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[#3229] Serve the action API under Flask
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Move all relevant code from the api controller. The main changes are on
`_get_request_data`, to adapt it to the way Flask handles the incoming
request data.
  • Loading branch information
amercader committed Sep 2, 2016
1 parent 64f6b5f commit 621763f
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Showing 2 changed files with 246 additions and 8 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions ckan/config/
Expand Up @@ -131,12 +131,6 @@ def make_map():
register_list_str = '|'.join(register_list)

# /api ver 3 or none
with SubMapper(map, controller='api', path_prefix='/api{ver:/3|}',
ver='/3') as m:
m.connect('/action/{logic_function}', action='action',

# /api ver 1, 2, 3 or none
with SubMapper(map, controller='api', path_prefix='/api{ver:/1|/2|/3|}',
ver='/1') as m:
Expand Down
248 changes: 246 additions & 2 deletions ckan/views/
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,16 @@
import cgi
import logging

from flask import Blueprint, request, make_response
from flask import Blueprint, make_response
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest

from ckan.common import json
import ckan.model as model
from ckan.common import json, _, g, request
from ckan.lib.helpers import url_for

from ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions import DataError
from ckan.logic import get_action, ValidationError, NotFound, NotAuthorized
from import SearchError, SearchIndexError, SearchQueryError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,20 +91,257 @@ def _finish_ok(response_data=None,
return _finish(status_int, response_data, content_type, headers)

def _finish_not_authz(extra_msg=None):
response_data = _(u'Access denied')
if extra_msg:
response_data = u'%s - %s' % (response_data, extra_msg)
return _finish(403, response_data, u'json')

def _finish_not_found(extra_msg=None):
response_data = _(u'Not found')
if extra_msg:
response_data = u'%s - %s' % (response_data, extra_msg)
return _finish(404, response_data, u'json')

def _finish_bad_request(extra_msg=None):
response_data = _(u'Bad request')
if extra_msg:
response_data = u'%s - %s' % (response_data, extra_msg)
return _finish(400, response_data, u'json')

def _wrap_jsonp(callback, response_msg):
return u'{0}({1});'.format(callback, response_msg)

def _get_request_data(try_url_params=False):
u'''Returns a dictionary, extracted from a request.
If there is no data, None or "" is returned.
ValueError will be raised if the data is not a JSON-formatted dict.
The data is retrieved as a JSON-encoded dictionary from the request
body. Or, if the `try_url_params` argument is True and the request is
a GET request, then an attempt is made to read the data from the url
parameters of the request.
If try_url_params is False, then the data_dict is read from the
request body.
If try_url_params is True and the request is a GET request then the
data is read from the url parameters. The resulting dict will only
be 1 level deep, with the url-param fields being the keys. If a
single key has more than one value specified, then the value will
be a list of strings, otherwise just a string.
def make_unicode(entity):
u'''Cast bare strings and strings in lists or dicts to Unicode. '''
if isinstance(entity, str):
return unicode(entity)
elif isinstance(entity, list):
new_items = []
for item in entity:
return new_items
elif isinstance(entity, dict):
new_dict = {}
for key, val in entity.items():
new_dict[key] = make_unicode(val)
return new_dict
return entity

def mixed(multi_dict):
u'''Return a dict with values being lists if they have more than one
item or a string otherwise
out = {}
for key, value in multi_dict.to_dict(flat=False).iteritems():
out[key] = value[0] if len(value) == 1 else value
return out

if not try_url_params and request.method == u'GET':
raise ValueError(u'Invalid request. Please use POST method '
'for your request')

request_data = {}
if request.method == u'POST' and request.form:
if (len(request.form.values()) == 1 and
request.form.values()[0] in [u'1', u'']):
request_data = json.loads(request.form.keys()[0])
except ValueError, e:
raise ValueError(
u'Error decoding JSON data. '
'Error: %r '
'JSON data extracted from the request: %r' %
(e, request_data))
request_data = mixed(request.form)
elif request.args and try_url_params:
request_data = mixed(request.args)
elif ( and != u'' and
request.content_type != u'multipart/form-data'):
request_data = request.get_json()
except BadRequest, e:
raise ValueError(u'Error decoding JSON data. '
'Error: %r '
'JSON data extracted from the request: %r' %
(e, request_data))
if not isinstance(request_data, dict):
raise ValueError(u'Request data JSON decoded to %r but '
'it needs to be a dictionary.' % request_data)
if request_data:
# ensure unicode values
for key, val in request_data.items():
# if val is str then assume it is ascii, since json converts
# utf8 encoded JSON to unicode
request_data[key] = make_unicode(val)
log.debug(u'Request data extracted: %r', request_data)
return request_data

