear combination of $\vec{x}_1$ and $\vec{x}_2$,
$\vec{p}=c_1\cdot\vec{x}_1+c_2\cdot\vec{x}_2$ such that $c_1+c_2=1$. In
the first case, $c_1=1$ and $c_2=0$, in the second case, $c_1=0.75$ and
$c_2=0.25$. These values tell us how much we should move the
corresponding particles.

To fix the invalid configuration of the stick, it should be moved upwards
somehow. Our goal is to avoid penetration by moving $\vec{p}$ to the same
position as $\vec{q}$. We do this by adjusting the positions of the two
particles $\vec{x}_1$ and $\vec{x}_2$ in the direction of the vector
between $\vec{p}$ and $\vec{q}$, $\vec{\Delta}=\vec{q}-\vec{p}$.

In the first case, we simply project $\vec{x}_1$ out of the invalid
region like earlier (in the direction of $\vec{q}$) and that's it
($\vec{x}_2$ is not touched). In the second case, $\vec{p}$ is still
nearest to $\vec{x}_1$ and one might reason that consequently $\vec{x}_1$
should be moved more than $\vec{x}_2$. Actually, since
$\vec{p}=0.75\cdot\vec{x}_1+0.25\cdot\vec{x}_2$, we will choose to move
$\vec{x}_1$ by an amount of 0.75 each time we move $\vec{x}_2$ by an
amount of 0.25. In other words, the new particle positions $\vec{x}_1'$
and $\vec{x}_2'$ are given by the expressions

$$\vec{x}_1' = \vec{x}_1 + 0.75\cdot\lambda\cdot\vec{\Delta}$$
\vec{x}_2' = \vec{x}_2 + 0.25\cdot\lambda\cdot\vec{\Delta}

where $\lambda$ is some unknown value. The new position of $\vec{p}$
after moving both particles is

Recall that we want $\vec{p}'=\vec{q}$, i.e., we should choose $\lambda$
exactly such that $\vec{p}'$ ends up coinciding with $\vec{q}$. Since we
move the particles only in the direction of $\vec{\Delta}$, also
$\vec{p}$ moves in the direction of $\vec{\Delta}$ and consequently the
solution to the equation $\vec{p}'=\vec{q}$ can be found by solving

\vec{p}'\cdot\vec{\Delta} = \vec{q}\cdot\vec{\Delta}

for $\lambda$. Expanding the left-hand side yields:

\vec{p}'\cdot\vec{\Delta} &=
(0.75\cdot\vec{x}_1'+0.25\cdot\vec{x}_2')\cdot\vec{\Delta} \\
&= (0.75\cdot(\vec{x}_1 + 0.75\cdot\lambda\cdot\vec{\Delta}) +
0.25\cdot(\vec{x}_2 + 0.25\cdot\lambda\cdot\vec{\Delta}))
\cdot\vec{\Delta} \\
&= (0.75\cdot\vec{x}_1 + 0.25\cdot\vec{x}_2)\cdot\vec{\Delta} +
\lambda\cdot(0.75^2 + 0.25^2 )\cdot\vec{\Delta}^2 \\
&= \vec{p}\cdot\vec{\Delta} +
\lambda\cdot(0.75^2 + 0.25^2)\cdot\vec{\Delta}^2

which together with the right-hand side of \EQN{eqn:colsolve} gives

\lambda=\frac{(\vec{q} - \vec{p})\cdot\vec{\Delta}}
{(0.75^2 + 0.25^2 )\cdot\vec{\Delta}^2}

Plugging $\lambda$ into \EQN{eqn:colnewpos} gives us the new positions
of the particles for which $\vec{p}'$ coincide with $\vec{q}$.


Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ sub calc {

# satisfy constraints
foreach (1..10) {
foreach (1..1) {
foreach my $i (0..$#ps) {
con_cube $ps[$i], 0, 400, 0, 400;
Expand Down
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50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions perl/perl_vector/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# see

use strict;
use warnings;
use vector;

use SDL;
use SDL::Event;
use SDLx::App;

my $app = SDLx::App->new(
width => 400,
height => 400,
title => 'Cloth');

#$app->add_move_handler (\&move);
$app->add_show_handler (\&render);

sub event {
my $event = shift;
my $controller = shift;
$controller->stop if $event->type == SDL_QUIT;
if ($event->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
# $target->{x} = $event->button_x;
# $target->{y} = $event->button_y;

sub init

sub drawp {
# my $p = shift;
# $app->draw_circle_filled([$p->{x}, $p->{y}], 2, [255, 0, 0, 255]);

sub render {
# my ($delta, $app) = @_;
# $app->draw_rect([0, 0, $app->w, $app->h], 0); # clear screen
# foreach my $i (0..$#ps) {
# drawp $ps[$i];
# }

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