# View functions

def action(logic_function, ver=API_DEFAULT_VERSION):
u'''Main endpoint for the action API (v3)
Creates a dict with the incoming request data and calls the appropiate
logic function. Returns a JSON response with the following keys:
* ``help``: A URL to the docstring for the specified action
* ``success``: A boolean indicating if the request was successful or
an exception was raised
* ``result``: The output of the action, generally an Object or an Array

# Check if action exists
function = get_action(logic_function)
except KeyError:
msg = u'Action name not known: {0}'.format(logic_function)
return _finish_bad_request(msg)

context = {u'model': model, u'session': model.Session, u'user': g.user,
u'api_version': ver, u'auth_user_obj': g.userobj}
model.Session()._context = context

return_dict = {u'help': url_for(u'api.action',

# Get the request data
side_effect_free = getattr(function, u'side_effect_free', False)

request_data = _get_request_data(
except ValueError, inst:'Bad Action API request data: %s', inst)
return _finish_bad_request(
_(u'JSON Error: %s') % inst)
if not isinstance(request_data, dict):
# this occurs if request_data is blank'Bad Action API request data - not dict: %r',
return _finish_bad_request(
_(u'Bad request data: %s') %
u'Request data JSON decoded to %r but '
u'it needs to be a dictionary.' % request_data)
if u'callback' in request_data:
del request_data[u'callback']
g.user = None
g.userobj = None
context[u'user'] = None
context[u'auth_user_obj'] = None

# Call the action function, catch any exception
result = function(context, request_data)
return_dict[u'success'] = True
return_dict[u'result'] = result
except DataError, e:'Format incorrect (Action API): %s - %s',
e.error, request_data)
return_dict[u'error'] = {u'__type': u'Integrity Error',
u'message': e.error,
u'data': request_data}
return_dict[u'success'] = False
return _finish(400, return_dict, content_type=u'json')
except NotAuthorized, e:
return_dict[u'error'] = {u'__type': u'Authorization Error',
u'message': _(u'Access denied')}
return_dict[u'success'] = False

if unicode(e):
return_dict[u'error'][u'message'] += u': %s' % e

return _finish(403, return_dict, content_type=u'json')
except NotFound, e:
return_dict[u'error'] = {u'__type': u'Not Found Error',
u'message': _(u'Not found')}
if unicode(e):
return_dict[u'error'][u'message'] += u': %s' % e
return_dict[u'success'] = False
return _finish(404, return_dict, content_type=u'json')
except ValidationError, e:
error_dict = e.error_dict
error_dict[u'__type'] = u'Validation Error'
return_dict[u'error'] = error_dict
return_dict[u'success'] = False
# CS nasty_string ignore'Validation error (Action API): %r', str(e.error_dict))
return _finish(409, return_dict, content_type=u'json')
except SearchQueryError, e:
return_dict[u'error'] = {u'__type': u'Search Query Error',
u'message': u'Search Query is invalid: %r' %
return_dict[u'success'] = False
return _finish(400, return_dict, content_type=u'json')
except SearchError, e:
return_dict[u'error'] = {u'__type': u'Search Error',
u'message': u'Search error: %r' % e.args}
return_dict[u'success'] = False
return _finish(409, return_dict, content_type=u'json')
except SearchIndexError, e:
return_dict[u'error'] = {
u'__type': u'Search Index Error',
u'message': u'Unable to add package to search index: %s' %
return_dict[u'success'] = False
return _finish(500, return_dict, content_type=u'json')

return _finish_ok(return_dict)

def get_api(ver=1):
u'''Root endpoint for the API, returns the version number'''

response_data = {
u'version': ver
return _finish_ok(response_data)

# Routing

api.add_url_rule(u'/', view_func=get_api, strict_slashes=False)
api.add_url_rule(u'/<int(min=1, max={0}):ver>'.format(API_MAX_VERSION),
view_func=get_api, strict_slashes=False)

api.add_url_rule(u'/action/<logic_function>', methods=[u'GET', u'POST'],
api.add_url_rule(u'/<int(min=3, max={0}):ver>/action/<logic_function>'.format(
methods=[u'GET', u'POST'],

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